Before completing this form please refer to the venue booking Conditions of Use.

Name of principle organiser:
Name of Club, Society, or student group
Email address of principal organiser:
Mobile Number of principle officer:
Proposed date: / Proposed start and finish times:
(Any event 23:00 will be subject to additional charges and security)
Proposed venue: / Drapers Lounge
200 Capacity / Drapers Bar & Kitchen 600 capacity / Griff Inn Bar & Kitchen
300 capacity
Title of event:
Type of Event
Nature of the meeting, event or other activity:
Will You be selling Tickets? (All tickets must be sold via the MSL system) / YES: / NO:
Who will be attending (tick all relevant boxes) / Expected no of attendees:
Staff members
Members of the public
Other (please specify) ......
Will you be having food? / YES: / NO:
If yes please tick option. / Premium Nibbles / Classic
Buffet / Premium
Buffet / Bringing own
If bringing own food please state what you will be providing.
*(Only cultural based cold foods will be permitted)
Please state any dietary requirements or additional information
Do you require a Licensed Bar
(If yes a minimum spend guarantee maybe required) / Yes / No
Av requirements / Fixed Sound system / 3m x 2m staging / DJ Mixer
CDJ 800’s
(Max 2) / Microphones (Max 2) / Microphone stand
(Max 2)
Ipod Connection cable / Projector / Projector screen
Please provide any additional information about your event
  • Drapers loungeONLY is available for use free of room hire charge, by QMSU affiliated Student Groups.
  • No alcohol may be taken into the venue.
  • QMSU reserve the right to charge the hirer for any damage to the venue.
  • Booking requests must be made at least 10 working days prior to the event.
  • Where an event is cancelled by a Hirer with less than 10 working days’ notice on two occasions in any academic year for non-force majeure occurrences. No further bookings will be accepted from this Hirer
  • Any additional costs incurred will has to be approved by with a member of the student engagement team or club sport administrator and funds deducted from subs accounts.
  • Any bookings that require a contract must be countersigned and approved by a member of the student’s engagement team or club sport administrator.
In signing this booking form, any organiserconfirms he/she is duly authorised to sign and submit this application on behalf of the Club, Society or Student Group.
Signed by the principal officer of the club, society or student group.
Signature: / Date:
Print name: / Position/Title:
Payment / Min Spend / Flat Fee
Payment Due By
Deposit Paid
Additional Information
Date, time, ref signature: