Heathrow Women’s Golf Association

Ringers, Birdies & Sweeps

The purpose of this document is to outline the process and approach HWGA uses to calculate Ringers, Birdies and Sweeps for our members throughout the season. We are committed to posting those members who lead in these categories on a regular basis, both on our Website and our Bulletin Board.

For – Ringers, Birdies and Sweeps – there will be no availability of points in these categories on Scramble and Special Tournament play days.

For all Ringers, Birdies and Sweeps to be eligible for awards, they must be recorded, circled and attested to on your signed scorecard for the week in which they occurred. If we do not receive a signed and attested scorecard for any play day, your scores for that day will not be eligible for these categories.


A Ringer occurs when a player plays a hole in fewer strokes than previously recorded within a season. No hole that is X’d or otherwise incompletewill be considered a ringer score. A prize will be awarded to the lowest ringer 18 hole score at the end of the year.


A natural gross birdie entitles the player to a “Birdie” on the Birdie Tree in the locker room. A prize is awarded to the player with the most Birdies at the end of the year. Two or three way ties will be awarded for first and second place if applicable.


Per our By Laws, we will endeavor to awardSweep Points to one third of the field each play day. However, the actual $$ payments will be made at the end of the year and are dependent upon monies available in the Treasury at year end.

For each play day, the number of places to be awarded Sweep Points will be dependent upon the number of players in the field for that day. And the Tournament Chairwoman has the authority to round up or down as appropriate to determine the number of players who will receive Sweep Points on any given play day.

Sweep points are totaled for each HWGA member at the end of the year to determine the exact payout per person, and as stated above, our goal is to pay sweeps to all HWGA members who have accumulated points throughout the year.

Example: HWGA members accumulated 2400 sweeps points at year end and $1200 was available to pay sweeps. Each sweep point was worth 50 cents ($1200 divided by 2400 points). Each HWGA member who accumulated points will be awarded the number of points they accumulated times 50 cents. Jane Doe accumulated 100 points throughout the year, therefore she will receive $50 (100 sweep points times 50 cents).