Choose three projects/ tasks to complete over the half term. Choose two you feel are in your preferred learning style but try to challenge yourself to try one from an area you don’t feel is your natural style. The homework needs to be handed in on Wednesday 21st October.

THEME: Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them? TERM:Autumn1 YEAR: 4


I would like you to pretend you are Julius Caesar and are planning on invading Britain. You need to convince the Army that this is the right thing to do and write a speech on what you would say. / I would like you to pretend you are in the Roman Army and write a letter home to someone at home about life in the Army. Think about how you are treated, the training, food you eat and how you are feeling at the time. / Roman Numerals were used during Roman times. I would like you to find items with numbers on at home and write these as Roman Numerals. E.g. phone numbers, bar codes registration plates. / I would like you to use a suitable programme on the computer to make me a poster to encourage people to join The Roman Army. Think about what persuasive language you could use to encourage people to join.

I would like you design and make a Celtic roundhouse. Think about what material to use to represent the Celtic roundhouse.
I would like you to design and make a Roman shield. Think about what material you will use.
Please ask me if you need to use materials from school / The Roman Army needed to keep themselves very fit and healthy. I would like you to plan 3 different exercises for the Romans to do to help them keep fit and plan a healthy meal for the Romans. Think about what food was available at the time. / There are many Roman towns and cities in Britain. I would like you to find out where 5 of these Roman towns or cities are located and place these on a map.
Please ask me if you would like a map of Britain. / There were a number of invasions on Britain during Roman time, some of these were unsuccessful. Invasions still happen today, do you think it is right that another country tries to take over and rule another one? Write down your thoughts explaining why you feel this way.