Eighth Grade Slide Show for Class of 2007 – PreK-2 Slide

You must create a minimum of 3 slides for the 8th grade slide show. Three of the slides must contain a picture of you, but may also contain other students. You may make as many additional slides as you have time for.

§  Due Trimester 1: Slide of you during Pre-K – 2 years

§  Due Trimester 2: Slide of you during Grade 3 - 5 years

§  Due date TBD: Slide of you during Grade 6 – 8 years, this slide show must contain an inspirational quote that hast to do with learning, education, growing up, moving on, or friendships….

1.  Open up PowerPoint and choose a blank layout (Use default page setup, landscape and 10" x 7.5")

2.  Save: 8-W Last F P-2 ss 8-R Last F P-2 ss or 8-B Last F P-2 ss in your network folder

3.  To place a picture: Insert à Picture à From file (then open the appropriate folder)

4.  To place text: Insert à Text box

a.  Font: Georgia, Bold

b.  Size: 24

c.  Alignment: Centered

5.  Text to include:

a.  First Line: First and last names, Age/Grade if known, location/activity

b.  Second Line: Grade ( Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, or 2nd Grade)

c.  Third Line: (If applicable) Field trip or school activity

d.  Line spacing: Single FormatàLine Spacing 1, 0, 0

6.  To add a background: Format à Background

a.  Choose a solid color or one of the effects that complements your picture

b.  Do not use neon colors and patterns that will hurt the eyes (such as many of the stripes and polka dots)

c.  Change your text color to contrast with your background color; the color must contrast with the background so that is visible from afar (no shades of red nor neon text)

7.  Center photo and textbox to the slide:

a.  Horizontally: Draw à Align or Distribute à Relative to slide à Align center

b.  Vertically: Use eyes, rulers and View: Grid and Guides to equalize top and bottom margins

8.  To add a transition to the slide: Slide Show à Slide Transition – Choose transition + speed, + NO sound + Advance slide: Automatically after 00:04

9.  Re-Save to network, then Save as to your My documents folder

10.  To add another slide: Insert à New Slide (Cntrl-M) – use same specifications as your first one, except change the background and color of text to coordinate with the new photo