MLK Tossups

House Packet Number 2

By the Kleist Syndicate, et al

1. Coeditor of Black Orpheus early in his career, his The Strong Breed focuses on the tradition of sacrificing the “carrier” of evil from the past year. His novels include The Interpreters, about a group of intellectuals in nightclubs, and Season of Anomy. After founding a nationalistic theater, called the 1960 Masks, he put on his first play, A Dance of the Forest. FTP, who is this Nigerian author most famed for the plays Death and the King’s Horseman and The Lion and the Jewel.

Answer: Wole Soyinka

2. First observed in 1946 by Purcell and Bloch, it occurs when a strong external field causes the protons and neutrons to precess. When the precession frequency matches the frequency of an applied radio signal, energy absorption occurs. In chemistry, the two types are based on the positions of the two most common organic elements. FTP, identify this phenomena, used in MRIs.

Answer: nuclear magnetic resonance or NMR

3. On December 12th 2000 they were addressed by inspirational guru Tony Robbins and then promptly got their asses beat by the 76ers. This is a far cry from the glory years of a franchise that has boasted such scorers as Walt Bellamy, Gus Johnson, and Phil Chenier. Their greatest moment came against Lenny Wilkens’ Supersonics and featured the fierce rebounding of Wes Unseld. FTP identify this NBA team that now boasts Felipe Lopez and the delinquent Rod Strickland.

Answer: Washington Wizards (accept either)

4. Few of the participants in it owned slaves, but resentment over a ban on slavery was a major factor in starting it . One of its first leaders, Piet Retief, was killed by King Dingane in 1837 and avenged at the battle of Blood River the following year, when the Zulus were defeated by Andries Pretorius. The republics of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State were founded in the wake of, for 10 points, what massive migration of Boer settlers away from Britain's Cape Colony?

Answer: The Great Trek

5. The story that the timers were destined for agents of the East German secret police who then were to give them to the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine fell through as Syria refused to provide pertinent documents. Meanwhile, Alastair Campbell combed through testimony from over 230 people, including agents of the Stasi and a Maltese clothing merchant. As lead prosecutor, he also moved to drop all but the most serious charge of murder against the two Libyan defendants accused, FTP, of bombing Pan-Am Flight 103, which exploded over this Scottish town in 1988.

Answer: Lockerbie (accept Pan-Am Flight 103 before it is mentioned)

6. It is their sword that is planted by Merlin and withdrawn by Galahad during the Grail Quest. After aiding Arthur in his early attempts at consolidating power, the more violent of the two beheads the Lady of Lake. But their most notorious deed occurs after the death of Garlon and their attack on King Pellam. FTP identify these brothers featured in the Morte D’Arthur, one of whom gives the fisher king, the dolorous stroke.

Answer: Balin and Balan (prompt if given either one)

7. Originally a small fishing village on the Minato River, it was incorporated in 1889 with Hyogo, a busy port that once served as the national capital under Taira Kiyomori during the 12th Century. Since the early 1970’s its port facilities have been joined administratively with those of Osaka. Gourmets recognize it as the home of specially designated cattle renown for the highly marbled texture of their meat. FTP, name this Japanese city that suffered an enormous earthquake that killed around 5,500 people in 1995.

Answer: Kobe

8. The Peloponnesian war began in earnest when this town near the river Asopus was attacked by Thebes against the wishes of Athens. An earlier war had come to a climax there when the Spartan King Pausanias defeated Mardonius, general of King Xerxes. For 10 points -- name this Boeotian [bee-OH-shun] town, site of a 479 BC battle that was the last major engagement of the Persian War.

Answer: Plataea

9. Although the title character of this work has a tryst with a woman who resembles his dead wife, Minna Davis, and orders her father, Pat Brady, to be killed, Cecilia cannot resist him. He saves Pete from killing himself and we first meet him on a plane ride accompanied by Wylie White, a down on his luck scriptwriter, on his way back to Hollywood. FTP identify this novel edited for publication by Edmund Wilson and focused on Monroe Stahr.

