United Nations / / Nations Unies
des affaires humanitaires


1. General Information
Contact Details: / The Country Representative
Name of Focal Point: / Pulickal M. Jose
Name of Organisation: / Catholic Relief Services- Kenya Program
Address: / P.O Box 49675-00100, Nairobi
Telephone: / +254- 20-4210000
Fax: / +254- 20-4210107
Email: /
Mission Statement of Organisation:
Catholic Relief Services was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to serve World War II survivors in Europe. Since then, we have expanded in size to reach more than 80 million people in more than 100 countries on five continents.
Our mission is to assist impoverished and disadvantaged people overseas, working in the spirit of Catholic Social Teaching to promote the sacredness of human life and the dignity of the human person. Although our mission is rooted in the Catholic faith, our operations serve people based solely on need, regardless of their race, religion or ethnicity. Within the United States, CRS engages Catholics to live their faith in solidarity with the poor and suffering of the world.
2. Project Summary
Project Title: / Isiolo Emergency Response project
Organisation: / Catholic Relief Services – Kenya Program;
Local implementing partner: CARITAS Isiolo – Development and Social Services Department
Project Manager: / Christine Banga
Location of Project: / Various locations to be identified in Isiolo District, Isiolo County
Start Date: / 01/04/2011
End Date: / 30/09/2011
Sector of Intervention: / X Water and sanitation Food

Agriculture/ Livestock Education
Health and Nutrition Protection
Capacity Building Other______
Target Population: / Approximately 5,000 individuals (834 Households) and 15,000 livestock
Total Project Budget: / US$150,000
Total Funds Requested from ERF: / US$150,000
3. Project Goal
To alleviate suffering of drought affected pastoral communities in Isiolo District
4. Context
Isiolo District covers an area 25,605 km². The district is largely flat with low lying plains, and is dry throughout most of the year, as rainfall is scarce and generally unreliable. Rain is distributed within two seasons a year with an average annual rainfall of 580mm. In Longo Pito, average rainfall is between 300 an 350mm. As the limited rainfall supports only a small variety of grasses and shrubs, livestock keeping in the main livelihood activity. Less than 1% of the total land area of the district is considered arable. The soils are primarily sandy soils, although pockets of black cotton and red soils that are able to sustain agriculture exist in Central and Kina Divisions.
Isiolo District has a population of approximately 100,000 people. The main economic activity in the district is nomadic pastoralism, with approximately 100,000 cattle, 320,000 sheep and goats, and 10,000 camels in the district.[1] Isiolo District is vulnerable to hazards such as drought, and floods along the Ewaso Nyiro River. The recurrent droughts have resulted in a reduction in the range in biodiversity and low vegetation cover. Monsoon winds blow across the district throughout the year, attaining their peak in the months of July and August. Combined with low humidity, these winds have a negative impact on the environment as they increase rates of evaporation and further degrade the already poor soil. Increasing migrations of the pastoralist population in search of water and pasture has exacerbated the degradation of the already fragile ecosystem, as large portions of land are cleared to provide temporary settlements. The district experienced extremely poor rainfall in the 2010 short rains caused by la Niña. The north-eastern half of the district is currently classified as being in an acute food and livelihood crisis, with the south-western portion being borderline food insecure, with high risk of deteriorating into an acute food and livelihood crisis, and households have begun slaughtering newborn calves to save lactating cows.[2]
4a. Profile of proposed project
The proposed project is expected to alleviate suffering of drought affected communities spread across various locations in Isiolo District. The project will focus on increasing access to water for domestic and livestock uses based on Government of Kenya standards for communities living in the Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASALs). Both pastoral and marginal agro-pastoral communities will be targeted with interventions. Additional activities will include building the capacity of water and sanitation committees to effectively manage the water supplies through training, training caretakers on operation and maintenance of the water systems, as well as undertake hygiene promotion aimed at improving water handling practices at the household level.
4b. Target population (selection methodology, location, number, etc)
The project targets 5,000 vulnerable people and 15,000 heads of livestock in various locations in Isiolo District. Beneficiaries of the interventions will be selected with guidance and collaboration of various project stakeholders who will include government officers working in Isiolo, CARITAS Isiolo, CRS, and local leaders. The criteria of selection will be guided by findings of initial technical and social assessments which will be conducted at the beginning of the project implementation which will provide information on target locations based on level of vulnerability.
5. Problem Statement
5a. Define critical humanitarian needs and also include how priority of the intervention determined
The current la Niña effect resulted in poor distribution of rainfall in Kenya, resulting in drought conditions in the arid and semi-arid lands of north and eastern Kenya. According to Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWSNET) February 2011Outlook, the “The decline in food security is likely to accelerate rapidly in most of the northern and eastern pastoral areas due to severe water shortages and the likely loss of livestock as drought conditions intensify.” Isiolo district is one of the worst-affected districts. The Arid Lands Resource Management Project Early Warning Bulletin for January 2011 classes all zones in the district as alarm or alarm/emergency, and indicates the trend as generally worsening. Estimated food security outcomes April-June 2011 are shown below (Kenya Food Security Outlook Update February 2011(FEWSNET).
The most critical effects of the drought include:
·  Loss of income – attributable to lower body mass of livestock and concurrent increase in basic food and fuel prices resulting in poor nutrition.
·  Livestock water pans are dry resulting in high dependence by humans and livestock on groundwater sources. Reduced incomes however make it a much greater challenge to provide the increase water production necessary for livestock volumes of water. Major repairs of pump/generator sets are even more difficult to attain.
5b. Define the specific gaps that will be addressed
The project will address gaps in the following areas:
·  Water scarcity for domestic and livestock uses due to drought conditions. Traditional, often surface, water sources have dried due to the lack of rainfall. There is a resulting great pressure on water sources that are still producing water, often groundwater sources that require pumps.
·  Management capacity of the communities for effective water system management and operation and maintenance.
·  Poor practices for with regard to safe water handling (collection, storage and consumption) of domestic water supplies.
5c. Linkage: coordination plan, other major projects in the sector and geographic area
(This need to include evidence of prior consultation with cluster leads and attendance of Task Force meetings)
The project will be implemented in full coordination with the relevant authorities in Isiolo District and with CRS partners, as described:
·  CARITAS Isiolo – The Catholic Diocese of Isiolo, Development and Social Services Department is a traditional implementation partner for CRS.
·  District Water Officer – as chair of the WESCOORD Isiolo will assist in the identification of project locations and district priorities
·  Arid Lands Marginal Lands Recovery Programme – will be consulted for identification of priority sites and intervention activities
·  WESCOORD members in Isiolo.
6. Project Description
This section should describe the project in detail, explaining how the project is a solution to the problem identified.
6a. Describe how this project will address the critical needs and gaps you identified above.
The project will improve access to available water resources in the identified, priority, community groups. The various water sources in Isiolo include the Ewaso Nyiro River, sand storage dams, shallow wells, and deep wells. In normal circumstances the water consumption is from the cheapest available resource in the vicinity. During the drought period many water sources have dried, particularly surface water supplies. The result is that people and livestock are under increasing pressure to get water supplies from the harder to access sources – very often groundwater sources that due to their associated costs are not able to produce water at full capacity.
As an emergency water supply project this project will undertake a participatory approach to repairing key water production capacity in highly water stressed communities.
In coordination with the government and other relevant local organisations CRS/Caritas will identify priority locations for water facility repairs:
·  CRS/Caritas will perform a technical assessment of the identified water systems to identify the feasibility of repair works, costs and the current water production capacity.
·  At the same time an assessment of the community willingness to cooperate, their capacity at water system management and their skills in effective operation and maintenance of the water production system.
·  An assessment on current practices with regard to water collection, storage, treatment and consumption for domestic needs will also be conducted.
Water Scarcity
Water scarcity will be alleviated through the increase of water production by the repair of water facilities. The approach is to work with and through the water management committees and the caretaker technicians.
Management Capacity
The committees and caretakers will be trained in practical repair and maintenance of the water systems during the rehabilitation phase of the project. The committee training will focus on water production, costs for routine operation and maintenance, record keeping, techniques for equitable fund raising in the community and roles and responsibilities of committee members.
Poor Water Handling
Water quality will be analysed initially from Government data and after completion of the repair works. The water samples will be taken to Government laboratories for analysis for biological contamination and in consultation with the DWO for known chemical contaminants with a health impact in the area.
Based upon the water quality and the assessment of water handling practices CRS/Caritas will make recommendations on appropriate and locally available means for water treatment for human consumption. The project will conduct targeted water treatment promotion as necessary and support targeted communities and vulnerable households in water treatment.
6b. Describe how this project addresses gender and HIV/AIDs mainstreaming, region specific issues, the appropriateness of the project duration and activities to be undertaken.
The project is concentrating on increasing water production this will alleviate pressure at water sources and make water collection by women and girls more accessible and reduce the time in water collection. Women will be the focus beneficiaries with regards to domestic water supply, handling and treatment, while men will be the focus on water production for livestock.

