Climate Change

Miss Greven

Ecological Footprint Calculator Worksheet

Research questions 1-4 on the internet (Make sure to include your sources!)

Questions 5-7 are all you!

Questions 8 & 9 are to be done using the Climate Change Tracking Tool spreadsheet (available on Weebly)

1. What is an ecological footprint?

2. What is the ecological footprint of the average Canadian (in hectares per capita)?

3. What is the ecological footprint of the average Bangladeshi (in hectares per capita)?

4. How many Earths would we need were the world to live like Canadians?

5. How does the concept of the ecological footprint relate to climate change?

6. What is the problem? (Think globally in terms of social, environmental, and economic factors.)

7. Brainstorm 10 ways you can reduce your ecological footprint:


Climate Change

Miss Greven












Climate Change

Miss Greven

8. Look at the Climate Change Tracking Tool (Excel spreadsheet on Weebly).

a) Hypothesize: Which actions do you think will have the biggest impact in reducing GHGs?

b) Test your hypothesis: Plug numbers into column B (monthly reductions in the units provided in column C) and look at the resulting GHG calculation in column D. What did you find? Was your hypothesis correct? Were you surprised by any of your findings?

c) If your hypothesis wasn’t correct, what accounts for the larger impact of the other actions? (Think critically about the amounts of fossil fuels involved.)

9. Which of the above will you commit to for our class tally? Challenge yourself!

-Enter your numbers for your pledged actions in column B (What amount are you committing to?).

-Click on the “Class” tab at the bottom left of your screen, and look at this sheet.

-Enter your name in column A.

-Enter each of your pledged actions on separate rows in column B.

-Go back to the “GHG Calculator” sheet and copy the GHG values (from column D) for your pledged actions one at a time and paste them on the “Class” sheet in column C next to their corresponding actions.

-For each action pledge, look at the Projected Reduction of CO₂ values for 3 months (column D); for 1 year (column E); and then for the cumulative reduction in row 6 for all your action pledges.

-Let your teacher know you’ve made it to this point, and she will enter your data on a Master Class Sheet.

-Keep track of your actions over 3 months and see if you can encourage others to make similar pledges! Every bit helps! Let’s see what impact we can make together!