Draft Draft Draft





The stated meeting of the Presbytery of New Brunswick was held on 8 November 2016 at the First Presbyterian Church of Dutch Neck, 154 South Mill Road, Princeton Junction, New Jersey 08550.


To be supplied for the permanent minutes.


The presbytery was called to order with prayer at 6:47 pm by moderator Werner.

Introductions: The reverend Steven Kolderup introduced elder Eugene Hill of Frenchtown Presbyterian Church. The reverend Bob Tomlinson introduced the reverend Nagy Hanna of the Church of the Nile in Egypt.

The reverend Katie Mulligan of the Presbytery of West Jersey was seated as a corresponding member.

The docket was presented:



6:30Presbytery Called to OrderRev. Wendi L. Werner, moderator

Introductions and seating of corresponding members

Approval of Docket Consent Agenda


6:40Worshipled by the First Presbyterian Church of Dutch Neck

& Musician Noel Werner



7:15Scripture Reading III: Ezra 3:8a-d, 10-13

Transition Task Force Presentation of the New Plan of Presbytery

Motion: The Transition Task Force moves the Suspension of the Plan of Presbytery be con- tinued from January 2017 to March 11, 2017

Prayer for our Presbytery

Hymn #656 “We've Come This Far by Faith”



Scripture Reading IV: Hebrews 6:13-19a

A Litany: Our Country (from the 1946 Book of Common Worship)

7:50Administrative Commission

Motion: The Administrative Commission moves that the Financial Policy be approved

2017 Budget PresentationTreasurer Linda Gilmore

8:05Nominating CommitteeRev. Dawn Adamy, Rev. Molly Dykstra

8:10Committee on MinistryRev. Dr. Beth Tanner

Presbytery of New Brunswick Minimum Compensation and Call Neutrality Policy

first reading

8:20Committee on Preparation for Ministry

Motion: The Committee on Preparation for Ministry moves that Dan Darrow (Nassau) an enrolled inquirer, be advanced to the candidacy phase of ordination.

Motion: The Committee on Preparation for Ministry moves that Katherine Scot (Nassau) an enrolled inquirer, be advanced to the candidacy phase of ordination.

8:45Urban Working GroupRev. Roberta Kearny

Hymn 307God of Grace

9:00Adjournment with Prayer

The docket was approved as presented.


The Administrative Commission of the Presbytery


1. That the presbytery approve the minutes of the 13 September 2016 stated meeting of the presbytery.

Committee on Preparation for Ministry:


1. Richard Coble was certified ready to receive a call.

On 3 October 2016 the Committee on Preparation for Ministry certified Richard Coble as ready to receive a call. Mr Coble is a member of Nassau Presbyterian Church. He was enrolled as candidate by this presbytery on 11 November 2014.

2. Enrolled Jae Eun Hwang as an inquirer.

On 3 October 2016, acting on behalf of the presbytery, the Committee on Preparation for Ministry enrolled Jae Eun Hwang as an inquirer into the Ministry of the Word and Sacrament. Ms Hwang is a member of the Princeton Korean Presbyterian Church.

Report of the Stated Clerk


1. Ordination of Kelsey Hawisher Faul

At its stated meeting of 13 September 2016 the presbytery elected an administrative commission to ordain Kelsey Hawisher Faul as a teaching elder in the ministry of the Word and Sacrament at the request of, and on behalf of the Presbytery of Cincinnati.

The commission consisted of:

reverend Jim Huang, Vice Moderator of Presbytery

reverend Andrew Barton, First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square

elder Jenn Fanders, First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square

reverend Beth Scibienski, Grace Presbyterian Church

elder Mary Ellen Dupree Leonard, Grace Presbyterian Church

The commission met prior to the service of ordination at 3:30 pm of 25 September 2016 at the First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square. The meeting was duly constituted, prayer being offered by reverend Jim Huang.

Upon motion the the commission was organized with Jim Huang as moderator and Beth Scibienski as clerk.

