Pastor Charles Holmes
366 Now listen. This Angel come down from Heaven. See? The other, seven angels of the seven churches, was earthly messengers. But this Angel... All the Message is finished; the seventh angel winds up the whole thing. And this Angel comes not to the earth; He isn't a man from the earth, as the messengers to the church ages; that's finished. But, this Angel brings the next announcement. And an angel means a "messenger." And He comes down from Heaven, clothed in that Pillar of Light, Cloud, with a rainbow over His head. And a rainbow is a covenant. It was Christ, "With one foot on land, and one on the sea, and swore, that, 'Time will be no more.'"
Where are we at, sirs? What's all this about? I'm asking you.
367 The other angels was messengers, men of the earth. But this Angel... These, that said, "To the angel of the church of Laodicea," "To the angel of the church of Ephesus," messengers of the earth; see, men, messengers, prophets, and so forth, to the church.
368 But, this One didn't come from the earth. He come down from Heaven, because the mystery is all finished. And when the mystery is finished, the Angel said, "Time shall be no more," and Seven Thunders throwed their voices out.
63 You see the picture the other day, how He turned that picture sideways there? And the very picture of those seven Angels being lifted up, turn it to the right-hand side, and there is the face of the Lord Jesus looking down to the earth again.
64 You remember when I preached The Seven Church Ages, I couldn't understand why Jesus standing there with a "white" over His head. He was a young Man. I took it back in the Bible, it said, "He came to the Ancient of Days, Whose hair was white as wool." Jesus was only thirty-three and a half years old, at His crucifixion.
65 I called up Brother Jack Moore, a theologian. He said, "Oh, Brother Branham, that's Jesus in His glorified stage." Said, "After His death, burial, and resurrection, He turned to that." That sounded all right for a theologian, but it didn't go good, it didn't hit the something.
66 I went up there and started on that first church age, there the Holy Spirit revealed it. Now you got it right on your Church Ages. I guess the books will be out pretty soon now, the full detail of it. And it showed that Jesus was Judge. There is a white wig that they used to wear, put a wig on and wear it as a judge, England still does it when you got supreme authority. And that turning sideways in this picture, there He is, His black hair, you can see it in the side of His beard, and the white wig on. He is the last of the authority, He is Supreme Authority. Even God said so, Himself, "This is My beloved Son, hear ye Him."
67 There He is with them Angels, the Message, which was the seven breaking of them seven seals that revealed serpent seed and all these things here. And it shows that it is His very covering, it's--it's His Supreme Authority. He is Supreme, and He is wigged, or--or covered. The Bible said that He changed His countenance, or He changed Himself, en morphe. The word comes from the Greek word, en morphe, which means a Greek actor that plays many parts; today he is one thing, in the next act he is something else. He was God, the Father, in one act; God, the Son, in another act; and then God, the Holy Ghost, in this act. See? There He is, His Word is still Supreme. We're living in the last days.
There He stands, One like unto the Son of Man. As the jewel is beautified by the mounting of the ring, so He is glorified in the midst of the churches. It is the Lord's Day; for John sees Him standing, not as a priest, but as the coming Judge. The golden girdle is no longer girt around the waist where the priest must wear it as he ministers to God in the Holiest Place, but it is now around His shoulders, for He is not now the priest but the JUDGE.
Now has John 5:22 come to pass,
"For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son."
His service has been rendered. The priesthood is over. The days of the prophecy are finished. He stands girded as the JUDGE.
167 Now let's watch Him just a little further, as we take the rest of this 13th verse:
And in the midst (that's the middle) of the golden candlesticks one like... the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girted about the paps with a golden girdle.
Now here's more proof that this doctrine is right about it being the Lord's day. Did you notice Him? He was not a priest during this time, neither was He a king, He was a judge. Notice, a priest, a high priest, when he went into the sanctuary or went in to minister, to service, he tied himself around the waist. Tying his girdle around the waist, meant that he was serving; never tied it over his shoulder. But here He comes out, walking out with the girdle tied around the top, with a sash over His shoulder; girded about the paps, the breast, with a golden girdle, girded up high. What is it? An attorney, a judge. The judge with his sash over his shoulder, girded up here, not down as a priest. See, that shows He wasn't in His priesthood now, John went all the way over into the Lord's day and saw Him coming as the judge.
169 You believe He's a judge? Let's read Saint John 5:22, right quick, we'll see whether He's a judge or not. Saint John 5:22:
For the Father judges no man, but has committed all judgment unto the Son:
That right? He is the judge, the Supreme Judge. And John shows that He wasn't in the day of His prophecy, as a prophet, neither was He plumb out into the days of His kingship, but He was in the day of the Lord as a Judge. Now, how many knows that the priest having his girdle, his string around his waistline meant he was in service? Anyone who reads the Testaments, who knows the Old Testament, knows that. When a priest is girded around here, he's in service, he's a servant. But He was girded up here, a judge.
171 Let's read a little farther:
...a golden girdle... was... about the paps...
That's right, up around here, He was the Judge.
