Destiny Foursquare Church

Worship Team Faith Commitment

I signify by signing this document that I agree with and will comply with the following statements of faith commitment:

1.  I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ and will continue to develop my daily worship walk with Him understanding that I cannot lead anyone where I have not been myself.

2.  I am a member or will be attending the next membership class with the intention of joining Destiny Foursquare Church.

3.  I will at all times maintain an attitude that is correctable and teachable.

4.  I will act in a way that promotes unity within the group and local church. I understand that I am to take up any complaints I may have about the group or its leadership with the worship leader/pastor and not spread a complaining spirit throughout the group.

5.  I will strive to live a life of high moral conduct that reflects my faith in Christ.

6.  I will regularly attend services whether or not I am scheduled to participate on the worship team.

7.  I will make every effort to attend all rehearsals and services I am scheduled for and will contact the worship team secretary ahead of time to insure someone takes my place if I must be absent.

8.  I will be prompt in attending (barring emergency situations) all rehearsals and services I am scheduled for, understanding that our pre-practice prayer time is more important than the practice itself. I understand that late arrival means that I may not be able to participate on the worship team for the scheduled event.

9.  I will continue to pursue excellence in my area of musical gifting.

10.  I understand that by passing the audition I then enter into a two-month trial period after which I will receive a review that will be the final determination of my acceptance on the team.

11.  I understand that failure to comply with the above statements of faith commitment will most likely result in my being removed from the worship team.

NAME (Print): ______