French and Indian War 1

French and Indian War 1

I.  Four Empire Building nations had claims in North America.

A.  ______

B.  Great Britain (England)

C.  ______

D.  Spain

II.  The West

A.  Russia

1.  Had Fur trading posts from ______through modern-day ______along the Pacific coast

B.  Spain

1.  claimed a large part of the Southwest

a.  included Mexico, parts of present-day New Mexico, ______, Texas, and ______

2.  Islands in the Caribbean

3.  ______

III.  French Claims

A.  New France

1.  lay north and west of the English colonies, on the Atlantic coast and inland along the St. Lawrence river.

B.  Land along the ______River Valley.

C.  Land along the ______River Valley.

1.  made up parts of modern-day Ohio, Kentucky, ______, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and______.

2.  originally settled by fur trappers in the early 1700’s

IV.  British Claims

A.  13 Colonies

1.  laid along the east coast of present-day United States.

2.  Made up of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, ______, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, ______, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

B.  The Ohio River Valley

1.  made up parts of modern-day Ohio, ______, Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Illinois.

2.  1740’s trappers from Pennsylvania and ______crossed into the valley.

3.  Pioneer families from the colonies began to move west.

V.  Conflict Begins

A.  Spanish and British

1.  border between Georgia and ______

B.  French and British

1.  Contest to be the most powerful nation in Europe had already led to 3 previous wars between Britain and France. There was no clear ______in any of the 3 wars.

a.  King William’s War (1689 – 1697)

b.  Queen Anne’s War (1702 - 1713)

c.  King ______War (1744 – 1748)

2.  Ohio River Valley

a.  British colonist wanted to move ______

b.  French wanted the land because it lay between ______and their settlements in the Mississippi River valley.

c.  Native Americans Take Sides

i.  British offered more and better ______

ii.  French offered ______

iii.  Iroquois League sided with the ______

a.  six tribe league that controlled the fur trade along the ______river.

b.  Located mostly in western New York.

iv.  Many other tribes side with the French.