Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Updated: 14 November 2013

Dates / Category /


/ Objective / Possible Time Commitment / Outside resources / Witnesses
Required / Style / Date added / Progress to Date
5 Dec 2013 / / Use of Creekmoor Park and Ride as a transit Gypsy and Traveller site / To discuss the Motion of objection put to Council 22/10/2013 / One Meeting / Officer Report /
Head of Planning & Regeneration ServicesObjector – Mr Cobley
O&S Committee
/ Nov 2013
5 Dec 2013 / /
Review of the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA)
/ To present Members with the outcome of the Needs Assessment / One meeting / Officer Report / Strategic Director/Head of Planning & Regeneration Services / O&S Committee / Mar 2012
5 Dec 2013 / / Dorset Local Economic Partnership (LEP) Economic Growth Strategy / Update Report / One Meeting / Officer Report /
Strategic Director/Head of Planning & Regeneration Services
O&S Committee
/ Jun 2013
5 Dec 2013 / / Strategic Car Parking Review / Response to Consultants Recommendations / One meeting / Officer Report / Strategic Director/Head of Transportation Services / O&S Committee / Oct 2012
Dates / Category /


/ Objective / Possible Time Commitment / Outside resources / Witnesses
Required / Style / Date added / Progress to Date
5 Dec 2013 / /
Sustaining Poole’s Seafront***
To consider consultation results and recommendations
Two meetings
Officer Report
Strategic Director/Head of Planning & Regeneration Services
O&S Committee
Jul 2012
/ Considered by EcOS in Nov 2012
23 Jan 2014 / / Masterplan Refresh- Central Area Planning & Urban Design SPD / To review the Draft Consultation Response / Two meetings
(meeting 1) / Officer Report / Strategic Director/Head of Planning & Regeneration Services in conjunction with Head of Transportation Services / O&S Committee / Sept 2013 / Considered at EcOS
12 Sep 2013
24 Apr 2014 / / Tourism and Town Centre Management / To receive an annual update / Annual / Officer Report / Tourism Manager / O&S Committee / Oct 2013 / Considered at EcOS Jul 2013
Jun 2014 / / European Maritime Day / To receive an annual update / One meeting / Officer Report / Head of Planning & Regeneration Services / O&S Committee / Oct 2013 / Considered at EcOS Jul 2013
TBC / /
Dorset -wide Gypsy and Traveller DPD consultation Options
/ To review Report on “Alternative Sites” following first round of public consultation / One meeting / Officer Report / Strategic Director/Head of Planning & Regeneration Services / O&S Committee / Mar 2012 / Considered 3 Oct 2011with
Rec made to Cabinet
Dates / Category / Topic / Objective / Possible Time Commitment / Outside resources / Witnesses
Required / Style / Date added / Progress to Date
TBC / / Masterplan Refresh- Central Area Planning & Urban Design SPD / To review the draft Planning Documentfor consultation / Two meetings
(Meeting 2) / Officer Report / Strategic Director/Head of Planning & Regeneration Services in conjunction with Head of Transportation Services / O&S Committee / Sept 2013 / ReportConsidered at EcOS
12 Sep 2013
TBC / /
Core Strategy - Refresh
/ Review of Planning Policy / One meeting / Officer Report / Strategic Director/Head of Planning & Regeneration Services / O&S Committee / May 2013
Possible Special Meeting / / Navitus Bay
Wind Park– Planning Proposals ** / To consider the Council’s response as a statutory consultee / One Meeting / Officer Report / Strategic Director/Head of Planning & Regeneration Services / O&S Committee / Sep 2013 / Phase Four responses considered in Sept 2013

**All Councillors to be invited *** Members of Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee to be invited

Items to be determined:

  • Different Approaches to Delivering Public Services (social enterprise)
  • Supporting an innovative and enterprising economy






Item considered previously:

  • Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
  • Poole Central Area Safety Schemes
  • Cycle & Walking Strategy
  • Petition - Campaign for Sensible Tree Management
  • Masterplan Refresh- Central Area Planning & Urban Design SPD
  • Delivery Programme for Walking &Cycling
  • Navitus Bay Planning Proposal – Phase 4 Consultation
  • Petition – Mansfield Road Car Park
  • Marston Road/ Bay Hog Lane - Action Plan
  • Neighbourhood Planning – Application for Designation of a Neighbourhood Forum – Poole Quay
  • LSTF – Ashley Road Scheme Update
  • Sandbanks Association Petition – Estate Agent Boards
  • Poole and Wareham Flood and Coastal Risk Management Strategy
  • European Maritime Day 2017 - Update
  • Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) –Funding
  • Dorset Local Nature Partnership’s Consultation Draft Vision and Strategy

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