EAS 1040-01 & 104-001
Grammar and Editing for Non-native Speakers
Spr 2018
Instructor: Amber Christenen Class Meets: M & W 11:50-1:10
Office: LNCO 2930
Office Hours: Office Hours: M & W 1:30-2:30and T & Th 11:30-12:30, or by appt.
Email: Canvas
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives
· Learn important grammar rules in English.
· Write grammatically correct and correctly-punctuated sentences.
· Be able to identify and correct common grammar problems.
· Write a correctly-formatted paragraph in English.
Final grades are given according to the following percentages:
Homework 15%
Compositions 20%
Quizzes 30%
Final Exam 35%
Grades will be based on the total percentage.
94-100% A
90-93% A-
87-89% B+
83-86% B
80-82% B-
77-79% C+
73-76% C
70-72% C-
67-69% D+
63-66% D
60-62% D-
59% and Below=E
· Required:
· Textbook: Grammar in Context 3, 6th edition. Sandra Elbaum (2016).
ISBN: 978-1305386952
You should buy a new book because you will need a course key if you want to take this course.
IF you buy a used book you will have to purchase the online access code on Cengage brain at: www.CengageBrain.com and enter the instant access ISBN: 978-13052-69705
Walker, B. (2012) English Vocabulary for Academic Success.
Purchase through: https://www.createspace.com/3853709
(This book doesn’t have to be new).
Class Policies:
· Homework: All graded homework will be assigned on Canvas. Late work will NOT be accepted; You must check Canvas every day for announcements and assignments.
· Writing assignments: During this semester, you will have two writing assignments (compositions). These compositions should be typed, double spaced, with a 12-point font and 1-inch margins. I will post a grading rubric on Canvas so that you will know how many points each part of your composition is worth. You will hand in a first draft, which will be returned to you with the errors marked. You will then correct the errors and turn in a FINAL draft.
University of Utah policies
· Adds & Withdrawals. See the University of Utah web page for the latest official information.
· ADA. “The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services and
activities for people with disabilities. If you will need accommodations in the class,
reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the Center for Disability Services, 162 Union
Building, 581-5020 (V/TDD). CDS will work with you and the instructor to make
arrangements for accommodations.”
EAS Program Policies Policies
· Participation: Active listening and participation are expected in all class activities and discussions. Students need to be involved in answering questions posed by the instructor, and ask questions when a topic is not fully understood. Failure to participate in class sessions will result in a grade reduction. If you are absent from a class, this will be viewed as non-participation. Non-participation will result in the following grade reductions, based on how many classes in which you did not participate:
Classes that meet 3 times per week)
· 0-3 classes: No change in grade
· 4-6 classes: Final grade will be 1/3rdletter grade (i.e.: B- to C+)
· 7+ classes: You will fail the course with a grade ofE
(Classes that meet 2 times per week)
· 0-2 classes: No change in grade
· 3-5 classes: Final grade will be reduced 1/3rdletter grade (i.e.: B- to C+)
· 6+ classes: You will fail the course with a grade ofE
· Attendance: Attendance is required. You are considered responsible for all announcements, assignments, and handouts given in each class whether you are there or not. If you miss a class, you must check with a classmate or your instructor for anything you may have missed.
You will be dropped from EAS classes is you do not attend during the first week.
Students absent from class to participate in officially sanctioned University activities (e.g., band, debate, student government, intercollegiate athletics), or religious obligations, or with instructor's approval, shall be permitted to make up both assignments and examination. http://regulations.utah.edu/academics/6-400.php All absences of the type listed above need to be communicated with the instructor prior to missing classes.
These are the only kind of excused absences allowed in this class.
· Distractions: Any distractions in class may result in you being asked to leave the class and/or take care of the problem. It is important for the classroom to be free from distractions so all students can learn.
· Tardiness (coming to class late): If you arrive after the time the class is scheduled to begin, you will be considered tardy (late). Three tardies will be counted as one absence.
· Cell phones and computers: No cell phones or laptops or iPads or tablets or any other form of electronics are visibly allowed in the classroom.
· Missed tests and quizzes: Tests and quizzes must be taken when they are given in class. You may not make up tests or quizzes.
· Withdrawal: Do not withdraw from any class on your own. Please check with your academic advisor before withdrawing from EAS courses.
· Incomplete grades: Incomplete grades will not be given in ESL courses.
· Grades: A “C” in this course corresponds to 2.0 GPA. You need a “C-“ or higher to move on to 1050.
· Cheating (Read this carefully!): Please refer to the University’s Student Code (cheating) for regulations concerning academic honesty.
· Definition of cheating:
· Dishonesty for the purpose of gain
· ‘Purposes of gain’ include getting a better grade or getting credit for an assignment you have not personally done.
· Students cheat when they
· Copy from another person’s work during a test
· Copy from another person’s assignments or homework
· Write a test, assignment, or homework, for another person
· Allow another person to copy their test, assignment, or homework
· Copy anything from the internet
· Consequences:
· A person who cheats will receive an automatic 0 for the test/assignment.
· In addition, the teacher and the department have the authority to give the student an “E” for the course.
· The student may be required to appear before the Academic Misconduct Committee (please see consequences)
· Plagiarism (Read this carefully!): Please refer to the University’s Student Code (plagiarism) for regulations concerning academic honesty.
· Definition
· Copying others’ writing, or even a small part of their writing, without proper permission—this includes copying from the internet in English, or translating something from the internet into English
· Taking credit for any writing that is not your own
· Using other authors' material and changing it somewhat without stating next to the material exactly where it came from
· Not using quotation marks around any and all material that is not your own voice
· Cutting various sentences out of a variety of different sources and combining them together, even if you make a few small changes in each one
· Consequences
· An “E” for the course
· Possible expulsion from the university
· Use of papers written for other courses: In this course, you may not use papers written for any other course at any other time.
· Filing of papers: Your instructor will keep your papers and coursework for five weeks after the end of the semester. After this time, you can pick up your coursework. After one semester, all papers and coursework will be recycled, so if you wish to pick up your papers, do so before then.
· Academic Maturity: EAS classes are intended to prepare students for higher education in the United States, and we want to do our best to teach students skills which will give them the best chance of succeeding. One of these important skills is learning how to take responsibility for their performance and learning. For these reasons, we will encourage the students to develop academic maturity, which includes the following:
· Taking full responsibility for their own actions and accepting the inevitable consequences
· Not asking for special treatment
· Respecting and meeting deadlines provided by the instructor
· Understanding that the only basis for awarding a grade is on the basis of performance, and not what the student wants or needs
· Behaving with respect towards the instructor and other students
The most important things:
1. Be on time. Any absence, for any reason, is an absence.
2. Check Canvas every day for homework/quizzes/announcements.
6. Buy a NEW book. If it is used the inside must be clean.