Answer: The Last Tycoon

10. It’s existence was disproved in 1950 by the French physicist Leon Brillouin, (bree-you-an), who showed that the reduction in entropy caused by it was less than the entropy caused by the selection. It was supposed to violate the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics by admitting only fast moving particles in one direction and slow moving particles in the other, thus transferring kinetic energy between the chambers. FTP, identify this homunculus.

Answer: Maxwell’s Demon

11. Stipulated by the will of Charles V, originally occupied by the Hieronymites, since 1885 it has been the home of Augustinians. Designed in a grid pattern to symbolize the gridiron on which its patron, St. Lawrence, was martyred, it was begun in 1563 by Juan Bautista de Toledo and completed after his death in 1567 by Juan de Herrera. FTP, identify this comunidad autónoma where the remains of most of the Spanish kings since Philip II are housed.

Answer: El Escorial

12. This economist’s great contribution was the introduction of the notion of time to reconcile the cost of production and the marginal utility principle. These notions were introduced in the work, “Money, Credit, and Commerce.” A member of the Royal Commission on Labor from 1891 to 1894, another work of his is “Industry and Trade”, a study of labor organization. He is also known for having introduced the concepts of elasticity of demand and quasi-rent in his Principles of Economics. FTP, identify this economists, also known for having been Keynes’ teacher.

Answer: Alfred Marshall

13. This very short battle initially went poorly with the American General Hugh Mercer being bayoneted to death and Washington was forced to ride between the armies to rally the faltering Continental army. Shortly after, Sullivan arrived and stormed the town and Hamilton’s artillery proved very effective injuring 200 British soldiers when a shell landed in Nassau Hall. FTP, Name this 1777 battle fought just over a week after the battle of Trenton.

Answer: Princeton

14. Section 3 is entitled “The Reality of the Unseen,” while sections 6 and 7 explore the unhealthy temperament of certain kinds of asceticism and is called “The Sick Soul.” Sections 14 and 15 are entitled “The Value of Saintliness.” All of these sections were compiled from the Gifford Lectures, delivered in Edinburgh in 1901. FTP, what is this work, which sought to contend that various forms of mystical life were indeed “real,” written by William James?

Answer: The Varieties of Religious Experience

15. Karl Sundman proved that a solution to this problem exists, although Poincaré demonstrated that the solution could only be expressed in terms of infinite series. Mathematically consisting of nine second-order differential equations, it assumes that all masses are constant and all objects lie within the same plane. For 10 points – identify this fundamental problem of celestial mechanics, which consists of predicting the future positions of the sun, earth, and moon.

Answer: three-body problem

16. This word refers to the stage name of Willie Perry, the Chicago native who created a minor-dance craze by combining the Bop dance with words from an exercise routine. Also, it denotes a young man found in Nuremburg in 1828 who had been confined since 1812 and could allegedly detect magnetic polarity using just his hands. FTP what moniker refers to the creator of the Cha-Cha Slide, the feral Hauser, and the friendly ghost?

Answer: Casper (or Kaspar)

17. Although a conflicting precedent was set in the 1946 case Colegrove v. Green, the case of Reynolds v. Sims just two years later upheld the ruling for bicameral legislatures. This decision helped to change the particularly Southern tradition where populations of rural areas had been over represented in proportion to those of urban areas. FTP identify this 1962 Supreme Court case that forced the Tennessee legislature to give one man one vote.

Answer: Baker v. Carr

18. Predating Disco Stu in the use of aquarium-inspired footwear and “Deuce Bigalow” in the casting of one-legged sexpots, it slowly but surely fulfills the prophecy spelled out in its title. Boogie Down Productions provides the theme music for the protagonist, who cites previous football experience as proof of his capability of being a hero. Chris Rock, Jim Brown, and Isaac Hayes, FTP, are among the stars of this 1988 blaxploitation parody written and produced by Keenan Ivory-Wayans.

