Carnarvon Rooms Chestnut Grove, Burton Joyce at 7.30pm

Present:CllrsC Blandamer, P Blandamer, Cluff, Fife, Greenfield, Hyde, Hutt,Johnson andRingham

In Attendance:Jackie Dawn (Parish Clerk), Cllr S Poole (GBC) and 5 members of the public

16/1138Apologies:CllrsT Hazard and S Wells

16/1139Declarations of Interest:None received

16/1140Minutes of Meeting held on 1st March 2016: the minutes of the meeting held on the 1st March 2016were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.

16/1141Open Session for the Public– meeting adjourned at 7.31pm

In response to a query from a member of the public with regard to the budget 2015/16, it was noted that the £20,000 contingency fund related to the potential leasehold arrangement of the Old School Building, Burton Joyce. Cllr Johnson responded to a query with regard to parking issues in the village and explained that a parking survey was currently being undertaken between now and July and that the results would inform further action. The Parish Clerk agreed to contact Notts County Council Highways Department with regard to the maintenance and improved visibility of the bollards on Church Road.

Meeting reconvened at 7.45pm

16/1142Payment List, Balance Performance & Bank Reconciliation

The payment list for Marchand April 2016 and the budget performance/bank reconciliation to the end of February 2016 had been previously circulated.It was resolvedto approve the payment listand to note the budget performance/bank reconciliation as presented.


It was resolved to receive and note the summary of correspondence received attached as an appendix to the agenda. Cllr Cluff advised that he had received personal communication regarding a consultation on Burton Joyce Primary School’s option to convert to Academy status and as this was not on the published list of correspondence, it was agreed that this item would be referred to the Communities Committee of full Council depending on the end date.

16/1144 Committees

(i)Amenities: It was noted that there had been no formal meeting of the Amenities Committee in March

(ii)Planning:It was noted that there had been no formal meeting of the Planning Committee in March

(iii) Poplars Sports Ground: It was resolved to approvethe minutes of the meeting held on the 29th March 2016 and to consider the recommendations contained therein:

a. Bar performance & Figures: Members discussed the bar performance and projected figures to the end of March 2016 and considered options for improving future performance. It was resolved to support the option to optimise bar provision by introducing material changes to all and any aspect of the bar operation assessed to be sub-optimal and to support a revised service model for 2016/17.

b. Petanque: Full detail of the proposed Petanque ‘Pay & Play’ price structure and play equipment had been previously circulated in the minutes of the Poplars meeting held on the 29thMarch 2016. It was resolved to approve the Petanque ‘Pay & Play’ price structure and the purchase of equipment to a value of £100 as presented.

c. Hall Hire – Health Training: Following a brief discussion on the application to provide weekly health training at the Poplars, it was resolved to approve weekly health training course at a commercial rate.

d. Burton Joyce Primary School – Girls Football Matches: Following a brief explanation of the current situation, it was resolved to approve a development assistance tariff from September 2016 (girls football matches only) of the first 5 matches played free of charge and a charge of £15 thereafter.

e. Storage Container: It was resolved to allow the Burton Joyce Archery Club

to replace the Parish Council’s old storage container sited at the Poplars with a new one at the Archery Club’s expense in return for the scarp value of the old container.

f. BJ Cricket Club: It was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting.

(v)Finance & General Purposes Committee: It was resolved to approvethe minutes of the meeting held on the 15th March 2016 and to consider the recommendations contained therein:

a. Old School Building: Therecent communication from the surveyor representing the Trustees was noted and it was agreed that the Parish Council’s preference would be for a longer term rental agreement after an initial rental period with appropriate break clauses included in the contract.

(vi) Community Engagement: It was resolved to approvethe minutes of the meeting held on the 15th March 2016.

16/1145Notts Minerals Local Plan-Formal Consultation:Cllrs Fife confirmed that the majority of resolutions with regard to this item as detailed in 16/1127 had been completed with the exception of the publication and distribution of leaflets to residents. It was noted that, in hindsight, the general production of leaflets would not have been helpful given the length, complexity and focus of the consultation document. Cllr Fife and the Parish Clerk confirmed that a response had been sent to the County Council by the due date which challenged the soundness of the following areas of the Local Plan:

  • Overstatement of local aggregate assessment figure
  • Transportation of materials from the site
  • Environmental issuese.g noise and pollution
  • Flood risk assessment
  • Restoration of area to wetland

The Parish Clerk advised the meeting of the publicity undertaken to publicise the consultation and Cllr Fife described the process going forward.

16/1146BJ Primary School

Following consideration of a written application from Burton Joyce Primary School, it was resolved to approve the Primary School’s request to hold a SAT’s Celebration afternoon at the Grove on Friday 13th May 2016.

16/1147Gedling Borough Council Local Planning Document

It was noted that Gedling Borough Council had now published a draft Local Planning Document. Following consideration by the Borough Council it was acknowledged that there would be a brief period of public consultation. Two sites in Burton Joyce had been identified within the plan as being suitable for development and these were reported as being Mill Field Close and Orchard Close. Mr Taylor, a member of the public present at the meeting, spoke about a planning application he had submitted for a development of up to 45 dwellings on Glebe Farm but it was advised that the Parish Council could not comment on that until such time a formal application had been received and determined upon by the Planning Committee. Following a brief discussion on the Local Planning Document consultation process and anticipated schedule and acknowledgement of the inclusion of the Parish Council’s proposals re designation of local green spaces, it was resolved to delegate any future actions relating to the draft Local Planning Document to the Planning Committee and to keep GBC Cllr Stephen Poole informed.

16/1148Calverton Neighbourhood Plan – Issues Consultation

It was resolved to refer this item to the Planning Committee for action.

16/1149Network Rail

It was resolved to approve the use by Network Rail of the Fisherman’s Car Park between 18.00 on 21st May 2016 and 1pm on 23rd May 2016 at a commercial rate.

16/1150Annual Audit 2015/16

Members noted the receipt of the annual return and notice of completion of audit by 24th June 2016.

16/1151Information Update

Cllr Cluff provided a verbal update on the current situation with regard to the 3G pitch at the Poplars. It was noted that arrangements for access over the Easter holidays had been established; there had been some issues with youths abusing the access system which had resulted in a 1 month ban from the facility; free play sessions were working well and weekday evenings were very busy. It was also noted that a meeting to discuss a recent Nottingham Post article which had reported issues regarding lack of public access was imminent.

Cllr P Blandamer requested an update on the scheduled date for re-surfacing Padley’s Lane and it was agreed that the Parish Clerk would contact Nottinghamshire County Council’s Highways Department for information.


Meeting closed at 8.45pm

Date of Next Published Meeting – Tuesday 3rd May 2016