The service of ordination followed the order prescribed in the Book of Order. The moderator, reverend Huang, stated the proceedings of the presbytery in preparation for the ordination and asked the constitutional questions of the candidate. These being answered in the affirmative the candidate knelt and with prayer led by the reverend Andrew Barton and with the laying on of hands the commission ordained Kelsey Hawisher Faul as a teaching elder to the ministry of the Word and Sacrament.

At the conclusion of the service the newly ordained teaching elder made a brief statement and pronounced the benediction. After the service the officers and members of the presbytery and the congregation came forward and gave her an expression of cordial reception and regard.

Prior to the start of the worship service the commission approved their minutes and was adjourned with the benediction that closed the service of worship.

Submitted by the reverend Jim Huang, moderator of this commission and the reverend Beth Scibienski, clerk of this commission.

2. Ordination of Walter DeGunya

At its stated meeting of 13 September 2016 the presbytery examined and approved the ordination of Walter DeGunya and validated his ministry as a chaplain at Trenton State Psychiatric Hospital. Presbytery elected an administrative commission to ordain Walter DeGunya as a teaching elder in the ministry of the Word and Sacrament.

The commission consisted of:

Reverend Wendi Werner, moderator of Presbytery

Elder Catherine Ahmad, Pennington Presbyterian Church

Rev Miriam Diephouse-McMillan, Chaplain, Trenton Psychiatric Hospital

Rev Kristie Finley, Abundant Grace Dinner Church

Elder B.J. Katen-Narvell, Nassau Presbyterian Church

Elder Leslie Lanphear, First Presbyterian Church of Dayton

Rev Anita Milne, First Presbyterian Church of Plainsboro

Elder Jennie Salas, Iglesia Presbiteriana Nuevas Fronteras

Rev Aaron Twitchell, Chaplain, The Pennington School

The commission met prior to the service of ordination at 6:00 pm of 25 September 2016 at the Plainsboro Presbyterian Church. The meeting was duly constituted, prayer being offered by reverend Wendi Werner.

Upon motion the the commission was organized with Wendi Werner as moderator and Leslie Lanphear as clerk.

The service of ordination followed the order prescribed in the Book of Order. The congregation was called to worship and a sermon on “Open Communion” based on a text from John 6:1-15 was preached by the reverend Milne. The moderator, reverend Werner, stated the proceedings of the presbytery in preparation for the ordination and asked the constitutional questions of the candidate. These being answered in the affirmative the candidate knelt and with prayer led by the reverend Anita Milne and with the laying on of hands the commission ordained Walter DeGunya as a teaching elder to the ministry of the Word and Sacrament.

At the conclusion of the service the newly ordained teaching elder made a brief statement and pronounced the benediction. After the service the officers and members of the presbytery and the congregation came forward and gave him an expression of cordial reception and regard.

Prior to the start of the worship service the commission approved their minutes and was adjourned with the benediction that closed the service of worship.

Submitted by the reverend Wendi Werner, moderator of this commission and elder Leslie W. Lanphear, clerk of this commission.

3. Ordination of Douglas Walters

At its stated meeting of 13 September 2016 the presbytery examined and approved the ordination of Douglas Walters and validated his ministry as pastor, part-time and on a temporary basis, to the Mt Airy Presbyterian Church. Presbytery elected an administrative commission to ordain Douglas Walters as a teaching elder in the ministry of the Word and Sacrament.

The commission consisted of:

Reverend Wendi Werner, moderator of Presbytery

Rev. Michael Atzert - Teaching Elder (Kirkpatrick Memorial)

Rev. Matthew Rhodes - Teaching Elder (Chaplain at University Medical

Center of Princeton Plainsboro)

Rev. Robert Heppenstall III - Teaching Elder (Hilltop Presbyterian Church

in Newton Presbytery)

John Williamson - Ruling Elder (Mt. Airy)

Linda Hults - Ruling Elder (Kirkpatrick Memorial)

Dick Sheetz - Ruling Elder (Hopewell)

The commission met prior to the service of ordination at 2:30 pm of 16 October 2016 at the Mt Airy Presbyterian Church. The meeting was duly constituted, prayer being offered by reverend Wendi Werner.

