05 FALL Comp Reading (Health General)

I. Health, Society, and Sociology

Aneshensel, Carol S. 1992. “Social Stress: Theory and Research.” Annual Review of Sociology 18: 15-38.

Brown, Phil. 1995. “Naming and Framing: The Social Constructing of Diagnosis and Illness.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 35: 34-52.

Farmer, Melissa M. and Kenneth F. Ferraro. 1997. “Distress and Perceived Health: Mechanisms of Health Decline.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 39(3): 298-311.

Gortmaker, Steven L. and Paul H. Wise. 1997. “The First Injustice: Socioeconomic Disparities, Health Services Technology, and infant Mortality.” Annual Review of Sociology23: 147-170.

House, James S. 2002 “Understanding Social Factors and Inequalities in Health: 20th Century Progress and 21st Century Prospects.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 43(2): 125-142.

House, James S., K. R. Landis, and Debra Umberson. 1988. “Social Relationships and Health.” Science241(4865): 540-545.

Hummer, Robert H, Richard G. Rogers, and Isaac W. Eberstein. 1998. “Sociodemographic Differentials in Adult Mortality: A Review of Analytic Approaches.” Population and Development Review 24(3): 553-578.

Jackson, Pamela Braboy and Montenique Finney. 2002. “Negative Life Events and Psychological Distress among Young Adults.” Social Psychology Quarterly65(2): 186-201

Lantz, Paula M., John W. Lynch, James S. House, James M. Lepkowski, Richard P. Mero, Marc A. Musick, and DavidR. Williams. 2001. “Socioeconomic Disparities in Health Change in a Longitudinal Study of US Adults: The Role of Health-Risk Behaviors.” Social Science & Medicine 53: 29-40.

Lin, Nan and Walter M. Ensel. 1999. “Life stress and Health: Stressors and Resources.” American Sociological Review 54(3): 382-399.

Link, Bruce G. and Jo Phelan. 1995. “Social Conditions as Fundamental Causes of Disease.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 35(1): 80-94.

McLeod, Jane D. and Ronald C. Kessler. 1990. “Socioeconomic Status Difference in Vulnerability to Undesirable Life Events.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 31(2): 162-172.

Pearlin, Leonard I. 1989. “The Sociological Study of Stress.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 30(3): 241-256.

Pope, Sandra K., Valorie M. Shue, and Cornelia Beck. 2003. “Will a Healthy Lifestyle Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?” Annual Review of Public Health 24: 111-132.

Ross, Catherine E. and John Mirowsky. 2000. “Does Medical Insurance Contribute to Socioeconomic Differentials in Health?” The Milbank Quarterly 78(2): 291-321.

Schuessler, K. F. and G. A. Fisher. 1985. “Quality of Life Research and Sociology.” Annual Review of Sociology11: 129-149.

Schwartz, Sharon. 2002. “Outcomes for the Sociology of Mental Health.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 43(2): 223-235.

Turner, R. Jay, Blair Wheaton, and Donald A. Lloyd. 1995. “The Epidemiology of Social Stress.” American Journal of Sociology 60(1): 104-125.

Turner, R. Jay and Donald A. Lloyd. 1999. “The Stress Process and the Social Distribution of Depression.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 40(4): 374-404.

Mirowsky, John and Catherine E. Ross. 2003a. Social Causes of Psychological Distress.ALDYNE DEGRUYER: New York.

Mirowsky, John and Catherine E. Ross. 2003b. Education, Social Status, and Health. ALDYNE DEGRUYER: New York.

Waldron, Ingrid. 1976. “Why Do Women Live Longer than Men?” Social Science & Medicine 10: 1367-1378.

II. Methodology of Health Researches

Allison, Paul D. 1982. “Discrete-Time Methods for the Analysis of Event histories.” Sociological Methodology13: 61-98.

Curran, Patrick J. 2000. “A Latent Curve Framework for the Study of Developmental Trajectories in Adolescent Substance Use.” Jennifer s. Rose, Laurie Chassin, Clark C. Presson, and Steven J Sherman (Eds.), Multivariate Applications in Substance Use Research. London: LAWRENCE ERLBAUM ASSOCIATES, PUBLISHERS.

