Specially Funded and Parent/Community Programs Division
Specially Funded Programs, Compliance and Technical Support
Program Improvement Year 1 Checklist

This checklist contains only the requirements for a Program Improvement Year 1 school as stated in Section 1116 of the No Child Left Behind Act.

Local District
Local District Reviewer

The Program Improvement Year 1 plan containing the requirements:

q  Has been developed and approved by the school site council (SSC), and supporting documentation is on file.

q  Has been developed with the involvement of parents (including advisory committees), teachers, administrators, students (if secondary school), and other school staff, as appropriate.

q  Will be made available to the district, parents, and the public in an understandable and uniform format in a language that parents can understand.

q  Will be in effect for a two-year period and will be updated annually and revised as necessary by the school.


Rev. 9/27/05

Required Program Improvement Year 1 Components
Evidence exists that the following components are addressed: / Indicate page number(s) where components are located in the updated plan. / Reviewer Validation
YES / NO / Comments
Ø  Specific academic issues that caused the school to be identified for program improvement and the scientifically-based research strategies to be implemented to strengthen the core academic subjects. / Section I:
·  School Profile Description
Page ______
Section II: School Data
Pages ______
Section V: Action Plans
Pages ______

Ø  To meet annual measurable objectives for continuous and substantial progress by each group of students enrolled in school, that will ensure that all such groups will meet the state’s proficient level of academic achievement by 2013-2014.

/ Section V: Action Plans
Pages ______

Ø  To describe the technical assistance to be provided to the school, by the central office, and local district instructional staff.

/ Section VI:
Program Improvement Section 1116 Requirements Page _____
Ø  The school has provided written notice about the identification of program improvement status to parents of each student enrolled in such school. / Section VI:
Program Improvement Section 1116 Requirements Page _____
Ø  To describe adopted policies and practices concerning the school’s core academic subjects that have the greatest likelihood of ensuring that all groups of students enrolled in the school will meet the state’s proficient level of achievement on the statewide academic assessment no later than 2013-2014. / Section VI: Action Plans
Pages ______
Ø  To provide intervention activities before school, after school, during the summer, and during any extension of the school year. / Section VI:
Program Improvement Section 1116 Requirements Page ______
Ø  That the school spends no less than 10% of the funds made available to the school under NCLB Section 1116 for each fiscal year that the school is in program improvement status, for the purpose of providing to teachers and principals high-quality professional development. This professional development must directly address the academic achievement problem that caused the school to be identified for program improvement. / Section V:
Action Plans
Pages ______
Section VII:
Page ______
Section VIII:
Budget and Justification Pages
Page ______
Required Program Improvement Year 1 Components
Evidence exists that the following components are addressed: / Indicate page number(s) where components are located in the updated plan. / Reviewer Validation
YES / NO / Comments
Ø  To describe how the funds provided for high-quality professional development will be used to remove the school from program improvement status. / Section V: Action Plans
Pages ______
Section VI:
Program Improvement Section 1116 Requirements Page _____
Ø  To describe the school's incorporation of a teacher-mentoring program. / Section VI:
Program Improvement Section 1116 Requirements Page ____
Ø  To describe strategies to promote effective parental involvement in the school. / Section IV:
School, Family and Community Partnerships
Pages ______
Section V: Action Plans
Pages ______


Rev. 9/27/05