TEMA 5: En las noticias, CAPÍTULO 5B

Unit theme: Un accidente

Context for the Integrated Performance Assessment: Next month is “Accident Prevention Month” in your community. The local fire department wants to publish a brochure in Spanish on how to avoid accidents at home and in the neighborhood. They want to include descriptions of personal accidents in the brochure hoping that these descriptions will help others avoid similar accidents. The fire department has asked your class to help by submitting descriptions of accidents that have happened to you.
Interpretive Task: Watch the Videohistoria: ¡El pobrecito soy yo! from Realidades 2, DVD 3, Capítulo 5B and listen as Raúl describes an accident that happened to him. What was he doing when the accident happened? How did it happen? Was he injured? What happened to him afterwards? Now think about an accident that happened to you and write a brief description in Spanish of what happened. Include the same kind of details that Raúl gave.
Interpersonal Task: Describe your accident to a group of 2 or 3 students in your class. Listen as they describe their accidents. Discuss advice you want to suggest to others so that they don’t have the same kind of accident.
Presentational Task: Write a description of your accident and send it to the fire department so that they can include it in their brochure. Be sure to include the advice you have for others so that they won’t have the same kind of accident.

Assessment Rubrics

Interpersonal Task Rubric

Score: 1
Does not meet expectations / Score: 3
Meets expectations / Score: 5
Exceeds expectations
Language Use / Student uses little or no target language and relies heavily on native language word order. / Student uses the target language consistently, but may mix native and target language word order. / Student uses the target language exclusively and integrates target language word order into conversation.
Vocabulary Use / Student uses limited and repetitive language. / Student uses only recently acquired vocabulary. / Student uses both recently and previously acquired vocabulary.

Presentational Task Rubric

Score: 1
Does not meet expectations / Score: 3
Meets expectations / Score: 5
Exceeds expectations
Amount of Communication / Student gives limited or no details or examples. / Student gives adequate details or examples. / Student gives consistent details or examples.
Accuracy / Student’s accuracy with vocabulary and structures is limited. / Student’s accuracy with vocabulary and structures is adequate. / Student’s accuracy with vocabulary and structures is exemplary.
Comprehensibility / Student’s ideas lack clarity and are difficult to understand. / Student’s ideas are adequately clear and fairly well understood. / Student’s ideas are precise and easily understood.
Vocabulary Use / Student uses limited and repetitive vocabulary. / Student uses only recently acquired vocabulary. / Student uses both recently and previously acquired vocabulary.

Tema 5, Capítulo 5B

Integrated Performance Assessment, page 1

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