Now we're going to read the sevenfold glory of His Person. Oh, my! This makes me shout before I get to it. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Notice! Oh, this is such a wonderful thing. Just listen:
And His head...
Now watch, He's seven things, here he mentions: His head, His hair, His eyes, His feet, His voice,... Seven things He mentioned here, the sevenfold glory of Jesus Christ. Let me read It:
His head and his hair was white as wool, as white as snow;... his eyes were... a flames of fire;
... his feet like... fine brass, as if it'd been burnt in the furnace; and his voice... the sound of many waters.
And in... And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth goes a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was like the sun shining in its strength.
What a vision! What did he see here? The glorified Son of God, and a symbol. Now, let's--let's just be ready now.
80 I got in the room there and got to speaking to God. I run my concordance to take Him back to Daniel, where it said, "And he came to the Ancient of Days Whose hair was white as wool." I said, "Lord, I--I--I don't know what to say, and I've got the responsibility." Now, that was before the se-... and remember, before the Seven Seals was opened, about a year or more, before. I was praying there, "Lord, what was it?"
81 And I looked, standing before me, and there stood a man and he was a judge, and he had a white wig on. The old judges of ancient days used to wear a white wig to show that he was a supreme authority.
82 And then when I seen Jesus with the white wig, I said it only vindicates the truth that we know, that He is the Supreme Authority. God witnessed the same thing on Mount Transfiguration, said, "This is My beloved Son, hear Him, the Supreme Authority!"
252 It was revealed to me, "I was going to Arizona, and there I'd meet seven Angels. And they would tell me then what... a Message that I was to preach." And that was the Seven Seals. It happened! How many remembers me saying that? The tapes and things will go to that. And it happened! Magazines, everything else, took the picture of It. That Light there in the air, they can't even understand It yet. There it was.
253 I remember calling Brother Jack and asking him about that, Christ being standing there, and Brother Jack said, "That's in His glorified state." See? I love Brother Jack. He's one of the best theologians I know of, but I just couldn't hit it just right.
254 I was standing there, I said, "Lord, how is this? Young Man here" I said, "with hair like wool."
255 And He said, "He is wigged." Watch in the book, before it ever happened, I said that. And that day when that happened, it went up. And then you turn that picture sideways, if you've got Look Magazine or Life Magazine. Turn it sideways. There He is, just perfectly, Hoffmann's Head of Christ, looking right down where I was standing; there It is in the magazine! How many's ever seen It? Course, you've all seen. There, looking right back, proved exactly the revelation was correct.
256 Why wigged? Why, the old English judges, the Jewish judges, used to wear a--a--a wig, they do yet in England; when he's... that's supreme authority, he wears a wig. And that showed Him standing there, wigged by Angels' wings, He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the Supreme Judge, and none other but Him. He is to look upon as Alpha and Omega. And there He was a young Man, no, or more, thirty years old, wearing a wig of white. Showing that He was Supreme, God, "The Father hath committed all judgment unto the hands of the Son." Hallelujah! The revelation is never wrong! Speak It anyhow, no matter what it sounds like, goes right with the Word.
308 He is the One Who opened those Seals. He is those Seals, for the whole Word of God is Christ, and Christ is the Seals that was opened. What is the opening of Seals then? Revealing Christ.
309 And the very seven Angels, which represented the Seven Churches all completed, and we couldn't even see It. They did, they took the picture, not us. And there He is, standing there, Supreme Judge; showing that He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. What identification! Quickening Power did that to us.
310 Quickening Power lets us see His coming. Quickening Power snatched us from death to Life. Quickening Power gives discernment; to know what's wrong with you, and what to do; what you have done, and what you ought not have done; and what you should have done, and what you will be. Quickening Power, all these things!
167 But think, now he wrote this, but when he started to write those other seven thunders, he said, "Don't write it." He'd been commissioned to write everything he seen. But when these seven thunders over in Revelations 10 uttered, he said, "Don't write them at all." They're mysteries. We don't know what they are yet; but my opinion they'll be revealed right away. And when it do, it'll give faith for that rapturing grace for that Church to move out. We just move through everything that we know of; through all the dispensations we've watched everything. We've seen the mysteries of God. We've seen the appearing of the--of the great gathering together of the Bride in the last days, but yet there's something in there that we just can't lighten ourself with. There's something another. But I imagine when them mysteries begins to come forth... God said, "Hold it back now. Wait a minute. I'll reveal it in that day. Don't write it at all, John, 'cause they'll stagger over it. Just let--let it go. (See?) But I'll reveal it in that day when it has need to done."
They never uttered for nothing. You remember, like the little drop of ink, everything is for a purpose. Everything's for a cause. But notice, the Creator uttered, and he had a--he heard this voice, and he went to see.
246 Look now at transfiguration, just before we close. Transfigure, transfiguration, we are all represented there in transfiguration. Look what we are seeing today. Notice just what we're seeing today, the quickening power of God. We was all there. There was the dead saints, represented in Moses; there was the resurrection; and Jesus Christ glorified. Elisha... Moses, Elijah, and Jesus, all standing on the mountain; the dead saints, the raptured saints; and Jesus glorified. Oh, my!