Faculty Senate Educational Equity Committee (Eec)

Faculty Senate Educational Equity Committee (Eec)



Minutes of Meeting__November 9, 2009Approved by Committee ______

Sub.to Exec.Comm.______Approved by Exec.Comm.______

Sub.to Acad.Senate______Approvedby Acad.Senate______


Members Present:Sakile Camara, Vincentiu Covrig, Shane Frehlich, Lauren McDonald, Carolyn Okazaki (Chair), Danielle Skaggs, April Taylor (Vice Chair), Jose Luis Vargas (Secretary)

Members Absent: Maria Elena De Bellard,Christine Hayashi,Sun-Mee Kang

Guest(s): Daisy Lemus

  1. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 11:38am
  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Minutes of October 12, 2009 were approved as written.
  1. Announcements
  2. None
  1. Review of the results of HERI and the need for a campus climate survey.
  2. Sakile Camara: After reviewing data, has determined that there is a need for a climate survey. Will bring a sample of one to the next meeting which asks a different set of questions than the HERI and it is free. Because raw data was not provided, this makes it difficult to analyze the HERI report.
  3. Daisy Lemus volunteered to contact HR and see if they would work with EEC and post our survey on their website.
  1. The EEC/Faculty development program for faculty on working with disabled students
  2. Postponed to the next meeting
  1. Recruitment and Retention subcommittee Retention Workshop
  2. Will take place on March 15th 10-12:30. Deals with CSUN’s revolving door issue. Recruitment is to replace faculty who have left so not always increasing faculty.
  3. Concern about privacy isone of the main issues causing the lack of participation in faculty who are leaving.
  4. S. Camara brought up the idea of a support group for diverse faculty to deal with issues they face.
  5. In discussing what could bring faculty to attend an event, A. Taylor suggested something similar to what is done at UCLA where people come and meet new people and discuss different issues. This would be a formal event but we could create an informal environment to.
  6. Daisy Lemus suggested a brown bag discussion on a topic such as research related to diversity, the Provost would be there to listen and discuss with those who participate.
  7. S. Camara suggested we could invite others to attend the EEC meeting and discuss issues of equity and diversity on campus.
  8. Daisy Lemus: Suggest EEC obtain some of the Student Learning Objectives (SLO) on different student services on campus. Maybe EEC could come up with some SLO’s on diversity.
  9. The question was raised on what is the charge of the committee with regards to equity and diversity on campus. JLV explained that the charge is very general so it is up to the committee to decide and narrow down what the EEC wants to take on. It was decided a few years ago that the issue of faculty diversity on campus would be dealt with.
  10. JLV stated the challenge in dealing with diversity related issues is that the students of diversity today do not perceive the issues of diversity the way the older generation do. There is a generational issue in dealing with diversity.
  11. There is a need to determine what the student’s educational support needs are, not just the 3.0 and above, also 2.99 and below. This will allow in determining the direction the EEC should go.
  12. It was suggested the EEC complete the climate study on faculty and then move to the climate study of students. Obtain information that will give the committee direction.
  1. Audio conference on the recruitment and retention of a more diverse campus.
  2. Postponed for another day.
  3. Next meeting will be held on December 7th, in UN 211.
  1. Adjourned at 1:12pm