Curran, Patrick J. 2003. “Have Multilevel Models Been Structural Equation Models All Along?” Multivariate Behavioral Research38(4): 529-569.

Idler, Ellen L.and Yael Benyamini. 1997. “Self-Rated Health and Mortality: A Review of Twenty-Seven Community Studies.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 38(1): 21-37.

Wickrama, K. A. S., Frederick O. Lorenz, Rand D. Conger, Lisa Matthews, and Glen h. Elder Jr. 1997. “Linking Occupational Condition to Physical Health through Marital, Social, and intrapersonal Process.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 38(4): 363-375.

III. Gender and Health

Crosnoe, Robert. 2002. “Academic and Health-Related Trajectories in Adolescence: The Interaction of Gender and Athletics.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 43(3): 317-335.

McDonough, Peggy, David R. Williams, James, S. House, and Greg J. Duncan. 1999. “Gender and the Socioeconomic Gradient in Mortality.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 40(1): 17-31.

Mirowsky, John and Catherine E. Ross. 1995. “Sex Difference in Distress: Real or Artifact?” American Sociological Review 60(3): 449-468.

Pavalko, Eliza K. and Brad Smith. 1999. “The Rhythm of Work: Health Effects of Women’s Work Dynamics.” Social Forces 77(3): 1141-1162.

Pavalko, Eliza K. and Shari Woodbury. 2000. “Social Roles as Process: Caregiving Careers and Women’s Health.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 41(1): 91-105.

Rosenfeld, Sarah. 1989. “The Effects of Women’s Employment: Personal Control and Sex Differences in Mental Health.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 30(1): 77-91.

Roxbourgh, Susan. 1996. “Gender Differences in Work and Well-Being: Effects of Exposure and Vulnerability.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 37(3): 265-277.

Simon, Robin W. 1998. “Assessing Sex Differences in Vulnerability among Employed Parents: The Importance of Marital Status.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 39(1): 38-54.

Verbrugge, Lois M. 1985. “Gender and Health: An Update on Hypothesis and Evidence.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 26(3): 156-182.

Waldron, Ingrid, Christopher C. Weiss, and Mary Elizabeth Hughes. 1998. “Interacting Effects of Multiple Roles on Women’s Health” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 39(3): 216-236.

Williams, Kristi and Debra Umberson. 2004. “Marital Status, Marital Transitions, and Health: A Gendered Life Course Perspective.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 45(1): 81-98.

IV. SES and Health

Dooley, David, Joan Prause, and Kathleen A. Ham-Rowbottom. 2000. “Underemployment and Depression: Longitudinal Relationship.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 41(4): 421-436.

Hayward, Mark D. Eileen M. Crimmins, Toni P. Miles, and Yu Yang. 2000. “The Significance of Socioeconomic Status in Explaining the Racial Gap in Chronic Health Conditions.” American Sociological Review 65(4): 910-930

Jackson, Aurora P., Phyllis Gyamfi, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and Mandy Blake. 1998. “Employment Status, Physiological Well-Being, Social Support, and Physical Discipline Practices of Single Black Mothers.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 60(4): 894-902.

Johnson, Norman J., Paul D. Sorlie, and Eric Backlund. 1999. “The Impact of Specific Occupation on Mortality in the U.S. National Longitudinal Mortality Study.” Demography 36(3): 355-367.

Kessler, Ronald C., James S. House, and J. Blake Turner. 1987. “Unemployment and Health in a Community Sample.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 28(1): 51-59.

Link, Bruce G., Mary Clare Lennon, and Bruce P. Dohrenwend. 1993. “Socioeconomic Status and Depression: The Role of Occupations Involving Direction, Control, and Planning.” American Journal of Sociology 98(6): 1351-1387.

Miech, Richard Allen, Avshalom Caspi, Terrie E. Moffitt, Bradley R. Entner Wright, and Phil A. Silva. 2000. “Low Socioeconomic Status and Mental Disorders: A Longitudinal Study of Selection and Causation during Young Adulthood.” American Journal of Sociology 104(4): 1096-1131.

Mulatu, Mesfin Samuel and Carmi Scholer. 2002. “Causal Connections between Socio-Economic Status and Health: Reciprocal Effects and Mediating Mechanisms.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 43(1): 22-41.