Upon motion the the commission was organized with Wendi Werner as moderator and elder John Williamson as clerk.

The service of ordination followed the order prescribed in the Book of Order. The congregation was called to worship. The moderator, reverend Werner, stated the proceedings of the presbytery in preparation for the ordination and asked the constitutional questions of the candidate. These being answered in the affirmative the candidate knelt and with prayer and with the laying on of hands the commission ordained Douglas Walters as a teaching elder to the ministry of the Word and Sacrament.

At the conclusion of the service the newly ordained teaching elder made a brief statement and pronounced the benediction. After the service the officers and members of the presbytery and the congregation came forward and gave him an expression of cordial reception and regard.

Prior to the start of the worship service the commission approved their minutes and was adjourned with the benediction that closed the service of worship.

Submitted by the reverend Wendi Werner, moderator of this commission and elder John Williamson, clerk of this commission.

4. Amendments to the constitution will be voted on in March 2017.

The stated clerk reminds the presbytery that amendments to the constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA) passed by the General Assembly in Portland, Oregon, this June past and sent by the General Assembly to the presbyteries for their approval will be on the docket for the March 2017 stated meeting of the presbytery. There will be no booklets with the text of the amendments and their rationale this year. Instead the information will be available online. The online address will be reported at the January meeting of the presbytery.

Committee on Ministry:


1. Approved a contract between the reverend Ann L. Schoonover and Covenant Presbyterian Church.

On 4 October 2016 the Committee on Ministry, acting on behalf of the presbytery approved a contract between the reverend Ann L. Schoonover and Covenant Presbyterian Church for her to assume the part-time position of Pastoral Care Coordinator from 1 September 2016 through 31 August 2017. Compensation on an annual basis:

cash salary$ 15,000

housing allowance$ 20,000

Social Security Offset$ 1,600

BoP dues$ 13,359

reimbursable expenses$ 2,120

total$ 52,079

vacation4 weeks

study leave2 weeks

2. Approved a contract between the First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square and the reverend Kristie Webb Finley.

On 4 October 2016 the Committee on Ministry, acting on behalf of Presbytery approved the contract between the First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square and the Rev. Kristie Webb Finley to serve in the non-called part-time position (12-15 hours/week) of Minister of Pastoral Care. Contract terms are as follows:

Cash Salary$ 18,000

Reimbursable vouchered expenses $1,000

Paid Vacation4 weeks.

Paid Study Leave2 weeks.

1. It is understood that medical, pension, disability, and death benefit coverage from the Board of Pensions are not provided for this position.

2. The vouchered expenses will be a not-to-exceed amount usable for any professional expense.

3. Since this is clergy employment, Hamilton Square will not do any federal or state withholding, but will issue a form W-2.

4. Work is to be started on September 12, 2016.

5. Pastor Finley has a few plans already made for continuing education and professional responsibilities requiring time away. These fit within the parameters of the agreement and church calendar.

3. Adopted a policy on seminary debt.

On 4 October 2016 the Committee on Ministry adopted the following policy:

The Presbytery of New Brunswick shares the concerns about student debt expressed by the Board of Pensions and the larger church. We commit to helping our new pastors practice wise financial stewardship and will do what we can to connect them with resources to manage debt.

Pastoral care for students includes caring for the financial well-being of students and families. To that end the following are suggested as guidelines for financial policies for Committees on Preparation for Ministry:

1. That the debt level of seminary students be no more than 40% of latest available churchwide median salary.

2. That every seminary student attend a fiscal fitness workshop provided by the Board of Pensions.

The Committee on Ministry will consult with the Committee on Preparation for Ministry about a joint long-term policy addressing this question.

4. Approved a contract between the reverend Marguerite Dykstra and Covenant Presbyterian Church.

On 1 November 2016 the Committee on Ministry approved the contract between Covenant Presbyterian Church and the Reverend Marguerite Dykstra to serve as part-time (80%, 40 hours a week) Stated Supply Pastor from September 1, 2016 through August 31, 2017. Contract terms are as follows:

Cash Salary$38,000


SECA$ 3,934

403b Plan$ 1,600

Pension 11%$ 5,676

Death & Disability 1%$ $ 516

Reimbursable expenses$ 3,000

Total expense to church$66,326

Paid Vacation4 weeks

Paid Continuing Education2 weeks

5. Appointed the reverend John Potter to moderate a congregational meeting of the Kingston Presbyterian Church on 20 November 2016 in the absence of their pastor.


