Dr. Ira Rudowsky CISC 7530X

IT Project Management Team Project

Research and report on a well documented, major project – either successful or failed. Describe the project from the perspective of the Nine Knowledge Areas in as much detail as possible. Also, cover the chronology of the project from initiation through closing, making sure to cover all the issues and problems that arose in each stage and how they were handled. Your lessons learned are needed to guide future projects in the company.

The written report should be about 12 pages (1.5 spacing, 12 pt font) and the in-class presentation should take between 10-15 minutes. It can be done in PowerPoint and include videos and/or any other media you like to include. Be creative! Everyone on the team should participate in the report and will present a portion of the presentation.

Some examples of projects would include:

·  Development of a new computer – The Soul of a New Machine by Tracy Kidder is one possible source

·  Development of a new software product – use Dreaming in Code by Scott Rosenberg

·  The Building of the Brooklyn Bridge – The Great Bridge by David McCullough is a great source to start with

·  The upgrading of the New York Stock Exchange to e-trading

·  The Manhattan Project

·  Building of the Space Shuttle

·  The US Mission to the Moon – Apollo Space Program

·  Building of the NYC subway system

·  The building of the Panama Canal – The Path Between The Seas by David McCullough is a good starting point

If you find another topic you would prefer, you must run it by me first. Make sure you have at least five reputable references for the topic.

Projects will be presented during the last 2-3 classes; everyone should plan to attend as the material will be included on the final.