Rogers, Richard,Robert Hummer and Charles Nam. 2000.Living and Dying in the USA: Health, Behavioral, and Social Differentials of Adult Mortality (San Diego, Ca: Academic Press.

Ross, Catherine E. and Chia-Ling Wu. 1995. “The Links Between Educationand Health.” American Sociological Review60(3): 719-745.

Ross, Catherine E. and John Mirowsky. 1995. “Does Employment Affect Health?” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 36(3): 230-243.

Ross, Catherine E. and John Mirowsky. 1999. “Refining the Association between Education and Health: The Effects of Quantity, Credential, and Selectivity.” Demography 36(4): 445-460.

Safron, Deborah J., John E. Schulenberg, and Jerald G. Bachman. 2001. “Part-time Work and Hurried Adolescence: The Links among Work Intensity, Social Activities, Health Behaviors, and Substance Use.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 42(4): 425-449.

Sorlie, Paul D., Eric Backlund, and Jacob B. KellerJ. 1995. “US Mortality by Economic, Demographic, and Social Characteristics: The National Longitudinal Mortality Study.” American Journal of Public Health 85(7): 949-956.

Williams, David. 1990. “Socioeconomic Differentials in Health: A Review and Redirection.” Social Psychological Quarterly53(2): 81-99.

Wickrama, K. A.S., Rand D. Conger, Frederick O. Lorenz, and Glen H. Elder Jr. 1998. “Parental Education and Adolescent Self-Reported Physical Health.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 60(4): 967-978.

V. Race, Family, and Health

Amato, Paul R. and Juliana M. Soblewski. 2001. “The Effects of Divorce and Marital Discord on Adult Children’s Psychological Well-Being.” American Sociological Review 66(4): 900-921.

Aseltine, Jr. Robert H. and Ronald C. Kessler. 1993. “Marital Disruption and Depression in a Community Sample.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 34(3): 237-251

Barrett, Anne E. 2000. “Marital Trajectories and Mental Health.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 41(4): 451-464.

Cherlin, Andrew J.1999. “Going to Extremes: Family Structure, Children’s Well-Being, and Social Science.” Demography 36(4): 421-428.

Cherlin, Andrew J., P. Lindsay Chase-Lansdale, and Christine McRae. 1998. “Effects of Parental Divorce on Mental Health Through the Life Course.” American Sociological Review 63(2): 239-249.

Cramer, James C. 1995. “Racial and Ethnic Differences in Birthweight: The Role of income and Financial Assistance.” Demography32(2): 231-247.

Farrell, Michael P., Grace M. Barnes, and Sarbani Banerjee. 1995. “Family Cohesion as a Buffer Against the Effects of Problem-Drinking Fathers on Psychological Distress, Deviant Behavior, and Heavy Drinking in Adolescents.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 36(4): 377-385.

Geronimus, Arline T., John Bound, Timothy A. Widmann, Cynthia G. Colden, and Dianne Steffick. 2001. “Inequality in Life Expectancy: Functional Status, and Active Life Expectance Across Selected Black and White Populations in the united Sates.” Demography38(2): 227-251.

Hayward, Mark D. and Melonie Heron. 1999. “Racial Inequality in Active Life among Adult American.” Demography 36(1): 77-91.

Horwitz, Allan V., Helene Raskin White, and Sandra Howell-White. 1996. “Becoming Married and Mental Health: A Longitudinal Study of a Cohort of Young Adult.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 58(4): 895-907.

Huie, Stephanie A. Bond, Robert A. Hummer, and Richard G. Rogers. 2002. “Individuals and Contextual Risks of Death Among Race and Ethnic Groups in the United States.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 43(3): 359-381.

Jekielek, Susan M. 1998. “Parental Conflict, Marital Disruption and Children’s Emotional Well-Being.” Social Forces 76(3): 905-935.

Johnson, Nan. 2000. “The Racial Crossover in Comorbidity, Disability, and Mortality.” Demography 37(3): 267-283.

Johnson, Robert A. and John P. Hoffmann. 1999. “Adolescence Cigarette Smoking in U.S. Racial/Ethnic Subgroups: Findings from National Education Longitudinal Study.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 41(4): 392-407.

Lillard, Lee A. and Linda J. Waite. 1995. “Til Death Do Us Part: Marital Disruption and Mortality.” American Journal of Sociology100(5): 1131-1156.

