ICHRIE Annual Business Meeting

July 31, 2014

  1. Call to order 8:30am by President Dennis Reynolds.
  2. Reynolds recognized of the many individuals who are in leadership roles in the organization and the numerous industry contributors.
  3. Meeting minutes of 2013 annual business meeting were presented: Fred Mayo moved to accept; Linda Hoops seconded; approved by the membership.
  4. Stephanie Hein, Treasurer, presented an overview of the financial condition of the organization as well as the external auditor’s report. We are viewed as fiscally responsible and practice sound financial management.
  5. Bosselman moved to accept this financial report; Mayo seconded; approved by membership.
  6. Bosselman presented an update on the Future Fund.
  7. Reynolds presented his annual president’s report.
  8. Dennis discussed the enhancements to the annual conference; the fiscal condition of the organization; the new research reports from the research committee, led by Amit Sharma; the alignment of the bylaws by Chris Roberts at both the international level as well as within the federations; the scientific committee’s work to stimulate submissions to the conference and then to accommodate as many as possible that were accepted; the dedicated work of the nominating and awards committees under the leadership of Katz, the past president; the tremendous support of the ICHRIE office staff under Kathy McCarthy’s leadership; the many improvements undertaken by the federations; the strategic planning efforts under the leadership of Martin O’Neill; and many contributions of the board members and committee chairs/members.
  9. Martin O’Neill presented his vice-president’s report.
  10. Martin discussed the strategic planning committee’s work and how that connects to the vision for the future of the organization with an emphasis upon the range and scope of member benefits; the financial strength of the organization; the philanthropy of ESD and how to harness those chapter efforts; and the rich engagement of the membership.
  11. Josette Katz presented her past president’s report.
  12. Josette presented an overview of her three years in the senior leadership team of ICHRIE and she acknowledged the wonderful support of the office staff, the full board, and selected individuals who provided wise advice and careful guidance, especially in regards to the nominating and awards committees.
  13. Old business: none offered.
  14. New business: none offered.
  15. Reynolds: Recognition of outgoing officers and board members.
  16. Fred Mayo: Installation ceremony of new officers and board members.
  17. Meeting adjourned by Martin O’Neill at 9:12am. Mayo moved; 2nd by Bill Samenfink; approved by the membership.