Training factsheet

What is the Green Army?

The Green Army is a six-month programme for17-24 year olds to train and work in the environment.

Green Army projects include restoring native vegetation,heritage restoration, protecting animal habitats andregenerating wetlands in urban, rural and remote areas.

What training is offered?

As soon as you join a Green Army team, you will receivea personalised training plan.

This training plan includes minimum training requirementssuch as first aid and work health and safety training,on-the-job training and optional modules towards aCertificate I or II. It will also take into account yourexisting skills and needs.

The Green Army Service Provider will also have in place amechanism to recognise prior learning if you have alreadydemonstrated the achievement of a learning outcome thatcan be accredited to a module.

First aid and work health and safety training

All Green Army participants receive first aid and work health andsafety training prior to commencing on-ground project activities.

Cultural sensitivity training is also provided for Green Army teamsthat have Indigenous participants or are undertaking activities onIndigenous lands or with Indigenous organisations.

Accredited training

On-the-job and accredited training will vary from project to project.Training could include work readiness, conservation and landmanagement, heritage conservation, leadership, project and humanresource management and trades (such as heritage trade skills).

Participants are offered vocationally oriented, accredited trainingdelivered by a Registered Training Organisation under the AustralianQualifications Framework. This accredited training is often in theform of competencies in a number of units that contribute towards aCertificate I or II.

So far, Green Army participants have undertaken units of accreditedtraining in a range of fields including natural area restorationworks, land management, using power tools, chemical application,construction, treating weeds, planting shrubs and plant recognition.

On-the-job training

All Green Army participants receive on-the-job training to enablethem to undertake the tasks required for their project. For example,participants at a project in Alice Springs were instructed in thedesign of an irrigation system to complement planting works thatthe team had undertaken.

Want to know more?


Phone 1800 780 730
