FY18AgriculturalLandEasementParcel Eligibility and Ranking
Fiscal YearLandowner Name and Address
Eligible entities names and addresses
Parcel Location: Locality (Town/Township):
County: State:
Are all landowners of record AGI eligible? (Y/N)
Are all landowners of record HEL eligible? (Y/N)
Are all landowners of record WC eligible? (Y/N)
NRCS employee confirming landowner eligibility:
Name: Signature:
Is the entity eligible? (Y/N)
NRCS employee confirming entity eligibility:
Name: Signature:
Does the eligible entity have a written pending offer for the parcel? (Y/N)
NRCS employee confirming written pending offer:
Name: Signature:
Does the land (enter a response for each):
______Have 50-percent prime, unique, and important farmland? (Y/N)
______Have historical or archeological resources? (Y/N)
______Protect grazing uses and related conservation values by restoring and conserving land? (Y/N)
______Have land that supports the policy of a State or local farm and ranch land protection program? (Y/N)
Is the land eligible? (Y/N)
Which land eligibility criteria is the land being enrolled under? (Identify only one eligibility category)
NRCS employee confirming land eligibility:
Name: Signature:
Point total:
NATIONAL FACTORS: / Scoring / Max.Points
Percent ofprime,unique,and importantfarmlandintheparcel tobeprotected(
- 0 pointsfor 50 percentorless
- 1 pointsforeverypercentabove 50percent
Percent ofcropland,pastureland,grassland,and rangelandintheparcel to beprotected
- 0 pointsfor 33 percentorless
- 1 pointsforeverypercentabove 33percent
Ratioofthetotalacresofland intheparcel to beprotectedtoaveragefarmsizein thecountyaccordingtothe mostrecent USDACensusofAgriculture(
- 0 pointsfor aratio oflessthan 1
- 10 pointsforratiosof1.0 to 2.0
- 20 pointsforratiosofgreaterthan2.0
Decreaseinthe percentage ofacreage offarmlandinthecountyin whichtheparcel islocatedbetweenthe last twoUSDACensusesofAgriculture(
- 0 pointsfordecrease of0percent orless
- 15 pointsfordecreasesof1 to 4.9 percent
- 20 pointsfordecrease of5to 9.9 percent
- 15 pointsfordecreasesof10 to 14.9percent
- 0 pointsfordecreasesof15 percent ofmore
Percentpopulationgrowthin thecountyasdocumentedbytheUnitedStatesCensus(
- 0 pointsforgrowth rateoflessthanIndiana’sgrowthrate
- 5 pointsforgrowth rateofmorethan 1butlessthan2 timesIndiana’sgrowthrate
- 10 pointsforgrowth rate ofmorethan 2butlessthan3 timesIndiana’sgrowthrate
- 0 pointsforgrowth rateofmorethan 3timesIndiana’sgrowth rate
Populationdensityof thecountywheretheproposedeasementareaislocated(populationpersquaremile)asdocumentedby themostrecentUnitedStatesCensus(
- 0 pointsforlessthan Indiana’spop. density
- 15 pointsformorethan 1but lessthanorequal to 2timesIndiana’spopulationdensity
- 20 pointsformorethan2but lessthanorequal to 3timesIndiana’spopulationdensity
- 0 pointsforpopulationdensityofmorethan 3timesIndiana’spopulationdensity
- 0 pointsforlessthan250acresofprotected landthatiswithinonemileofthe boundaryofthe parcel
- 15 pointsfor 250-500acresofprotectedlandthat iswithin onemileofthe boundaryofthe parcel
- 25 pointsformorethan500acresofprotectedlandthatiswithinonemile ofthe boundaryoftheparcel
Proximityoftheparceltootheragricultural operationsandinfrastructure
- 0 pointsforlessthan250acresofotheragriculturaloperationswithinonemile oftheboundaryofthe parcel
- 15 pointsfor 250-500acresofotheragricultural operationswithinonemile ofthe boundaryoftheparcel
- 25 pointsformorethan500acresofotheragriculturaloperationswithin onemileoftheboundaryofthe parcel
Parcel abilitytomaximizethe protectionofcontiguousacresdevotedtoagricultural use
- 15pointsifparcellinkstwononcontiguouscorridorsofagricultural use
- 5 pointsifparcel expandsagriculture use protectedarea
- 0 pointsifparcel doesnotincreasea protectedagricultural usearea
Parcel currentlyenrolledinaCRPcontractset toexpirewithinayearandisgrasslandthat wouldbenefitfrom protection
- 5 pointsiftheparceliscurrentlyenrolledinCRP
- 0 pointsiftheparcelisNOT enrolledinCRP
The grasslandinthe parcel will benefit from the protectionunderalongtermeasement
- 5 pointsiftheparcel will benefit
- 0 pointsiftheparcel willNOT benefit
Existence ofafarm orranchsuccessionplanorsimilarplanestablishedtoaddressfarmviabilityforfuturegenerations
- 5 pointsifa planisdeveloped
- 0 pointsifnoplanisdeveloped
Additional ConservationValue:Parcel prioritycomparedto otherparcelssubmitted inthe samerankingperiod bythe samecooperatingentity
- 25 pointsforhighestpriorityproject ofthe cooperatingentity
State Additional ConservationValue:Parcel isidentifiedasaHistoricallySignificant
- 25 pointsifon National orStateHistoricRegister
- 15 pointsifparcelholdsstatusasaIndiana Centennial Farm
- 0 pointsfor“no”
State Additional ConservationValue- Habitat protection:Is an area zoned for agricultural use, and provides a buffer around protected lands such as Department of Natural Resource Properties, Nature Preserves, Land Trust Protected Natural Properties, Conservation Easements (
- 50 pointsforadjacent
- 25 pointsforlessthan0.10 mile
- 10 pointsforlessthanorequal0.25 mile
- 0pointsforlessthan500feet
State Additional Conservation Value- Water Quality: Do all surface drains and streams have at least 20 feet of buffer
- 25 points for 100% surface drains and streams buffered
- 15 points for 85% of length of surface drains and streams buffered OR 100% will be buffered within 2 years.
- 10 points for 50% -85% of the length of surface drains and streams buffered
- 5 points for 30-50% of the length of surface drains and streams buffered
- 0 points forless than 30% of the length of surface drains and streams buffered
State Additional: Parcel being offered is at least 40 contiguous acres
- 25 point Yes
- 0 points No
State Additional: Enrollment of parcel will provide diversity of natural resource protections. (as recorded on CPA-52)
- 25 points for 5 or more resource protections
- 20 points for 3-4 resources protected
- 10 points for 1-2 resources protected
- 5 points for 1 resource protected
- 0 points for no resources protected
Total Score / 400