Kelly Peinado Your Names:

English 3

English 3 Information Scavenger Hunt

Use your Course Outline, Syllabus, and The Brief English Handbook to find answers to the following questions:

1.  What is the teacher’ name?

2.  Where is her office?

3.  What are her office hours?

4.  What is her email address?

5.  How many absences maximum is a student allowed before he/she is dropped from the course?

6.  If you are absent 2 times and tardy 4 times, how many absences do you have in my grade book?

7.  Do you receive a grade, or a Credit/No Credit in this course?

8.  In order to receive Credit and pass on to English 2A, what is the first requirement?

9.  What is the second requirement?

10.  Is working with a tutor required or optional?

11.  Please look at the Course Outline. How many textbooks are required? ___ What else is required?

12.  If you don’t have your textbooks yet, or lose them for a while, you must still do your homework. Where can you borrow these books for a few hours?

13.  Please turn to your book The Brief English Handbook. What kind of information is in this book?

14.  On the inside cover and very first page, there is a “Contents” menu. What are the 13 main headings on this menu?

1 5 9

2 6 10

3 7 11

4 8 12


15.  On what page do the guidelines for “Standard Manuscript Form” begin? _____

16.  The Index is in the back of the book. What is an Index for?______

17.  Name at least two ways the index is different from the Contents Menu at the front of the book. 1. 2.

Using either the Contents Menu or the Index, answer the following questions:

1.  On what pages do you find advice on writing a resume? ______

2.  If you want to review rules on comma use, where do you go? ______

3.  In writing a thank you note for a wedding gift, you wonder if you should write

“The wine glasses were a delightful surprise for Jane and I” OR “The wine glasses were a delightful surprise for Jane and me.” Which one is correct?______On what page of our handbook did you find the information to help you? ______

4.  Your brilliant, charming English teacher tells you that sometimes put an “S” on the end of verbs when they don’t need it, and other times, you forget to put the “S” on the verbs when they do need it. What pages will help you solve this problem? ______

5.  You don’t know whether it is correct to say, “I feel bad about his grandmother’s death,” OR “I feel badly about his grandmother’s death.” Upon consulting The Brief English Handbook, what do you decide?______What page helped you with this?

6.  On the back cover of the book is a list of Correction Symbols. I will write some of these correction symbols on your essays and then ask you to correct the problems. What problem does “tense” indicate? ______On what page can you find help with this error? ______

You can answer the next two questions after we go to the computer lab.

1.  How can you sign in to Desire2Learn?

2.  Can you do this from home, also?

3.  If you lose your syllabus or course outline, where can you get a new copy?

Thank you for all your hard work.