Child Care Certificate III

Blessed John XXIII Parish Catholic Early Learning Centre

Stanhope Gardens

(4 days per week Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)

Maternity Leave Replacement

1 August 2016 – 1 May 2017

Essential Criteria

  • Support of Catholic ethos;
  • Certificate III in Early Childhood Education.
  • Current child protection training (DEC approved) and current Working With Children check clearance;
  • Demonstrated ability to educate and nurture in a way that reflects an understanding of contemporary learning research and theory (and its impact on innovative practice in early childhood education);
  • Good understanding of Belonging, Being, Becoming: Early Years Learning Framework For Early Childhood;
  • Good knowledge of National and State Codes of Practice , the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics and standards generally that affect services, including the new National Quality Framework, for children aged 3 to 5 years;
  • Good understanding of the key elements of the Education and Care Services National Regulations and licensing requirements as they apply to preschools;
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a team and independently when required;
  • Sound knowledge of Work Health and Safety as it applies in an preschool setting;
  • Good communication skills (spoken and written), including good interpersonal skills;
  • Understanding of the issues related to children with disabilities, disadvantaged families including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, and families of a non-English speaking background;
  • Computer literacy, including the Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook; Word; Excel);
  • Current senior First Aid Certificate and current class C Driver Licence;
  • Up-to-date Anaphylaxis and Asthma management training;

Salary and Conditions:

The commencing salary will be determined based on qualifications and experience in relation to the relevant award. Superannuation and leave loading will be in addition to the basic salary. Salary packaging options are available.


Applicants must provide names and contact details, including email address, of three (3) referees, one of whom must be a current employer, from whom confidential reports may be obtained.


Written applications, including a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae addressing the criteria, are to be sent to the HR Officer, Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Parramatta, Locked Bag 4, North Parramatta NSW 1750 or by email to by 24 June 2016.

General Application Form
(to be attached with Resume and other Documents)

Position Applied for



Surname ______

Preferred Name______

Christian Names ______

Former Name (If Applicable) ______


Home Address
______Postcode ______ / Address for Correspondence

Phone & Email

Private ______Business ______Mobile______


How did you find out about this position?

Please complete and return with you application and a full resume to:

Human Resources Officer

Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta

Locked Bag 4 North Parramatta NSW 1750


Privacy requirements – employment collection notice


1. WhenyouapplyforthispositionyouwillprovideCEDP(throughourschools,CatholicEarlyLearningCentres

(CELCs),Catholic OutofSchoolHoursCare services(COSHCs) andoffices)withpersonalinformation.

2. Ifyouprovideuswithpersonal information,forexampleyournameandaddressorinformationcontainedonyour resume, wewillcollecttheinformationinordertoassessyourapplication.Wemaykeepthisinformationonfileifyour applicationisunsuccessfulincaseanotherpositionbecomesavailable.

3. OurPrivacy- Statementsetsouthowyou mayaccessandseekcorrectionofyourpersonalinformationthatwe hold aboutyouifyouareunsuccessfulfortheposition.However,theremaybeoccasionswhenaccessisdenied.Such occasionswouldincludewhereaccesswouldhaveanunreasonableimpactontheprivacyofothers.OurPrivacy- Statementalsosetsouthowyoumaycomplainabouta breachofprivacyandhowwewilldealwithsuch acomplaint. OurPrivacy-Statementisavailableat:

4.We maydisclosethiskindofinformationtothefollowingtypesoforganisations:theCatholicEducationCommissionof NSWandtheCatholicCommissionforEmploymentRelations.Wewillalsodisclosethisinformationwithyourconsent orasrequiredorauthorisedbylaw.

5. Wearerequiredtoconductacriminalrecordcheckandcollectinformationregardingwhetheryouareorhavebeenthe subjectofanApprehendedViolence OrderandcertaincriminaloffencesunderChildProtection laws. Wemayalsoelecttocollectpersonalinformationaboutyouinaccordancewiththeselaws.

6. Wemayuseserviceproviderswhoprovidecertainservicestousandourstaffandstudentsincludingdatastorageand contemporaryonlineteachingtools.Wemayprovideyourpersonalinformationto suchserviceprovidersinconnection withtheprovisionoftheseservices.Ourserviceprovidersmaystore,or process,dataoutsideAustralia,includingintheUnitedStates,Singapore,Irelandandpossiblyothercountries.Weendeavourtofindwhere theseprovidersstore theirdataandupdatethiscollectionnoticeassuchinformationbecomesavailabletous.Inaddition,ouremailserviceprovider maystoreandprocessemailsintheUnitedStatesorinanyothercountryutilisedby Google.

7. Ifyouprovideuswiththepersonalinformationofothers,weencourageyoutoinformthemthatyouaredisclosingthat informationtousandwhy,thattheycanaccessthatinformationifthey wishandthatwedonotusuallydisclosethe informationtothirdparties.

8. Youmayobtainfurtherinformationfromthefollowing:

• Forour schools:theschoolprincipal

• ForourCELCs:theCELCdirector

• For ourCOSHCs:theCOSHCsupervisor

• Forouroffices: PrivacyOfficer:





How to Apply

Applicant information

  1. Address your formal letter of application to:

Mr Gregory B. Whitby - Executive Director of Schools

  1. Supply resume, including Academic Record and employment details
  1. Supply response to each essential position requirement criterion
  1. Supply details of three (3) referees (numbers and email address), including current employer, from whom confidential reports may be obtained.

Please note referees will only be contacted if preferred applicant.

