Academic Partner:
Name of Academic / Prof Umit Bititci / Department Name / DMEM
E-mail / / Tel. No. / 0141 548 2015
(Please provide full postal address and website) /
University of Strathclyde
Architecture Building
131 Rottenrow
Glasgow G4 0NG
Commercialisation Office Contact / Name / Email / Tel. No.
Fiona Deans
Company Details:
Company Name
(The Initiative is restricted to Registered Organisations only) / Harris Tweed Authority / Company Registration Number:
Business address:
(Please provide full postal address and website) / The Harris Tweed Authority, Town hall, 2 Cromwell Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland HS1 2DB
Outline the Principal activity of the company / Company profile (up to 100 words) / The passing of an Act of Parliament in 1993 brought into being the Harris Tweed Authority, a new statutory body replacing the original Harris Tweed Association set up in 1909. The fundamental role of the organisation was to undertake responsibility for promoting and maintaining the authenticity, standard and reputation of the world famous Harris Tweed cloth.
The Authority oversees the production and inspection of the cloth from start to finish and only when satisfied that the article is genuinely deserving of our historic Orb will we brand the cloth with the mark.
The mark of the Orb, pressed onto every length of cloth and seen on the traditional label affixed to finished items, guarantees the highest quality tweed, dyed, spun and handwoven by islanders of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland in their homes to the laws outlined in the Harris Tweed Act of Parliament.
Contact Details:
(e.g. Mr. John Smith) / Name / Job Title
Lorna Macaulay / Chief Executive
E-mail / , / Tel. No. / 01851702269


Were the objectives of the original project outline met (up to 100 words)
  • Describe how the objectives were met
  • If they were not met describe briefly why not
  • Please refer to the original milestones listed in the application form

Description of Activity / Deliverable/Milestones Output
Project preparation / The pre-work involved becoming familiar with the value chain for Harris Tweed, from the receipt of certified bales of Scottish wool through to the dispatch of finished cloth to retailers and reviewing other ‘brands’ use of traceability.
Site visits (2 days) / Site visits were carried out on 7th of February and 14thMarch.
The 7th February visit involved
-a review of HTA’s existing research on other ‘brands’ use of traceability,
-visit to the Harris Tweed Hebrides mill at Shawbost
-visit to 2 weavers showing both the dominant ‘double-width’ loom production and the older ‘Hattersley’ loom
-discussion of the days findings at HTA
The 14thMarch visit involved finalizing the report with HTA personnel and the presentation of the findings to the HTA Chief Executive and industry representatives.
Desk based research to scope alternatives (5 days) / -Review of labeling technologies focusing on electronic and print based labels
-Understanding key limitations of RFID / NFC (electronic) labels and review concerns of impact of QR code (printed) labels and similar emerging technologies.
-Consider data already captured by HTA and the mills
-Develop necessary processes and roles to capture the data and transfer to a web-enabled database
Review potential solutions (3 days) / -2 technology types were identified and a single ‘best’ solution proposed
-3 alternative ways forward were identified and key drivers for each identified
-Alternatives discussed with HTA via teleconference and agreed preferred solution to be presented.
Document preferred solution (3 days) / -12th March to 19thMarch
Report to client (2 days) / Produce a focused presentation for HTA and key stakeholders. Review with HTA contacts prior to visit. (This was finalized during the visit on 14th March).
Present to HTA and industry representatives (including weavers, mill and HIE)
How will the findings be taken forward by the Company / HEI? (up to 150 words)
  • What outcome / impact has resulted for both partners
  • Will the partners continue to collaborate beyond this initial study?

