Hershey BarDensity Activity

Background: Density is the term used to describe the relationship between the mass of an object and its

volume. Under constant conditions of temperature andpressure, the density of any substance

is always constant. Changing the temperatureand/or pressure of a substance will alter the

density of any substance.


  • Digital Balance
  • Calculator
  • Paper Towel
  • Ruler
  • Hershey Bar


1. Work in a small group of 3-4 students.

2. Unwrap the Hershey Bar carefully and try not to break it.

3. Place a paper towel on the digital balance and push the zero out button. This will allow us to measure the

mass of the candy with the paper towel on the balance, but it will not count the mass of the paper towel.

4. Place the whole candy bar (12 blocks) on the balance and record the mass in the data table.

5. Use a ruler and calculate the volume. Record it in the data table. Then calculate the density.

6. Make your density prediction for the three-quarter bar (9 blocks).

7. Measure the mass and volume of the three-quarter bar. Calculate the density and record the data.

8. Make your density prediction for the half-bar (6 blocks).

9. Measure the mass and volume of the half-bar. Calculate the density and record the data.

10. Continue in this fashion filling out the rest of the chart. Then answer the questions.


1. How does the density of the whole Hershey Bar compare to the density of the half-bar?

2. How does the density of the half-bar compare to the density of the quarter bar?

3. Does your data agree with the information in the background paragraph on this page?

4. If your data agrees with the background paragraph, then go on to question #5, if not then describe why not.

5. What effect does the size of the Hershey Bar have on its density?

6. Based on this activity, describe what happens to the density of any substance when the size and/or the

shape is changed.

7. Extend: What do you think will happen to the density of chocolate if it becomes melted instead of a solid?

Data Table

[Circle your answers

if given a choice]

Mass (g) / Volume (cm³) / Density (g/cm³)
Whole Bar
Prediction for
Three-Quarter Bar / XXX / XXX / Higher/Lower/The Same?
Three-Quarter Bar Measurements
Prediction for Half-Bar / XXX / XXX / Higher/Lower/The Same?
Half-Bar Measurements
Prediction for
Quarter-Bar / XXX / XXX / Higher/Lower/The Same?
Quarter-Bar Measurements