PatossNottinghamshire : Booking form

Event:Demonstration: ‘Gadgets and Gizmos’

Speaker:Dee Caunt

Date : Thursday 30 November 2017 6:30pm for prompt 7pm start

Venue:Lecture Theatre 1, Vision University Centre, Vision West Notts College,

Derby Road, Mansfield. NG18 5BH

To book your place, email a form for each attendee,by 23rdNov 2017,to

*essential *Name of attendee: ……......

Category of booking / Fee / Mark X in one box*
Visiting non-member / £7.00
Member of Patoss Nottinghamshire / free
Not a member of Patoss Nottinghamshire, but a national Patoss member
National Membership number: ...... / £5.00
Staff of Vision West Nottinghamshire College / free

*Contact email address: ......

School/college/other organisation (optional) ......

Details of any disability access needs: ......

How did you hear about this event? ......

If you need to pay, please pay in advance. It should reach us by 23/11/17.

We prefer an onlinebank transfer to:

Patoss Nottinghamshire account number 4360 8301 sort code 20-55-62.

Please give your name (as supplied on this form) as the reference for the transfer.

For details of how to make a cheque payment, see FAQs below. Please do not use the address of our registered office.

  • I will pay by bank transfer /cheque to arrive by 23/11/17 (delete as appropriate)

If your payment is not received bythe23/11/17deadline, you will need to pay on the door. A £3 surcharge will apply and we cannot guarantee that a seat will be available.

Attendees agree to us processing and holding their personal data on electronic media(Data Protection Act 1998). FAQs PTO


  1. How can I complete and return the booking form?

The form is a WORD document. Type in your details where indicated by a box or dotted lines.Save a copy for your own reference and email a copy, as an attachment, to

Then remember to make your payment unless you are entitled to a free place.

  1. How do I pay by cheque?

Email o request the treasurer’s postal address. Please do not use the registered office (c/o TDA) as this will cause delays.

Your cheque should be made payable to Patoss Nottinghamshire and your name should be written on the back.

  1. Will I get a receipt for my payment?

Yes. We will email it to the e-address you gave on the booking form.

  1. I qualify for free entry. Do I still have to book?

Yes please: this lets us track the total number of seats needed.

  1. I have booked and paid, but now cannot come. Can I transfer my place to a colleague?

Yes. Please email us with the name given onthe original booking and the name of the substitute.

  1. I have booked and paid but now cannot come. Can I have a refund?

Sorry, but this is not possible. We offer low cost CPD on a voluntary basis and refunds are too time-consuming to process.

  1. Can I have an advance copy of the speaker’s power point or other handouts?

We ask speakers to provide this material if possible. Most speakers do so. If we receive it, we will email it to those who have paid by the deadline.

  1. Why have you changed your booking system?

Our lectures are becoming very popular. Increasing numbers make it difficult and time consuming to collect payment on arrival. The current, more formal, system makes life easier for us and savesqueueingtime for you.

Patoss Nottinghamshire is run by education professionals on a voluntary basis. We do not have a lot of spare time for administration. Please help us by following the booking system or emailing if you have a difficulty. If at all possible, please pay in advance by bank transfer.

  1. I still have a query to resolve before I can book.

Email our booking secretary on . Please allow several days for any response as this account is not continuously manned.

Patoss Nottinghamshire

for correspondenceemail:


Registered office, not for general correspondence:

c/o TDA, Sherwood House, 7 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham, NG7 6LB