Scoil an Linbh Íosa, Ballycane, Naas
News Brief 4th Sept. 2017
1. Welcome Back
I would like to welcome back all of our school community for the school year 2017/2018.
I hope that everyone had a restful and healthy summer and may we have a productive and happy
year ahead and of course, most of all, may the Lord keep us all safe and healthy. I would like to welcome especially all of our new Junior Infants and their families to our school community.
Welcome also to our new members of Staff. Ms. Aoife Gorby, Permanent Teacher Room 13, Mr. Liam Corry, Temporary Teacher Room 21, Ms. Jill Higgins, Seomra Fiona and Mr. Liam Corridan Room 10.
2. School Bags
As stated previously, wheelie school bags are not allowed in the school as they are a health and
safety hazard. Please do not give your child a wheelie school bag.
3. Healthy Eating
In line with the Department of Education and Science policy, we operate a healthy eating policy in our school. You will have heard discussions about healthy eating on the media in recent times and you will be aware that it is very good for your child to establish good eating habits at a very early age. With this in mind, we would ask that your child would not bring any bars, crisps, fizzy drinks etc. for their lunch. Children are allowed to bring sandwiches, cheese strings, crackers and fruit. They may bring water, milk or a fruit drink to drink. Please do not give your child chocolate, confectionery or sweets. Teachers will discuss the reasons for healthy eating in class with pupils. In line with the healthy eating policy, we operate a short fruit break. This break will take place at 10a.m. for a few minutes in class. It is believed that about 1½ or 2 hours after breakfast, blood sugar levels drop in the body significantly. Fruit contains natural sugar, and it is also held that if we have a piece of fruit, it boosts our blood sugar and helps us to concentrate and learn better. Hence the reason for a fruit break. Your child may bring a piece of fruit only for this break. Your child will not be having a drink at this break. If your child does not eat fruit, that is fine.
4. School Opening/Closing times
You already know that the gates of the school now open at 8.50a.m. for admission of pupils.
School begins at 8.50a.m. and Junior Infants will be going home at 12 noon until Friday,
September 15th.
5. Communication with the school
At times you may have need to discuss a concern with a staff member or myself. You are
always welcome to come to the school, and we encourage you always to tell us about it if you
are concerned about your child or if you have information that would help us with your child’s
education. However, I would ask you to always make an appointment to meet staff members, as
they cannot be disturbed during class contact time. We have found that this has worked very well
in the past. Thank you in advance for your co-operation.
6. Equipment Free Friday
It has been decided that equipment such as balls and skipping ropes will not be permitted
on the pitch with Second, Third & Fourth classes on Fridays. This is to encourage the children
play other co-operative games.
7. Staff Car Park
Please note that the school car park is for Staff Cars Only.
Please do not drive into, or park in the car park at any time.
You are requested not to walk through the car park when collecting your child. Please take the
footpath provided outside the school walls to the church car park. Please do not park in such a way
as to obstruct the main gates of the school. Staff are sometimes unable to get in or out of the car
park due to cars being parked illegally. This is very important and Joe and myself will be
patrolling to ensure that these requests are adhered to.
8. Contacting the school during the day
If you wish to contact the school during the day you may do so by phoning the office.
Please note the phone in the office is not attended after 3p.m. There is no need to inform us
by phone if your child is unwell, a note post absence will suffice. The exception to that is for any
infectious condition where you must contact us by phone so that the necessary precautions can be
taken. The school website is a great source of information and it may be useful to use this as your
first port of call for information. Thanks to Ms. McGrath for constantly updating the website.
Website is
9. Collecting children/bringing in Lunches during school day.
If you wish to take your child home early or drop off a lunch, coat etc. to your child during
the school day, you must check in at reception to do so.
10. School Crests
Sew on school crests are available from the office for €4 per crest.
12. Voluntary Contribution
The school would welcome a voluntary contribution of €50 per family. This money is used to
supplement the Department of Education & Skills budget for heating and electricity which is very
expensive each year.
Miriam Nolan