6c. Explain the approaches you will employ to engage the commitment, support, and active participation of the beneficiaries.

Initial assessments will identify if there is a functional committee, caretakers are available and people have a willingness to pay and contribute to the operation of the water facilities. It will identify key leaders and stakeholders in the water system.

In initial assessments CRS/Caritas will identify concrete means of contributing to the repair and the longer term operation and maintenance of the water supply. This will include periodic payments, participation of individuals in trainings, labour for repairs, and security for the project materials. Through participatory approaches CRS/Caritas will help to identify key roles, operation costs, the importance of record keeping and water needs per population and livestock.

7. Project Objectives and Indicators
Project Goal: To alleviate suffering of the drought affected pastoral communities in Isiolo District.
Project Objective: To improve access to appropriate water supplies for the human population and livestock.
Result Area 1: Existing water and sanitation facilities are managed, maintained and improved through community processes.
Result Area 2: Production capacity of existing water infrastructure is increased through the improvement, repair and/or rehabilitation of water supply infrastructure.
Result Area 3: Safe handling of drinking water for domestic use and the promotion of Point of Use water treatment.
A Detailed Log Frame is attached at annex to this proposal

Please fill out a Log Frame, following the format in Annex V, and submit it with your application form.

N.B: The objectives could also be more than one depending on the type of project

8. Implementation Plan
This section should indicate clearly the human resources, equipment and commodities required for project implementation. (These costs should be broken down by line items in the budget section).
Staff requirements
A team of technical staff from both CRS and CARITAS Isiolo will implement the project. At CRS level, the following staff will have the following primary responsibilities:
·  Head of Programs: Provide overall program direction and manage communication with the donor.
·  Deputy CR Management Systems : Ensure program compliance with donor and CRS financial systems and accountability
·  Deputy Head of Programs: Coordinate the project implementation and provide any needed backstopping
·  Water and Sanitation Project Manager: Manage the program through undertaking the following activities:
-  Tracking the budget and monitoring expenditure
-  Coordinating preparation and submission of reports
-  Facilitating transfers of funds as well as review financial reports from partners
-  Supporting partner in training
-  M &E Program Officer
-  Prepare program monitoring and evaluation tools
-  Coordinate monitoring visits
-  Train partner staff in use of various M&E tools