Societies Council Notes

Monday 2ndDecember 2013


Room 265, Queen Anne Building

Tony Whitehead (VPSA) will be arriving late.
2)Society Updates
St John Links
St John Links reported that their social last Friday was a success and shortly members will be undergoing CRB checks.
The Law Society were pleased to announce that they now had reached over fifty members. Darren Henson (Law Society President) also announced their first boat party event. They also have plans to have a few guest speakers attend some events in the near future.
Performing Arts
Performing arts reminded Council about their upcoming show next week.
Economics and Business
Economics and Business informed Council of their successful social event in the previous week and announce that they would commence planning their events for the second term.
Having recently had a social event the LGBT society wanted to report that their ‘Gay Bombing’ campaign was a great success and took the opportunity to promote their upcoming karaoke event.
PR Fraternity
Since the last Council meet, the PR fraternity held a talk along with a question and answer session with a Kiss FM programme director. They also announced that next term they are aiming to have three high profile speakers.
Creative Film
Creative Film wished to inform Council that they have a social event fast approaching on Saturday 8th December. They also announced they will be filming after Christmas in the New Year.
Raising and Giving
The RAG society, currently with eight members is in the process of planning an event to take place shortly.
Rock Solid Christian Fellowship
Rock Solid was pleased to inform council that they had an increase in members since the previous meeting in November. In addition to this they expressed a wish to work closely with the other Christian societies.
from various religious societies to increase interfaith dialogue.
The climbing society announced a number of events that they wish to plan next year including a second trip away. They also expressed an interest in holding a second taster day for those who might be interested in joining.
Christian Union
Have around 20 regular members attending events. Their next event was involvement in the Carol Service at the Greenwich Campus Chapel which the Bishop of Greenwich would be attending
Latitude Lookout
Now has around 30 members. New issue is now available and they have had lots of interest in it. They are looking to give more space to other societies for society profiles and they asked for anyone who may be interested to let them know after the meeting.
Having recently grown in strength the radio society was pleased to announce that they are closer to having a full schedule. They also expressed an interest in holding student radio awards for those who host shows.
Tony Whitehead VPSA congratulated all societies on their progress and to keep up the hard work that they have been achieving.
3)Updates from Union Council
Tony Whitehead informed Council that a number of motions were passed at Union Council. These were mainly around making the sabbatical officers do their jobs – anonymous marking and Wednesday afternoon policy. Another major one was a motion about rape culture within the Students’ Union which gives the Executive Committee to ban offensive material. Tony confirmed that nothing has been banned yet and as the next Executive Committee meeting was just a few days later, it looked unlikely that anything would be for a while yet. Tony said that is sounds a lot scarier than it is – there is no rape culture at Greenwich and the aim of this motion is to keep it that way
4)De-ratification of ‘My Life My Say’
A vote was held concerning the de-ratification of the society ‘My Life My Say’ which was passed.
Society De-ratified
5)Ratifications – For those who were not aware of the ratification procedure Tony Whitehead (VPSA) explained the process.
  1. GLAS (Landscaping and Architecture)
Proposer (Olutomi Owolabi) explained that he had previously studied a post-graduate degree in architecture and another university where there was a landscaping society and how beneficial this was to students there as it gave students the opportunity to socialise. Olutomi also explained that a number of students on the course feel disconnected and would like the Students Union to help by forming a society.
Yes - 14
No - 0
Abstain – 0
Society Ratified
  1. Viet Society
Proposer (Nguyen Thu Huong) explained that so far the unratified group already had a Facebook page that was experiencing success and gathering followers. Nguyen expressed a keen interest to work with SUUG on a range of projects including promoting different cultures within the Union and potentially working closely with the international officer.
Yes – 15
