I Hope That You Had a Restful Easter Break

I Hope That You Had a Restful Easter Break

Thursday 20th April 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope that you had a restful Easter break.

This term

Our topic this term is Geography based and will be looking at maps and directions. We shall be map-reading, continuing some orienteering work that was introduced at PGL, and also using GPS devices. As part of this we shall be looking at Geocaching, which is a GPS based ‘treasure hunt’, and will be setting off our own class ‘travel bug’ to see how far it can travel. If you are interested in finding out more, the website contains useful hints and information!

In RE we shall be continuing our work studying the Sikh faith before moving onto Pentecost.

In Science our topic is biology based and we shall be identifying and naming the main parts of the human circulatory system,explaining the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. We will also recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function and describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans.In addition to this, we shall also be covering the Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) curriculum. We will be using the BBC resource that was watched and discussed during the parental meeting last year. The topics covered will be those aimed at KS2, which include body changes in puberty, hygiene, emotional changes, feelings and friendships. We will not be covering the unit on sexual reproduction, which will be covered in Year 7. If you were unable to attend the meeting last year and would like to view the resource then please let me know.

Our Games lessons will continue to be on a Tuesday this term; PE with Ms Cronin will continue to be on a Monday. Please ensure that the children are properly equipped for both indoor and outdoor PE lessons. Some children still don’t have names in their clothes/trainers - please ensure that ALL clothes are named as it is very hard to find owners for unnamed items.

I will continue to set homework on a Tuesday, and expect it in on the following Monday. In addition please continue to ensure that your child reads regularly at home and be practising mental maths with them whenever you have a spare minute or two!


In three weeks’ time (week beginning 8th May) your child will be taking the Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) for Literacy and Numeracy. Although they should not worry about these tests, they are important and therefore it is vital that they are present for the whole week. Next week (week beginning 24th April) will be an assessment week where the tests and arrangements will be as close to the real ones as possible. This will mean that they will feel more prepared for those in May as they will have experienced the way that the tests have to be administered and be familiar with seating arrangements; it will also inform us as to which areas your child feels less confident in so that we can help them with these.


Thank you for returning the forms and money for the trip to see ‘Wicked’ on 17th May. Thank you also to the parents who have volunteered to give up their time to accompany us: it is much appreciated. Further details about the trip, regarding timings etc, will be sent out shortly. We have also been invited to Pfizers to take part in the Science jamboree, which is offered to Year 6 pupils in the local area. This will be on the morning of June 5th (the first day back after half term); more details and consent form to follow.

Secondary transition day

This is on Thursday 6th July. We have just received a letter from Dover Girls confirming that they have changed their Induction Day to be consistent with the other schools in the area. You will receive details from your appropriate secondary schools about the arrangements on the day. After SATs week, staff from the various secondary schools will make appointments to visit the school to answer any questions your child may have about transition.

Many thanks for all your help and support.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Bowles