Lillard, Lee A. and Constantijin W. A. Panis. 1996. “Marital Status and Mortality: The Role of Health.” Demography33(3): 313-327.

McLeod, Jane D. and Michael J. Shanahan. 1996. “Trajectories of Poverty and Children’s Mental Health.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 37(3): 207-220.

Potter, Lloyd B. 1991. “Socioeconomic Determinants of White and Black Male’s Life Expectancy Differentials, 1980.” Demography 28(2): 303-321.

Rogers, Richard G., Robert A. Hummer, Charles B. Nam, and Kimberly Peters. 1996. “Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Behavioral Factors Affecting Ethnic Mortality by Cause.” Social Forces 74(4): 1419-1438.

Rogers, Richard G. 1992. “Living and Dying in the U.S.A.: Sociodemographic Determinants of Death Among Blacks and Whites.” Demography 29(2): 287-303.

Ross, Catherine E., John Mirowsky, and Karen Goldsteen. 1990. “The Impact of the Family on Health: The Decade in Review” Journal of Marriage and the Family 52(4): 1059-1078.

Saenz, Rogelio, Willis J. Goudy, and Frederick O. Lorenz. 1989. “The Effects of Employment and Material Relations on Depression among Mexican American Women.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 51(1): 239-251.

Smock, Pamela J., Wendy D. Manning, and Sanjiv Gupta. 1999. “The Effect of Marriage and Divorce on Women’s Economic Well-Being.” American Sociological Review 64(6): 794-812.

Thompson, Elizabeth, Thomas L. Hanson, and Sara S. McLanahan. 1994. “Family Structure and Child Well-Being: Economic Resources vs. Parental Behaviors.” Social Forces 73(1): 221-242.

Williams, David and Chiquita Collins. 1995. “US Socioeconomic and Racial Differences in Health: Patterns and Explanations.” Annual Review of Sociology21: 349-386.

Williams, David, Yan Yu, and James S. Jackson. 1997. “Racial Differences in Physical and Mental Health.” Journal of Health Psychology 2(3): 335-351.

VI. Age, Life-Course, and Health

Hareven, Tamara K.1994. “Aging and Generational Relations: A Historical and Life Course Perspective.” Annual Review of Sociology20: 437-461.

Hayward, Mark D. and Bridget K. Gorman. 2004. “The Long Arm of Childhood: The influence of Early Life Social Conditions on Men’s Mortality.” Demography 41(1): 87-107

House, James S., James M. Lepkowski, Ann M. Kinney, Richard P. Mero, Ronald C. Kessler,and A. Regula Herzog. 1994. “The Social Stratification of Aging and Health.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 35(3): 213-234.

Johnson, Robert J. and Fredric D. Wolinsky. 1993. “The Structure of Health Status Among Older Adults: Disease, Disability, Functional Limitation, and Perceived Health.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 34(2): 105-121.

Lynch, Scott M. 2003. “Cohort and Life-Course Patterns in the Relationship Between Education and Health: A Hierarchical Approach.” Demography 40(2): 309-331.

Maddox, George L. and Daniel O. Clark. 1992. “Trajectories of Functional Impairment in Later Life.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 33(2): 114-125.

Miech, Richard Allen and Michael J. Shanahan. 2000. “Socioeconomic Status and Depression over the Life Course.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 41(2): 162-176.

Mirowsky, John and Catherine E. Ross. 1992. “Age and Depression.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 33(3): 187-205.

Moen, Phyllis, Donna Dempster-McCain, and Robin M. Williams Jr. 1992. “Successful Aging: A Life-Course Perspective on Women’s Multiple Roles and Health.” American Journal of Sociology 97(6): 1616-1638.

Riley, Matilda White. 1987. “On the Significance of Age in Sociology.” American Sociological Review 52(1): 1-14.

Schieman, Scott, Karen Van Gundy, and John Taylor. 2001. “Status, Role, and Resources Explanations for Age Patterns in Psychological Distress.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 42(1): 80-96.

Seeman, Melvin and Susan Lewis. 1995. “Powerlessness, Health and Mortality: A Longitudinal Study of Older Men and Mature Women.” Social Science and Medicine 41(4): 517-525.

