6th July 2017

Dear Parent/Carer

After discussion with the groups and parents, we have finally been given the dates for the Duke ofEdinburgh Bronze expeditions. As part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme all participants must complete a Final Expedition.

Due to the number of candidates we have planned two expeditions –

Thursday – Friday 13/14 July 2017

Wednesday – Thursday 18/19 July 2017

Overleaf are the groupings for the proposed dates.

The expedition will take the form of a supervised walk, an overnight stay at the camp, and a second supervised walk on day 2. Pupils will undertake map reading and camp craft skills.

Please note there is a £13 charge to cover,

  • The cost of travel
  • Camp Site fees
  • Cost of Duke of Edinburgh expedition assessors

As part of the expeditions of the pupils are expected to carry all food clothing and equipment required.

All pupils are to cook and eat as a group. Check with your group members, what each member isto bring to create a group meal and breakfast.

Day one you require your own lunch and ingredients for a group evening meal.

Day two you require ingredients for a group breakfast and your own lunch.

Bring all food, clothing, eating utensils, drinks in a bin liner to the school on the morning of the expedition.

You will be issued with a rucksack, water proofs, a tent, pans, gas, a stove and a sleeping mat. The groups will have to pack the rucksacks with belongings and equipment before leaving.

Pupils are to meet at school for 8.00am on the morning of the expedition. We expect to return to school by 15.00pm the following day.

Can all pupils call the school to confirm their attendance on 0191 594 9991. If pupils require swapping the dates, please call the school and ask for Mr Lavery.

Please find attached a parental consent form that must be completed and returned to the school ASAP. Also find a kit list for your information.

Pre expedition meeting

Can all pupil attend a final meeting on:

Wednesday 12th at 15:05 in School Reception

(All Questions can be answered and final details discussed)


If it is felt by school staff or by accompanying assessors, that if behaviour could jeopardise safety or the success of expedition, carers will be contacted asked to collect the pupil/pupils involved.

Expedition Team 1

The group for the dates

Thursday – Friday 13/14 July

Heidi AllinsonChloe LiddleAlistair Barton-Gray

Georgia BeattieCourtney OxleyJake Black

Holly BeattieMyles RobertsonBradley Dixon

Hayley DobinsonEmily WatsonTom Grant

Rebekah GrayMatthew YoungTawhid Hussain

Benjamin NewmanDaniel PullTom Risborough

Matthew Liddle-McGhee

Expedition Team 2

The group for the dates

Wednesday – Thursday 18/19 July

Chloe AbbottOliver BullockCaitlin Burlinson

Vienna GracoElinorHarpleyMatthew Johnston

Brooke MurthaGraham PickeringRhiannon Scarfe-Chatfield

Daniel ThompsonAlana WallaceOliver Watson

Katie WilsonNatalia Wright

Campsite Details

Winshields Farm
Military Road
Bardon Mill
NE47 7AN

Yours sincerely

Mr A Lavery

Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator

School office/ Duke of Edinburgh/ DOE Letter July 2017