The project has identified that HTA’s broad idea around traceability can be met with available technologies. There are challenges relating to cooperation from downstream to achieve the ultimate goal of traceability from every label.
HTA will progress with the development of website which will provide much of the brand enhancement discussed with a traceability option based on existing label reference.
This will allow the HTA to gather further information regarding end user interest in traceability and to embed the necessary data capture processes.
University of Strathclyde has gained insight into the value chain for Harris Tweed and has identified a number of opportunities for further knowledge exchange in the wider industry activities. Some potential collaboration has been discussed with the Weavers association.
HTA and UoS expect to collaborate further on the traceability project as it develops.
Route to Market
Indicate the commercialisation process proposed based on the outcome of the study.
Up to 100 words / There is a known demand from end-consumers for information about ‘their’ tweed relating to approximately 30 phone queries per week. The proposed label reference number will address this demand and is targeted to have no net on-going cost implications.
Additional revenue opportunities have been identified in the course of the project (a ‘premium’ service offered to retailers). The level of interest and value of this service will be investigated.
You should include forecast increase in private sector investment and the projected additional sales and jobs that will be generated as a result of the proposed product/process or service / Forecast increase in private sector investment / £ Circa £10K – 15K from scheme ‘membership’ from mills.
Total - £30K + / Projected Additional Sales / £ NIL to HTA
to wider HT Ind – Unkown
Will be evaluated after year 1
Projected no. additional jobs / 1 @ HTA / Projected no. safeguarded jobs / tbe
Please outline any further comments in relation to lessons for future delivery of the scheme/level of satisfaction etc.
Are you willing to participate in a short case study to promote the collaboration using non confidential information? (Tick box)
Joined up government and freedom of information statement
The Scottish Funding Council may share information about projects with the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and any other appropriate organisation in the interests of developing and promoting the Innovation Voucher Scheme.
The Scottish Funding Council is subject to the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and as such may be requested to disclose information regarding the Innovation Voucher Scheme. Scheme members will be consulted before any decision to disclose information is taken. However, any refusal to disclose may be appealed to the Scottish Information Commissioner.

Section 3: Project Timesheet – actual work completed and associated costs

This section constitutes an invoice for the claiming of funds – please do not submit a separate invoice.



Donaldson House

97 Haymarket Terrace


EH12 5HD

Internal ref. number [if required]

Please indicate the time spent on this project, showing the name of the deliverer, the dates and activities. Please note that a maximum of 7 hours per day Monday to Friday can be claimed. Please note that all costs covered by Innovation Voucher funding are paid in arrears. Funds will be transferred to cover eligible costs on submission of supporting evidence of the final report showing that the cost has already been incurred or work already completed. If the final report is received and approved by the 20th of the month funds will normally be paid by the SFC in its standard payment run the following month.

Staff Costs

Date / Name / Activity
(a brief description is adequate and can be ‘dittoed’ if appropriate) / No. of hours / Value
7/2 / Colin Andrews / Site visit / 7 / 242.99
7/2 / Colin Andrews / Expenses for visit (parking at airport & evening food) / £26.75
11/2 / Colin Andrews / Desk research / 7 / 242.99
12/2 / Colin Andrews / Desk research / 7 / 242.99
18/2 / Colin Andrews / Desk research / 7 / 242.99
22/2 / Colin Andrews / Desk research / 7 / 242.99
26/2 / Colin Andrews / Desk research / 7 / 242.99
4/3 / Colin Andrews / Review Potential Solutions / 7 / 242.99
4/3 / Umit Bititci / Review Potential Solutions / 3.5 / 201.36
5/3 / Colin Andrews / Review Potential Solutions / 7 / 242.99
8/3 / Colin Andrews / Review Potential Solutions / 7 / 242.99
8/3 / Umit Bititci / Review Potential Solutions / 3.5 / 201.36
12/3 / Colin Andrews / Document Solution / 7 / 242.99
14/3 / Colin Andrews / Site visit & Presentation / 7 / 242.98
14/3 / Colin Andrews / Expenses for visit (parking at airport & evening food) / £27.45
18/3 / Colin Andrews / Document Solution / 7 / 242.98
19/3 / Colin Andrews / Document Solution / 7 / 242.98
26/3 / Colin Andrews / Report to Client / 7 / 242.98
28/3 / Colin Andrews / Report to Client / 7 / 242.98
28/3 / Umit Bititci / Report to Client / 7 / 402.73
Total: / 119 / £4504.44

Other associated costs



Supplier/ Activity

/ Value





Continue onto a new sheet if necessary

Confirmation of the total funds being claimed: Total £4504.44______

Form Completed by:

Name:Prof. Umit Bititci


Organisation: DMEM, University of Strathclyde

Date: 30th April 2013