CIP Reflection Tool/CIP Team
What were the Identified Weaknesses in the Needs Assessment? / What strategies/action steps were written to target these weaknesses? / MYR Results: What was the Level of Implementation?Did we meet benchmarks? / What Data Supports that we have been effective in increasing student achievement?
Reading / G 1. Goal: Increase Reading Achievement:
By the end of the 2011-12 school year, we will increase the number of students meeting proficiency standards in reading for grades 3-5 on spring 2011 ARMT from:
3rd grade - 88% to 92%
4th grade - 87% to 91%
5th grade 94% to 95%
Special Education: 43% to 92% - 3rd grade, 36% to 91% - 4th grade, and 60% to 92% - 5th grade / AS 1: Direct, Explicit Instruction/Cycle of Instruction
Description: Implement direct, explicit instruction through whole and small groups for all students daily, focusing on targeted reading skills.
AS2: Vocabulary Development
Description: All K-5 and Sped teachers will increase vocabulary development by incorporating essential vocabulary in all content areas daily.
AS3: Student Intervention
Description: All K-5 and Sped students identified at-risk using the non-proficient matrix will receive Tier II and Tier III instruction daily. Tier III students will be pulled out on a daily basis for intervention by the Reading Coach and/or special education teachers. / Full / Partial / No / Yes / Somewhat / No
4/6 classes were engaged and actively teaching. Cycle of Instruction was being implemented. This review consisted of a random sample of 6 classes.
In 2/6 classes, Cycle of Instruction was not evident. These teachers will be conferenced with individually. Administrator does not feel this is indicative of daily classroom procedures. / ARMT data will be analyzed when received.
Math / By the end of the 2011-12 school year, we will increase the number of students meeting proficiency standards in math for grades 3-5 on spring 2011 ARMT from:
3rd grade – 92% to 93%
4th grade – 70% to 89%
5th grade – 98% to 99% / Description of Strategy: K-5 and special education teachers will collaborate focusing on math skills for all students, including at-risk and special education students.
AS 1: Action Step(s): Direct, Explicit Instruction
Description: Implement direct, explicit instruction through whole and small groups for all students daily, focusing on targeted math skills.
Strategy: Data Analysis
Description: Al K-5 and special education teachers will utilize data to drive instruction for all students
AS1: Grade Level Meetings
Description: K-5 and special education teachers will meet weekly to review data, identify least mastered standards, and develop appropriate instruction for those students not mastering standards.
Strategy: Differentiated Instruction
AS1: Small Group Instruction
Description: using data, K-5 and special education teachers will develop an intervention plan and target specific non-mastered skills in a small group environment for an additional 20 minutes daily. / Full / Partial / No / Yes / Somewhat / No
eCIP Team’s review was not during math instruction. However, informal walkthroughs do indicate 100% of our teachers are implementing small group instruction based on needs identified through data meetings and grade level analysis of classroom assessments. / ARMT data will be analyzed when received.
Culture / Goal: Tardies and Early Dismissals
Attendance rate for students has increased from 96% in 2009-10 to 97% in 2010-11, but there is still a problem with tardies and early dismissals. / Strategy: Reduce Tardies and Early Dismissals
AS1: Generate List of StudentsDescription: All homeroom teachers will analyze attendance data and generate a list of students with 4 or more tardies and/or 3 or more unexcused absences to be used in PST monthly.
AS2: Attendance Plan of ActionDescription: PST will develop an Attendance Plan of Action to reduce tardies and early dismissals to be implemented daily by all faculty and staff as follows:
- Use Parent Contact Log to highlight names of identified students (Homeroom Teachers)
- Contact parents and document on Parent Contact Log (All Course Teachers)
- Assign all school personnel to build relationships , encourage and motivate students.
AS3: Student IncentivesDescription: All homeroom teachers will identify and recognize students who have perfect attendance at Honor Roll Assemblies each quarter. / Full
- There is a list of students targeted for early dismissal and tardy concerns. Parents are notified.
- Parent Contact Log is maintained and monitored quarterly by counselor.
- Documentation in minutes from PST regarding attendance concerns.
- Quarterly Honors Assembly recognizes students with perfect attendance
2011-12 year end INOW data / No