1. Call to Order 7:05 PM.Opening prayer led by Kelly Waala. Present: Mike Sternig, Kyle Zautner, John Butschlick, Peter Winkler, Amy Dahlberg, Michele Guminski, Kelly Waala and Steve Stanek (PCL) @ 7:25PM. Absent: Cari Ciriacks. Guests: Mrs. Barbara Gunnare and Mrs. Maureen Anhalt.

2.Introductions and Approval of Minutes: Kyle made (1st) motion with John (2nd) to approve the minutes from the January 14, 2015 meeting. All in favor, no oppositions. Motion carried.

3. Old Business:

+ Building and Grounds projects:Ad Hoc Cmte met on 2/10/15 with Bldg & Grounds. Peter reported that Bldg & Grounds were in support of the recommended changes. They suggested that the windows may need to be addressed in this renovation too. That was not included into the estimate, but the Ad Hoc Cmte felt it was a valid concern to consider. Bldg & Grounds were also in favor of including the gym lighting/ceiling changes in Phase 2, but delaying classroom ceiling and lights until possibly Phase 4 or beyond.The Ad Hoc group will keep Bldg & Grounds apprised of changes.

Updated timeline: The timeline had to be revised as Fr. Jerry stated that any fundraising over $30,000 has to get an Archdiocese proxy approval. The timeline would be too tight to get this proxy approval to start work this summer, as formal fundraising and bids for jobs have not been established yet. The revised timeline is to start general advertising of the campaign at the May 2015 celebration with the formal capital campaign to start in the Fall of 2015. This will likely replace the annual fund for this year only. Phase 1 (and maybe 2) to start in the Summer of 2016 provided the funds have been raised. There will likely be a separate group developed with contributors from the Bldg & Grounds Ad Hoc group and Finance Council to develop the fundraising materials.

+ SFC/StMary’s joint committee meetings:Mike met with the tri-school marketing group on Monday 2/10/15. Stated that “Celebrate Families” was a success and they gave out 144 goodie bags. They have submitted the paperwork to be at the Farmer’s Market in West Bend this summer (one day in June, July & August). The current marketing ideas of items to distribute at the Farmer’s Market are: shopping lists, balloons and flower seeds with the concept of “Grow in faith”. All of these items would have all three schools’ logo on them. Also new yard signs are being ordered. This group is looking for other ideas in the community where they can market, suggesting maybe the Kettle Moraine Ice Rink and the Little League baseball field. There was discussion of possibly participating in the Memorial Day parade.

+ Committee Goals for 2014-15:

- 150th CelebrationNo changes from last meeting. Events all weekend of May 15-17, 2015.

- Cluster Efforts (see above)
- Transportation:Peter has not had success in communicating with Johnson Bus for follow up information. He stated that there may be some delay in them contacting him back as the school does not yet know if the school day will be changed for next year. Steve stated that the YMCA is still willing to work on some type of collaboration, but they too, need ideas on times and the possible neighborhoods where HAS would desire the transportation. There was discussion on pockets of communities in the West Bend area that would benefit from bussing. This continues to be a work in progress.

+ Electronic payment update: No update as Cari was absent.

4. New Business:

+ Budget Update/enrollment update: The enrollment will possibly affect the budget plans for next year. With 2 days left for enrollment, the current numbers for kindergartens are: 3K: 8, 4K-2 day (1/2 day): 6, 4K-3 day (full day): 9, 5K: 25 or 26. To make the budget work as we had approved, there may need to be a combination of the 3K and 4K (2 day only) to balance the budget, such as what occurred this year. Once the enrollment deadline is over, this will be re-visited. Mike stated that those families we contacted via 4K survey or phone calls, most of those who stated they were interested in the program, signed up.

+ Lenten Practice: The students will again be getting slips to fill out that, after reflection, can be placed into the offering baskets during Lent.

+ Nominations for HASC: This will be in the March Newsletter. There are 3 current members up for renewal. Think about some parents that might be a good fit for this committee and place in their nomination so inquires can be made on interest/availability for the open seats.

5. Committee Reports:

+ Athletic Committee: They meet next week. A parent inquired about possibly starting a track team. Mr. Draxler sent out an interest inquiry to parents. To be continued. Another parent inquired about possibly starting a dance squad. This parent has volunteered to run and organize it if there is enough student interest. An interest survey will likely go out to parents soon. To be continued.

+ Development Committee: Working on finalizing details for the 150th anniversary. (See notes in above section). Gifts from the Heart fundraiser in March. PAC has sent out sign up flyers for the Chicago Bus trip.

6. Financial Report: This was e-mailed out to members and there were no questions or issues.

7. Open to All (no actionable items):

*Steve inquired how the crisis drill went. Mike stated that it went well. He needed to re-emphasize to students that quietness was essential during the drill. There was some discussion on where the students should go if they were in the Walnut/Cedar Room (at lunchtime). Reviewed that scenario with students and he stated that there will likely be one more drill this year (unannounced), but overall, he was pleased with the results of staff and students.

*Steve stated that there is a School Board Trade Show every year in Milwaukee that is free and has significant amounts of vendors and informational material. If there is interest from anyone on the board to attend, he will share the information on dates when it becomes available.

*Michele read an e-mail that was received from a parent regarding updating the playground. The inquiry was if it was going to be included into the capital improvements. The parent did attach a sample playground. Mike stated that it is not planned on being added at this time, but he agrees that some kind of updating will need to be done with the playground in the coming years. The equipment that is chosen has to have a certain amount of free space around it (for code), and the current playground area is small. Michele forwarded the email inquiry to Mike for additional parent follow-up.

8. Next MeetingMarch 11, 2015 at 7PM in the Science Room. Closing Prayer led by Kelly Waala. Adjournment at 8:25 PM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Michele Guminski, HASC Secretary on February 12, 2015.