English II, Academic Course Outline and Policies

2014 - 2015

Ms. Bree A Rolfe

Conference periods: 2ndand 6th



Classroom Phone: 512-841-4110

James Bowie High School website:

Major Units of Study

Students will study various works of literature, vocabulary, grammar, writing, and be givenSTAAR/EOC preparation. This course will cover the Language Arts Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and explore the culture, beliefs and influences of literature and writing from around the world. This year we will be reading the following longer texts (titles are subject to change): Antigone by Sophocles, A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah, 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose, Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, and Funny in Farsi by Firoozeh Dumas. We will also read short selections of fiction, poetry and non-fiction.

Materials and Textbooks

Students will be issued all literature textbooks (via Bowie’s checkout system) and novels necessary for this class.

Please have ALL of your supplies with you by Tues. (A) Sept. 2rd and Wed. (B) Sept. 3th!

A three-ring binder & notebook paper(optional)

A composition or some other type of notebook. This will be your “writer’s notebook.”

Writing utensils (blue or black pen or pencils)

Post-it Notes (you need these by next class)

Index Cards (optional)

English II Policies and Expectations

Grading System for each six weeks average is calculated as follows:

Homework and Daily assignments are worth 15%

Quizzes and mini-projects are worth 20%

Unit Tests are worth 30%

Essays and major projects are worth 35%

Failed tests /quizzes

Students may retake failed quizzes or tests within one week of receiving the failing grade to improve that grade for a maximum of 70% during both semesters.

Late work

All assignmentsare due at the beginning of the period on the due date.Late assignments will be penalized 30 points. You have up to three consecutive school days after the due date to turn it in. After three days, the assignment will receive a zero.

Make-up work due to absences

Students are expected to keep up with their missed work.Students are expected to check my website for work they have missed. My website is and daily assignments are listed under the “weekly agenda” menu. Students are expected to make up missed work by the next class meeting.

Extra credit

If there is an extra credit opportunity my class, you will be made aware as it arises. Please check my website periodically for extra credit options.


Class time is learning time. We are members of a learning community. No student has the right, through disruptions, to prevent any other student from learning. No member has the right to attack, demoralize, harass, or belittle another person in the classroom; sexual harassment, racist or homophobic language and hate speech will not be tolerated. Self-respect and respect for others are the basic guides for behavior.

Copying / Cheating / Plagiarism

DO NOT DO IT! All Bowie students are expected to act honorably and with integrity. All students involved in copying any assignment, cheating by giving or receiving help on any test or quiz, plagiarizing, or inappropriate use of the Internet will receive a zero that cannot be made up or replaced. In addition, students can be subject to a disciplinary referral and/or can jeopardize their eligibility for membership in the National Honor Society.

Cell Phone Use

Cell phones are not allowed in class unless authorized by the teacher. Students will be asked to turn in their cell phone at the beginning of every class.

Ms. Rolfe’s Classroom Guidelines & Policies

  • Be on time and be prepared.
  • Be attentive & on task during class.
  • Be considerate, tolerant & respectful.
  • Follow directions (both written & verbal).
  • Bathroom… Please ask to go. You may not go when I am direct teaching, so please don’t ask then (that means… when we are reading or I am in front of the room talking). You may go during work time. Just ask, take the pass by the door and sign out.
  • Eating…there is no eating in my class unless you have a medical condition or an unusual circumstance. Please speak to me if this is the case, I am flexible.

Dear Parent/ Guardian of English II Student:

Hello! My name is Bree Rolfe and I am your student’s teacher for English II this year. I gave my students a copy of the course policies and procedures this week and I would suggest you look them over as well. If you need another copy, you can find them on my website or feel free to email/ call me and I would be happy to explain them to you. I would like to point out that I do not allow cell phones in my classroom and students will be asked to turn them in to me at the beginning of each class. I am locking them inside a cabinet for the class period so that security is not a problem. If this is an issue for you, please let me know immediately. If you for any reason need to reach your student during class time, please call the front office and they can get in touch. Also, I am not allowing eating this year because I had too many issues last year, so if your student needs to eat in class for any reason, please let me know.

Also, on my website you will be able to find my weekly agendas and any handouts, notes or PowerPoints I give the students for class. So, it’s a great place to look for makeup work if your student has to miss class for any reason. We will be reading the following longer texts this year: Antigone by Sophocles, A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah, 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose, Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, and Funny in Farsi by Firoozeh Dumas. We will also read short selections of fiction, poetry and non-fiction.I would suggest review these titles and and if you have any objections or issues on the content, please let me know immediately so I can address them.

As a way of introduction, I also wanted to tell you a bit about myself since I am fairly new to Bowie High School. This is my second year at Bowie and my ninth year of teaching. For the seven years, I worked at Del Valle High School where I also taught English and writing. Before I was a teacher, I was a professional writer for ten years in my hometown of Boston, MA. I have a Masters of Fine Arts from the Writing Seminars at Bennington College, where I specialized in poetry, and a B.S. in Journalism from Boston University. In my free time, I still continue to write and publish my poetry. I hope that my experience as a living, working writer is an asset to my students and I try to instill in them a love for reading and writing—the two passions that have shaped my life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. If you need anything at all or have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. It’s an honor and a privilege to be trusted with educating your child. I am continually inspired by the talent and overall thoughtfulness of the students at Bowie High School and I look forward to a productive year. Also, if you could, please tear off and sign the bottom portion of this letter and give it to your student to return to me.


Bree A. Rolfe

English II & Creative Writing Teacher

James Bowie High School

(512) 841-4169 (classroom)


Student NameParent/ Guardian Name

Parent/ Guardian’s Email Parent/ Guardian Signature

& Best Phone Number