Hempfield School District Curriculum: Unit Template

Course Title: Pre-Algebra

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Unit Title: 6 - Percents
Names of Teachers who Developed Unit: Ringler, Wagaman
Dates Developed: October
Approximate Dates when Taught During School Year:
Approximate Number of Periods: ___ Class Periods
Print Materials Needed:
Internet Resource Links:
Stage 1: Desired Results
Essential Questions (Include PA Standards, Anchors & Eligible Content)
Big Ideas:
Numbers, measures, expressions, equations, and inequalities can represent mathematical situations and structures in many equivalent forms.
Essential Questions:
Where are percents used in real life and how can these problems be solved?
Assessment Anchors:
M.8.A.3 Compute accurately and fluently and make reasonable estimates
M.8.A.2. Understand the meanings of operations, use operations, and understand how they relate to each other
Eligible Content:
M.8.A.3.2.1 Estimate answers to problems involving percents. Percents will be limited to 1%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 50%, and 75%.
M.8.A.2.2.1 Solve problems involving percents e.g. tax, discounts, etc. – do not include percent of increase and decrease
M.8.A.2.2.2 Represent or solve rate problems e.g. unit rates, simple interest, distance, etc. Students may be asked to solve for any term (formulas provided on the reference sheet for distance and interest)
Know Understand / Do
Vocabulary: Percent, proportion, decimal, fraction, percent change, percent increase, percent decrease, markup, discount, tax, tip, interest, principle, simple interest, annual interest rate, balance, compound interest, commission
Formulas: percent proportion, percent equation, simple interest, compound interest, percent of change / The students will understand…
that percents are used in real life (tax, tip, discount, markup, estimation, etc) / The students will be able to:
·  convert between fractions, percents, and decimals
·  estimate common percent problems
·  use proportions to solve percent problems
·  use the percent equation to solve percent problems
·  calculate percent of change
·  find markups, discount, sales tax, commission, and tip
·  calculate interest earned and account balances
·  find the missing value (time, principle, rate) in a simple interest formula
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Assessments/Performance Tasks / Rubric Titles
Benchmark(s) for Course: Unit’s key Assessments
Self-Assessments / Other Evidence, Summarized
Stage 3: Learning Activities
Readiness / Profile: Learning Styles / Multiple Intelligences / Interest
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Accommodations for ELLs:

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