Wheaton, Blair. 1990. “Life Transitions, Role Histories, and Mental Health.” American Sociological Review 55(2): 209-223.

VII. Communities, Context, and Health.

Aneshensel, Carol S. and Clea A. Sucoff. 1996. “The Neighborhood Context of Adolescent Mental Health.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 37(4): 293-310.

Browning, Christopher R. and Kathleem A. Cagney. 2002. “Neighborhood Structural Disadvantages, Collective Efficacy, and Self-Rated Physical Health in an Urban Setting.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 43(4): 388-399.

Cubbins, Lisa A. and Penelope Parmer. 2001. “Economic Change and Health Benefit: Structural Trends in Employed-Based Health Insurance.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 42(1): 45-63.

Evans, Gary W. and Elyse Kantrowitz. 2002. “Socioeconomic Status and Health: The potential Role of Environmental Risk Exposure.” Annual review of Public Health23: 303-301.

Franzini, Luisa, John Ribble, and William Spears. 2001. “The Effects of Income Inequality and Income Level on Mortality Vary by Population Size in Texas Counties.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 42(4): 373-387.

Hughes, Mary E. and Linda J. Waite. 2002. “Health in Household Context: Living Arrangements and Health in Late Middle Age.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 43(1): 1-21.

Robert, Stephanie A. 1998. “Community-Level Socioeconomic Status Effects on Adult Health.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 39(1): 18-37.

Robert, Stephanie A. 1999. “Socioeconomic Position and Health: The Independent Contribution of Community Socioeconomic Context.” Annual Review of Sociology25: 489-516.

Turner, J. Blake. 1995. “Economic Context and the Health Effects of Unemployment.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 36(3): 213-229.

VIII. Social Support, Social Relationship, and Health

Ellison, Christopher G., Jason D. Boardman, David R. Williams, and James S. Jackson. 2001. “Religious Involvement, Stress, and Mental Health: Findings from the 1995 Detroit Area Study.” Social Forces 80(1): 215-249.

House, James S., Debra Umberson, and K. R. Landis. 1988. “Structure and Process of Social Support. Annual Review of Sociology14: 293-318.

Jackson, Pamela Braboy. 1992. “Specifying the Buffering Hypothesis: Support, Strain, and Depression.” Social Psychology Quarterly 55(4): 363-378

Lin, Nan, Xiaolan Ye, and Walter M. Ensel. 1999. “Social Support and Depressed Mood.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 40(4): 344-359.

Macinko, James and Barbara Starfield. 2001. “The Utility of Social Capital in Research on Health Determinants.” Milbank Quarterly 79(3): 387-427.

Musick, Marc A. 1996. “Religion and Subjective Health Among Black and White Elders.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 37(3): 221-237.

Musick, Marc A. and John Wilson. 2003. “Volunteering and Depression: The Role of Psychological and Social Resources in Different Age Groups.” Social Science & Medicine 56: 259-269.

Musick, Marc A., James S. House and David R. Williams. 2004. “Attendance at Religious Services and Mortality in a National Sample.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 45(2): 198-213.

Taylor, John and R. Jay Turner. 2001. “A Longitudinal Study of the Role and Significance of Mattering to Others for Depressive Symptoms.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior42(3): 310-325.

Thoits, Peggy A. 1982. “Conceptual, Methodological, and Theoretical Problems in Studying Social Support as a Buffer Against Life Stress.” Journal of Health and Social behavior 23(2): 145-159.

Thoits, Peggy A. 1984. “Explaining Distributions of Psychological Vulnerability: Lack of Social Support in the Faces of Life Stress.” Social Forces 63: 453-481.

Thoits, Peggy A. and Lyndi N. Hewitt. 2001. “Volunteering Work and Well-Being.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 42(2): 115-131.

Umberson, Debra, Meichu D. Chen, James S. House, Kristine Hopkins, and Ellen Slaten. 1996. “The Effects of Social Relationships on Psychological Well-being: Are Men and Women Really So Different?” American Sociological Review 61(5): 837-857.

Wickrama, K. A.S., Frederick O. Lorenz, and Rand D. Conger. 1997. “Parental Support and Adolescent Physical Health Status: A Latent Growth Curve Analysis.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 38(2): 149-163.