1. That the presbytery approve the serving of the Lord’s Supper by the reverend Walter DeGunya when his duties require it.

On 25 September the presbytery ordained Walter DeGunya to a ministry as Chaplain at the Trenton Psychiatric Hospital. It is customary to authorize chaplains to serve the Lord’s Supper as required by the duties of their position. Ministers of the Word and Sacrament may officiate at the service of the Lord’s Supper, but may not authorize such service themselves. Ordinarily a session authorizes the service of the Lord’s Supper, but in the case of chaplains the authorization is given by the presbytery. This authorization should have been included in the motion at the September meeting of the presbytery to ordain reverend DeGunya and to validate his ministry, but was neglected.

The Consent Agenda was approved as presented.


Worship liturgy was led by the reverend Beth Scibienski, elder David Redman, and the reverend Wendi Werner with a reading from Psalm 51. The reverend Jan Willem van der Werff preached from Luke 2:41-52. Music was provided by Noel Werner, Director of Music at Nassau Presbyterian Church.



Scripture Reading: Ezra 3:8a-d, 10-13


Elder Janet Dickerson reported for the Transition Task Force.

A revised Plan of Presbytery was presented for a first reading. The proposed Plan of Presbytery accompanies these minutes as Appendix A.

Motion: The Transition Task Force moves that The Suspension of the Plan of Presbytery be continued from January 2017 to March 11, 2017.


In November 2014, the Presbytery of New Brunswick voted to suspend the Plan of Presbytery for a period which was to begin in January of 2015 and continue through January 2017. During the ensuing two year time period, the Task Force has been working steadily on a revised Plan of Presbytery for the body's consideration.

The revised plan is to be presented at the November 8, 2016 meeting for a first read. Subject to discussion and possible amendment, a motion to finalize or the plan will be called at the January 10, 2017 stated meeting.

Whether the plan be approved at the January meeting or not, presbytery will be unable to either launch the plan recommended by the task force or revert to the former plan in January, as the Nominating Committee will not have received guidance from the body.

It is therefore the recommendation of the Task Force the suspension continue until the March 11, 2016 stated meeting, at which time the Nominating Committee will present a slate for consideration. If the way be clear, all members of the Transition Task Force and a majority of members of the Administrative Commission have agreed to continue their faithful work till the March presbytery meeting - ensuring the work of the presbytery will not experience disruption.

Additionally, rather than adhering to the practice of a January shift in moderatorial leadership, Wendi Werner and Jim Huang will continue their respective moderator and vice-moderator roles until the suspension period has concluded. Jim Huang is to be installed as moderator at the March meeting. This is to ensure continuity for both the task force, which Wendi has been moderating and the Administrative Commission, which Jim has been moderating.

The motion passed without objection.

The report concluded with prayer for our presbytery.



Scripture Reading IV: Hebrews 6:13-19a

A Litany: Our Country (from the 1946 Book of Common Worship)

O God the Father, who governest the nations upon earth:

Be merciful unto us.

Remember not, O Lord, the offenses of Thy people, our manifold transgressions and our national sins; deal not with us after our sins, neither reward us according to our wickedness:

Spare us, Father of mercies.

From blindness of heart, from love of ease, from contentment with the second best, from failure to do the good that was in the heart of our fathers and for which they prepared the way:

Save Thy people, Lord.

From presumptuous sins, from pride of possession, from vainglorious boastings, from national hypoc risies:

Save Thy people, Lord.

From the covetousness which is idolatry, from hard bargaining and ruthless competition, and from all the service of mammon and the worship of wealth:

Save Thy people, Lord.

From class warfare and class hatred, from racial antagonisms, from the spirit of party, from the seeking of sectional advantage and forgetfulness of the general good: