JOB TITLEStrategic Migration Partnership (SMP) -

Health Support Worker(maternity cover)

JOB GRADESCP 29-34£24, 402 - £28,353 pro rata

PART TIME11 hours per week

REPORTS TOSenior Policy Officer (SMP)


1.To provide administrative and policy support to the East of England LGAStrategic Migration Partnership's health representative and health network.


1.To provide administrative support to the SMP health representative and the SMP health network.

2.To map the current provision of health services for asylum seekers, refugees and migrant workers in the region.

3.To lead on the development of a regional SMP health network.

4.To create strategic links between the SMP health network and the East of England LGA, the Strategic Health Authority, Directors of Public Health, PCTs and local authorities.

5.To organise a regional SMP health conference.

6.To undertake research projects and produce reports as directed by the SMP health network.

7.To contribute to other appropriate SMP networks within the region and nationally.

8.Such other similar policy/research/communications activities as may from time to time be required.


No direct staffing or budgetary responsibilities apply to this post.



Health Support Worker (maternity cover)

Education and Training

  • An honours degree or equivalent vocational qualification appropriate to the post, is desirable.

Work Experience

  • Experience of policy and/or research work within a local authority, partner regional agency or equivalent organisation is desirable.
  • Experience of working with partnerships and networks that can support the objectives of the East of England LGA Strategic Migration Partnership in its work.
  • A successful track record of policy working, including briefing and report writing.
  • Experience of developing and appraising strategies.

Skills and Knowledge

  • First class interpersonal skills, maintaining good relationships with a variety of different groups and interests.
  • Very high standard of oral and written skills includingnegotiation and advocacy.
  • Ability to analyse and synthesise complicated information and to find creative and innovative policy approaches.
  • Sound judgement, including an ability to work within political and management direction and to develop effective technical solutions that are likely to attract broad political support.
  • The ability to manage continually conflicting priorities and to meet extremely demanding deadlines.
  • Computer literate with an appreciation of the potential of IT information management systems and e-governance.
  • The ability to ‘de-jargonise’ policy language for a wider professional and non-professional audience.
  • Thorough understanding of a range of policy areas appropriate to the Regional Assembly SMP's interests, including current ‘big issues’ appropriate to the East of England.
  • Knowledge of critical linkages and partnerships in relation to the regional agenda in the East of England.

Personal Qualities

  • An ability to work under pressure.
  • Assertive while diplomatic.
  • Decisive
  • Committed to equality and diversity; social inclusion and sustainable development principles.
  • Highly principled and with personal integrity.
  • Sound strategic and tactical sense.

Special Requirements

  • Ability to work outside office hours if required.
  • Ability to travel within the region, and beyond, as required.
  • Ability to work on own initiative, possibly from a remote work setting/home.

Health Support Worker

Competency Framework

Competency 2 – Personal effectiveness and self development

2.3Is adaptable, receptive to new ideas, and willing and able to adjust

to new demands and circumstances.

2.6Influences the attitudes and opinions of others, gaining their

agreement through persuasion to ideas, proposals and courses of action.


2.2Seizes opportunities and takes the initiative in moving things along

in a positive way.

2.8Seeks out and acts upon feedback on own performance, adopting a

‘learning attitude’ to all work activities.

Competency 3 – Analysis and judgement

3.3Seeks out relevant information for problem solving and decision

making, consulting with others as necessary.

3.4Adopts a flexible and creative approach, redefining problems in the

light of information gathered or changes in context.

Competency 4 – Interpersonal Skills

4.2Co-operates and works well with others in the pursuit of team

goals, sharing information and supporting others.

4.6Produces written communications (electronic or other methods)

which are clear, fluent, concise, accessible and jargon-free, ensuring they are in line with East of England LGA policy and are readily understood by intended recipient(s).


4.5Communicates orally in a clear, fluent, concise and appropriate

way, which holds people’s attention both in groups and in one-to-one situations, encouraging feedback as appropriate.

Competency 5 – Organisational Awareness and ‘joined up’ thinking

5.2Understands and uses linkages between

own/team/departmental/organisational objectives.

5.3Understands how the East of England LGA’s political and decision-making framework operates.


5.4Aware of internal politics and changing dynamics within the

organisation and is able to achieve appropriate objectives.

5.6Aware of issues involved in local, regional and national networks

and issues outside the organisation an dhow these impact on the East of England LGA

Competency 12 – Professional and technical

12.1Possesses the necessary experience, or is actively gaining it in a

planned way, in order to undertake the role effectively.

12.6Keeps abreast of what colleagues in similar roles in other

organisations are doing, networking and adopting ideas as appropriate.