Curriculum Newsletter

Autumn 1

Dear parents and carers,

Firstly, we hope that you had a great summer holiday!

Please find below an outline of Year 6T’s Curriculum for this half term. If you have any questions regarding the Curriculum this half term then please speak to one of the team.

We will be focusing on a historical study based on World War 1.
We will be starting by thinking about the different things we wish to find out about, using historical artefacts and secondary sources to understand what life was like during this time. / English
This half term, we will be focusing on adventure stories and stories from other cultures, and will be exploring Katherine Rundell’s ‘Rooftoppers’. / Maths
We will be revisiting our basic skills with the focus being placed on place value and calculation.
In Philosophy, we will be contributing our own ideas and opinions in appropriate ways, relating to different stimuli. / Religious Education
During R.E, we will be celebrating and investigating the religion of Christianity, answering questions such as:
What are the key symbols of Christianity?
What are the holy objects in Christianity and what do they represent? / Physical Education
Rounders will be the focus of our studies next half term. We will be learning how to:
·  Retrieve a ball whilst running.
·  Demonstrate a forward defence shot and front foot drive whilst in a pressure situation.
·  Bowl at a variety of speeds.
Computingwill enhance our other subject areas this term. We will use Apps and programs to present findings on different topics, learning when technology can achieve a better outcome. We will also develop our searching skills, understanding how to be an effective researcher. Alongside all of this, we will discuss the importance of e-Safety. / Science
Evolution and Inheritance will be the focus of Year 6’s Scientific studies this half term, with us recognising how living things have changed over time and thinking about how adaptation has led to animals and plants being suited to their environments. / Art / Design Technology
Linking to Theme, our Art work will be based on the stimulus of World War One. We will take inspiration from Jacqueline Hurley and will be exploring the key skills of drawing, line and tone and use of colour, using various different media to complete our final pieces.
This half term, we will be revisiting numbers to 60, before learning about school subjects and times. / PSHE/TTT
In PSHE/TTT each week the children discuss current news events and PSHE topics such as healthy eating, dealing with difficult situations and aspirations and dreams amongst many. In order to develop children’s thinking and questioning skills children will also continuing to have Philosophy sessions. This has proved very beneficial and has developed the children’s ability to work in groups and value other peoples’ opinions and views. / Enrichment
In Enrichmentpupils generate patterns for creative proficiency, build good character, initiate an engaged mode for learning, and find purpose and interest in foundation subjects such as Food Technology, Art, Drama, Expressive Arts and Earth Adventures.


·  Home learning grids have been sent home – please encourage children to complete tasks at home and bring them in to celebrate and share.

·  Spellings will be shared on the blog and with the children each week. There will be a spelling test every Friday. Please support your child by practicing their spellings with them.

·  PE kits are needed in school. Year 6 will be having their PE lessons on a Wednesday.

·  Wellies are to be in school at all times so that children have access to the full curriculum. Please could you ensure your child has a pair of wellies in school by Wednesday 20th September.

·  Diaries must be brought to school each day so that the children are able to make notes, write down deadlines and record additional homework in them.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Miss Hargreaves

Year 6 Class Teacher