St. Timothy School

Parent Newsletter

April 28, 2010

A man’s wealth is the

good he does in this world.


Be rich in good deeds.

1 Timothy 6:18 NIV


APRIL 30-Progress Reports today

FREE DRESS for all students who came to school

In complete uniform for the month of April

Cheerleading Competition at Serra High School – 5 pm

MAY1-First Holy Communion - 12 noon at Church

2 -Track Divisionals at Serra High School

3-7-National Teacher Appreciation Week

5-Free Dress Pass Day

7-Mothers Day Mass – 10:45 am

Cheerleading competition at Notre Dame HS – 5 pm

GOOD NEWS: We have been blessed! We have selected a new principal who will begin her ministry at the start of the 2010-11 school year! Please see the letter from Fr. Francis in today’s envelope for more information. We look forward to a new beginning and direction for our precious school community, and we look forward to working collaboratively and enthusiastically with our new principal. Mrs. Balestin

CARNIVAL: Our three-day eventwas spectacular! The weather was perfect, the food was delicious, the games were fun, the singing, dancing and music were outstanding, and the rides were awesome. The best part of the carnival was watching the families enjoying themselves and working together to create an atmosphere of laughter, fun, and camaraderie.

Thank you to all the parents and school staff members who pitched in to make this event such a success. We appreciate your hard work and enthusiasm!

Thank you to our former students who volunteered to work here, and gave of their time and talents to help. We appreciate your willingness to support your former school!

A big thank you to our Tongan families and friends for performing for the community. It took a lot of time and effort to prepare and coordinate all the dances for the performance. We appreciate your generosity and your kindness!

And finally, a humongous thank you to Donna Wetteland for returning to us to coordinate this event. Her generous spirit, organized leadership, and many kindnesses helped to make this carnival a success.

TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK: The week of May 3 is designated National Teacher Appreciation Week. I am proud of our teachers and staff, and I hope that you will join me and honor them this week. Our teachers make a difference in your children’s lives. They are dedicated, generous, and enthusiastic. As I have thanked you, the parents, for gifting us with your children, I now thank the teachers and staff for sharing their many gifts with your children. I am amazed and awed by their enthusiasm and commitment. I am thankful for their generous support, assistance, and devotion.Mrs. Balestin

ST. TIMOTHY CHEERLEADERS: arecompeting in the Mercy Spirit Spectacular this Friday, April30, at Serra High School at 5:00 pm. Come and encourage your cheerleaders as they compete against other squads in both cheer and dance competitions. In addition to the possibility of bringing home a trophy for cheer and dance,a spirit award is given to the school whose crowd shows the most spirit. What does that mean? Come to the competition and wear black and gold, wear your St. Timothyuniform, wear t-shirts or anything black and gold. Make and bringsigns,clappers, pom-poms, and your own cheering voice.Get loud and cheer the girls on as they perform and show your school pride and spirit. Have them show you the cheer they are doing so you know whenand what to yell during their cheer! Calling all boys basketball players: The cheerleaders cheered you on all season long and at the playoffs.

Now it’s your turn to support them and cheer them on to victory!Let's bring this Spirit Trophy home!!!

ST. TIMOTHY TRACK DIVISIONALS: are this Sunday, May 2. Come and cheer on our talented athletes as they represent our school and demonstrate our Tiger pride. GO TIGERS!

PROGRESS REPORTS: for Grades K-2 will be sent home with your child on Friday, April 30. Please carefully review the grades in academic subjects as well as conduct and effort, sign the Progress Report, and return it on Monday, May 3. You should contact your child’s teacher promptly if you have any questions.

for Grades 3-8 will be up-to-date and available in PowerSchool on Friday, April 30. Conduct and Effort grades for each subject in grades 6-8 and General School Conduct for all students can be seen by clicking on the View Standards Grades link found just above the academic grades grid. Please remember that any blue item is a link to additional information. You should contact your child’s teacher promptly if you have any questions.

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 2010-11: is Wednesday, August 25. Please mark your calendars.

BINGO REMINDER TO GRADE FIVE PARENTS: who volunteered to work Bingo for the month of APRIL: Plett, Jaurigui, Vivanco, and DeOcampo families will work next Friday night, April 16. Thank you! Your class is on its way to $500.00!!!

ATTENTION PARENTS: If you plan on purchasing flowers for Mother’s Day, why not check out the enclosed flyer for great savings on Mothers Day Flowers. The school will get 10% on EVERY order. Thank you

SUMMER SCHOOL: An academically based summer school program is once again being offered to all St. Timothy students from incoming1st through incoming 5th grades. Instruction begins on Monday, June 21, and concludes on Friday, July 16 (Monday through Fridays from 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon). Enrollment forms were sent in last week’s envelope.

Thank you, Mr. Moore