Answer: “I’m Gonna Git You Sucka”

19. After marrying the editor in chief of Le Matin she contributed theater reviews and short stories to the paper incorporating her earlier occupation as music hall dancer. Focusing on the depravity that came to inhabit post WWI Paris she wrote such novels as The Vagabond, The Ripening Seed and The Last of Cheri.But she is best known for semi-autobiographical coming of age novels including theClaudine series. FTP identify this author best known for the 1944 novel that inspired an Audrey Hepburn film, Gigi.

Answer: Colette

20. As a result of this man’s expeditions, the Grand Canyon was first spotted by a Caucasian man. Made governor of Nuevo Galicia in 1538, when Marcos de Niza returned from his encounter with the Zuni, a large force under Alarcon and this man was dispatched to investigate. At Kuana, on the River Grande, they made a stand against Indian forces but were eventually forced back to Mexico. FTP identify this man whose dream to find the 7 Cities of Cibola was never realized.

Answer: Francisco Vazquez de Coronado

21. Apparently he wasn't completely wrong after all. Recent research has shown that gametes of higher vertebrates can receive genetic material from mature lymphocytes that have undergone mutations in response to an infection. This mechanism makes it possible for changes in non-reproductive cells to be passed on to offspring. These findings provide some vindication to the long-discredited ideas of, for ten points, what 18th and 19th Century French biologist?

Answer: Lamarck (or Jean-Baptiste de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck)

22. The dogs go on with their “doggy life” after the central event has occurred. The narrator debates whether the ploughman may have heard the cry and simply decided it was not important, but ends the poem with the declaration that the “Old Masters” were never wrong about suffering. FTP identify this short poem which describes a painting by Brueghel written by WH Auden.

Answer: Musee des Beaux Arts

23. . Despite a 64 per cent increase in sales to 128 million units, this company’s stock dropped 17 per cent to 37 euros on January 9, 2001. Originally established in 1865 as a paper mill by Frederick Idestam, it began its shift to telecommunications in the 1960s, and its development was abetted by the creation of the Nordic Mobile Telephony in 1981. For 10 points – identify this Finnish telecommunications giant, the world’s largest maker of cell phones.

Answer: Nokia

24. An avid traveler, a stop in Peru inspired Heights of Macchu Picchu. while his collection Residence on Earth was written after some time in South Asia. Perhaps his most widely anthologized works are those he wrote on everyday things in Elemental Odes. Other famous works include his first collection Crepusculario and Canto General. FTP identify this Chilean poet most famed for 20 Love poems and a Song of Despair.

Answer: Pablo Neruda

25. TWO ANSWERS REQUIRED: The third, in D major, opens with a funeral march and closes with a movement "tempo di polacca.: The First, in G minor, has a slow movement titled "Land of desolation, land of mists," but is usually known by the title of the first movement, "Dreams of a Winter Journey." The Second is the "Little Russian," and the Fourth and Fifth, though more famous, have no other titles. For 10 points, give the form and composer of these, of which the Sixth and last is usually titled "Pathetique."

Answer: Symphonies by Piotr Illych Tchaikovsky

26. The Pasadena Police Department was once called to break up a drunken fight at the Jet Propulsion Labs over them. Certain types were found by Bernoulli’s study of the caternary and Euler’s analysis of a vibrating drumhead. Those with n=0 resemble a damped cosine curve, and those with n=1 a damped cosine curve. FTP, identify this type of mathematical function, also called cylinder function.

Answer: Bessel functions


1. Identify these important events associated with places during the Reformation, FTP each.

10: At this 1521 Diet, Martin Luther refused to recant his Theses.

Answer: The Diet of Worms

10: This Council met from 1545-1563 and through its reforms set the tone for the Counter-Reformation.

Answer: Council of Trent

10: This 1598 edict, which was revoked by Louis XIV in 1685, guaranteed the French Huegenots certain civil rights.

Answer: Edict of Nantes

2. Answer the following questions about mechanical properties of materials FTPE:

10: This dimensionless quantity is defined as the ratio of lateral strain to axial strain.

Answer: Poisson’s ratio

10: The capacity of a material to deform permanently in response to stress is defined as this. It can be expressed as change in length per unit length or reduction in area.