Church in Wales Primary School

Foundation Phase Year 1 R.E. Scheme of Work

Strand (Range): Church / Term: Autumn 1
Year Group: Year 1
Learning Objectives:
  • To experience the awe and wonder of a church
  • To become familiar with the key features of the church building
  • To learn that the Bible is read during church service/services in other places
  • Aim: All children working towards attaining Outcome 4 RE skill
/ Literacy/Numeracy Framework
Literacy Elements-
Oracy. Developing and Presenting Information and Ideas (Speaking, Listening and Collaboration and Discussions)
Reading. Locating selecting and using Information (Reading strategies)
Writing - Writing accurately (Language, Handwriting, grammar, punctuation, spelling)
Numeracy Elements-
Core Skills/A.f.L / Links
(Values, S.E.A.L. and P.4.C) / Suggested Skill Development (including resources)
[Learning Activities]
Core skills:
Thinking & problem solving:
  • Can reflect on what makes them happy/sad/excited/lonely [Outcome 3]
  • Can show curiosity and interest in religious stories[Outcome 4]
Personal Social Wellbeing
  • Can show by actions how they feel.
  • Can say how they feel
  • Are aware of the feelings of those around them[Outcome 3
  • Can express feelings about exciting, inspirational times in a creative way
  • Can recognise that people celebrate religious beliefs in different ways
[Outcome 4] / Values:
New Beginnings / Initial stimulus –Take Camera
Visit Llandaff Cathedral/local church and take time to sit and appreciate the atmosphere.Discuss how the children feel. Ask themwhat makes the place special. In groups’ children to take part in a walk using the five senses.
Show picture of a church and children to share ideas in a class thought shower.
Show the EBook created by Y3 of church features (or look at this PowerPoint) and then play’ matching game’ with words and pictures. Child with a picture has to find the child with the corresponding definition.
Use photographs taken of artefacts and record locations on a floor plan of the church visited.
In small groups, draft suggestions for behaviour in the place of worship. Feed back to class and generate a set of agreed class rules for good behaviour. Create poster using ipads.
Spiritual Development:
  • Can share ideas about things which are important
[Outcome 4]
Curriculum Cymreig:
  • Can listen to story of Mary Jones
[Outcome 3]
  • Can recall and respond to some basic religious beliefs
[Outcome 4]
Thinking and Problem Solving:
  • Can show curiosity and interest in religious stories
[Outcome 4] / Initial stimulus –picture of Bible and lectern
Recap visit to church / Llandaff Cathedral and recall the special place the Bible occupies in the building. Find out how this is used in a service. (Invite local clergy) What does this tell you about the importance of the Bible? Why is this book used in church? Discuss the importance of the Bible and how many base their life on its teachings. Remind children that it is the best-selling book of all time.Discuss places where a Bible is found (Hospitals, hotels, law courts, prisons).Explore possible reasons for this.
How is the Bible used in stained glass windows? (Stories of the Bible painted in pictures at a time when few people could read). Use photographs of stained glass windows from visit for class display.
Children to create a stained glass picture using coloured cellophane and black card. (Possibly keep as a calendar for Christmas?)
Briefly outline the story of Mary Jones (covered in Y2!) and stress how important and special the Bible was for her. Teacher to show something special to her/him and explain why it is special. Children to bring in special item of theirs, teacher to take a photograph of the child holding their item and make a class book –Our Special Things. Children to write simple sentences explaining why object is special.


Diocese Of Llandaff