No – 0
Abstain – 0
Society Ratified
  1. English Society
Proposer (Heather Scott) explained the University of Greenwich is currently the only university in London that does not currently have an English Society. The society would exist to bring together those who have creative interests in the English field. Ideas suggested by Heather included a book club and a number of social events with the prospect of arranging trips and visits later in the academic year. Heather also mentioned the publishing of a quarterly journal of creative work by the society to act as a portfolio.
Yes – 16
No – 0
Abstain – 0
Society Ratified
  1. Amnesty International
Proposer (Alia de Bellotte) gave an overview of what Amnesty International did around the world concerning human rights issues. She said that the society would arrange meetings and blog about human rights abuses as and when they occur and hold a number of fundraisers such as book donations. Alia also expressed an interest to work with the Law Society on a range of projects.
Q. Would you link up with other local charities and events?
A. Yes we would be happy to and we are keen to work with the University of Greenwich Law Society
Darren Henson (President of the Law Society) stated he would be happy to help and cooperate.
Yes – 17
No – 0
Abstain – 0
Society Ratified
  1. Accounting Society
Proposer (Balram Limani) explained that there were over a hundred and fifty students in the second year of their accounting degree. The aim of the society will be to help guide students through their academic problems by working together. There will be a discussion of placement ideas along with the opportunity to invite guest speakers.
Yes – 19
No – 0
Abstain – 0
Society Ratified
  1. Women’s HUB
Proposers (Emily Fontana & Francesca Abalasei) explained that the Women’s HUB would be a forum where women can discuss issues that affect them in day to day life for example sexual harassment. They would be keen to work with local charities and would run and support campaigns such as ‘Equal Pay Day’ which raises awareness about the salary inequalities around the world.
Yes – 20
No –0
Abstain – 0
Society Ratified
  1. Russian Speakers Society
Proposer (Edgaras Orechovas) did not attend Council and therefore did not present the Russian Speakers Society.
  1. Politics Society
The proposers (Ed Oaks and Brent Johnson) stated that politics is important for all students to engage in politics. The society would include all parties and views. A lecturer is keen to support them in a mentoring capacity.
Q. Who will you work with?
A. Everyone especially Law, Women’s Hub etc.
Q. What are your political orientations?
A. We will remain neutral.
Yes – 21
No – 0
Abstain - 0
Society Ratified
  1. Jammin’ Society
Proposer (Olivia Cunningham) explained that the Jammin’ Society would exist to play music together and eat Jam. They suggested that they would also be interested in hosting Karaoke nights.
Q. Do you have to have a certain level of musical skill?
A. No, any level is acceptable.
Yes – 22
No – 0
Abstain – 0
Society Ratified
6. Societies with less than twelve members
A vote of de-ratification was held for Edification Ministry, Believers Loveworld and Urban Empire societies.
Yes- 22
Societies De-ratified
A vote in favour of giving the Nigerian, Ghanaian, RAG and Rock Solid Christian Fellowship societies an extra month so that they may attempt to find more members was held.
Yes - 22
No - 0
Abstain – 0
Extension Granted
7. Other Business
External Speakers
Tony Whitehead VPSA reminded Council that any external speakers that societies wish to invite should be fully disclosed to the Student Activities department well in advance of any planned or proposed event so they can be fully vetted and verified as suitable.
Societies Awards
Tony Whitehead VPSA informed Council of the Societies Awards ceremony idea that the Activities team had considered and asked for a range of opinions from Council on this subject.
Committee Training
Tony Whitehead VPSA notified council that due to the large number of newly ratified societies, a committee training day is in the planning for January 2014.
Politics Society
They said to the group that they are open to working with all other societies on events etc.
Latitude Lookout
They promoted their new issue and handed out a few copies to those interested
Refreshers? – what’s going on? – Tony explained that there are currently discussions taking place within the Students’ Union about what will happen with any refreshers events
Who do the new societies go to for assistance? Tony explained that they should contact him or and it will then be dealt with by the activities team
Next Meeting: Societies Council, Monday 13thJanuary, 5pm, Queen Anne Building Room 280