UNIT 13: Ça va?

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Parts of the body and face
Masculine, feminine, plural / AT1 Game – Jacques a dit
AT1/2 - ◊ Able pupils in the class describe a type of animal, rest of class works out what it is.
AT3 Match words with pictures
AT4 Write vocab list
Song: tête, épaules, genoux, pieds… / Pupils make a wordsearch using parts of body vocab / Flashcards of parts of body/face / Cut out pictures from magazine. Make into “photofit” with labels in French
◊ more able could write a description of themselves physically,
e.g., Mes jambes sont longues et mes pieds sont petits.
Illnesses with avoir
Verb: avoir
Au/à la/aux/à l’
◊ depuis / AT2 Doctor/patient role-plays
AT3 Read doctor/patient dialogues and answer comprehension questions
AT3 Read pretend pupil absence notes, identify illnesses
AT4 Write sentences about what is wrong
AT4 - ◊ Able pupils write absence notes / Record a doctor-patient dialogue / Flashcards of illnesses / Write/draw a cartoon of a character who is always ill. Fill in their thought/speech bubbles with their symptoms
Expressions to describe illnesses and symptoms using avoir and être
Verbs: avoir, être
Feminine and plural agreements / AT1/2 10 people in class say what is wrong with them, rest of class notes down answers as if doing a listening activity
AT3 Read texts describing symptoms and match with an illness
AT4 Write a letter of absence, giving a description of the symptoms
Game: Mime illnesses/symptoms for others to guess / Do a survey of the class members – how do they feel? Make results into bar/pie-charts on computer / Flashcards
Doctors, chemists and remedies
The imperative – tu and vous forms / AT1 Listen to dialogues on cassette with comprehension activities
AT2 Prepare and perform dialogues with a partner
AT3 Read instructions for medecines and answer comprehension questions
AT4 Write an advice sheet for someone with a cold, using the imperative / Teacher saves a jumbled up dialogue onto school network. Pupils access it and put into correct order / Realia of empty French medecine boxes/
plasters etc. / Record a patient/doctor dialogue with a partner
◊ Able pupils could produce instructions for using an imaginary new medecine.

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The imperative
Revision of parts of the body/face
Exercise routine verbs, allonger etc.,
Votre/Vos / AT1 Listen to and actively follow an exercise routine
AT2 Give exercise instructions to a partner or in a group
AT3 Put exercise instruction phrases into the correct order for a routine (cross-curricular with P.E. – they must include warm-up and cool-down sections)
AT2 –◊ Able musicians in group could set a routine to music. / Write out/record your own exercise routine
Adverts for health products
Exposure to authentic French / AT1/2 Class discussion (might have to be in English) about use of the imperative/tu and vous forms in adverts, and their effects
AT3/4 Look at adverts and answer comprehension questions
AT2 – ◊ Most able pupils could perform and video their own advert. / Pupils make their own Powerpoint presentation as an advert for a health product. / Collection of authentic adverts for health products / Design an advert
Healthy lifestyles
Quantities – peu de/assez de/trop de
Frequency phrases – souvent, une fois par semaine, tous les jours etc., / AT1 Teacher talks about their lifestyle – pupils note down points in a table with healthy/unhealthy columns
AT2 Pupils prepare a presentation about their lifestyle, to do in groups
AT3 Fill in lifestyle questionnaire
AT4 Pupils write about their lifestyle
◊ Able pupils could write and perform a script about a health fanatic. / Video presentations / Lifestyle question- naires / Write your own questionnaire and survey 5 people. Rank their responses in order of “healthiness”

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Healthy food and drink
Verbs – manger/boire
Du/de la/ des/ de l’
Negatives – ne…pas/jamais
Revise the imperative / AT1 Teacher presentation on protein/fat/carbohydrates/liquids/vitamins etc.,
AT2 Pairwork on what they eat each day for each meal. Partner gives them a score out of 10 for healthy eating
AT3/4 Look at labels from food packets (preferably authentic French ones). Is each product healthy or unhealthy? / Design a healthy menu
◊ Two able pupils in group could be given the task of judging menus and choosing the winner. / Authentic French nutrition labels from food packets / Write a list of do’s and don’ts on what to eat to stay healthy
Sport and Exercise
Verbs – jouer/faire/pratiquer / AT1/2 Question and answer session (in class or pairs) – what sports do they do at school and home? What do they enjoy? Etc.,
AT3/4 Each member of the class writes what they do to keep fit. Pass their notes to next person who gives them a health rating out of 10
◊ An able class could debate the importance/benefits of various sports. / Write emails to a partnership school about what they do to keep fit / Write an interview with a famous sports person
Lifestyles in a French-speaking country / Revise where French is spoken.
◊ Able pupils in class could research Francophone areas and present their findings to the class or produce a worksheet. / On Internet, research lifestyles/diet/ attitudes in a French speaking place / Find which French-speaking country has the most/least healthy lifestyle. Justify why.
Consolidation of unit
Revision of all vocabulary and structures covered in unit
Il y a / on peut / AT3/4 Design a brochure for a health farm in a small group or with a partner
AT3/4 ◊ Read article about a specific health issue, such as smoking and do comprehension questions
AT4 ◊ Write a similar article / Produce article or brochure using ICT
Produce an advert for a health farm using video/audio recording / Authentic articles about a specific health issue / Group or pair set their own homework (based on their group’s work)