  1. All application materials to be received by close of business on the due date
  1. Send all application materials to:

Human Resources Officer

Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta

Locked Bag 4 North Parramatta NSW 1750

  1. Those who are applying by email please email:


Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta (CEDP) invites appropriately qualified and experienced applicants who are committed to the ethos of Catholic Schools to apply for advertised positions.

CEDP is committed to the principles of merit selection ie selecting the best person for the job and to the core values of the system vision statement, ‘to be open, inclusive and just’.

To assist in selecting the right person based on skills, knowledge and experience, it is important that your application provides all relevant details. Please consider the following information when preparing your application.

Please note: this information is to be read in conjunction with specific documents that apply to every advertised position. They can be found on our website or by calling the contact person named in the advertisement.


A selection committee decides who is to be interviewed based on the information that you present in your application.

It is very important that your application is clear and concise, and indicates how your knowledge, skills, experience and relevant work history (paid or unpaid) support your application.

So when applying for a position always include:

  1. a completed application form,
  1. a brief resume detailing your employment history, education and qualifications, and
  2. details of how you meet the individual essential and desirable criteria as stated in the “Position Criteria” document. For example:

Essential Criteria:

Demonstrated ability to deal with staff at all levels of the organisation.


In my current role, I not only deal with peers providing policy and procedural advice, I also provide financial information and advice to senior staff within my Division, including the General Manager and Director.


The advertisement will state where to forward your written or electronic application, and the date by which it is to be received.

Your application will be acknowledged by email as soon as it is received.


Approximately one week after the closing date a selection panel of a least three members will shortlist the applications, inviting for interview the applicants who best meet all the selection criteria.

Applicants who aren’t invited for interview will receive an email notifying them that they are unsuccessful.


If you are being invited for interview you will receive a phone call advising you of the time and location. Interview questions are based on the selection criteria and the key accountabilities so be prepared to give examples of your work experience, skills and knowledge, and how these relate to the position you are applying for.


After the interviews are conducted referees will be contacted on the applicant(s) the panel deems most meritorious, so include at least three work referees – ideally from your current employer or supervisor, or the most recent ones.


Following the referee checks the selection panel will make a final recommendation on whom to appoint based on the merit of the written application, the performance at interview and the referees’ comments. This is forwarded to the Executive Director of Schools for approval.

Once approved, the successful applicant will be telephoned and a verbal offer made, with a written Letter of Appointment to follow. Unsuccessful applicants are notified by email.


Successful applicant(s) will be subject to the requirements of current NSW child protection legislation. For further information on the legislation visit the website . Specific Parramatta Catholic Education requirements will be advised at interview.




Early Childhood Educator
System Learning / CLASSIFICATION
June 2016


The Catholic Early Learning Centre (CELC) Educator works within the Catholic Early Learning Centre.

Catholic Early Learning Centres deliver preschool services in accordance with the required care and educational programs on an inclusive basis to teach, facilitate and guide young people’s learning based on Christian values in the Catholic tradition in a multi-denominational pre-school setting. CELCs work with key Catholic Education Office staff to ensure efficient operation of the preschool educational program and to assist the CELC Director to maintain ongoing registration of the preschool.


This position supports the system strategic intents of improving learning outcomes for all students and promoting a professional and rewarding working life for teachers and staff.

Key accountabilities are:

  • Establish and maintain positive, productive and respectful relationships with children, families and staff and promote a caring preschool environment.
  • Proactively support the CELC Director and teachers in the provision of quality innovative preschool services, in implementation of the CELC’s Quality Improvement Plan, compliance with the Education and Care Services National Regulations and with CELC policies and procedures.
  • Support the teachers to implement the approved CELC curriculum and to deliver the day-to-day educational programs of the CELC through effective teamwork.
  • Stimulate children’s learning experiences based on Catholic values and traditions, while supporting the fostering of prayer and activities for the children in accordance with the teachings of the Church.
  • Engage in professional learning in order to keep up to date with well-founded early childhood educational theory and practice and current legislative requirements.


  • Support of Catholic ethos;
  • Certificate III in Early Childhood Education.
  • Current child protection training (DEC approved) and current Working With Children check clearance;
  • Demonstrated ability to educate and nurture in a way that reflects an understanding of contemporary learning research and theory (and its impact on innovative practice in early childhood education);
  • Good understanding of Belonging, Being, Becoming: Early Years Learning Framework For Early Childhood;
  • Good knowledge of National and State Codes of Practice , the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics and standards generally that affect services, including the new National Quality Framework, for children aged 3 to 5 years;
  • Good understanding of the key elements of the Education and Care Services National Regulations and licensing requirements as they apply to preschools;
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a team and independently when required;
  • Sound knowledge of Work Health and Safety as it applies in an preschool setting;
  • Good communication skills (spoken and written), including good interpersonal skills;
  • Understanding of the issues related to children with disabilities, disadvantaged families including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, and families of a non-English speaking background;
  • Computer literacy, including the Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook; Word; Excel);
  • Current senior First Aid Certificate and current class C Driver Licence;
  • Up-to-date Anaphylaxis and Asthma management training;


  • Foster Gospel values and act according to Catholic ethos;
  • Work collaboratively and cooperatively with CELC Director, staff and families to support the Catholic Early Learning Centre’s philosophy, policies, procedures and practices;
  • Support the implementation of high quality preschool programs influenced by the principles of Reggio Emilia philosophy;
  • Participate in development, monitoring, evaluation and adjustment of programs to assist in providing relevant and culturally appropriate learning experiences for preschool children within a well organised, healthy and aesthetically pleasing environment where children’s curiosity, explorations and discoveries are supported, developed and extended;
  • Ensure children are welcome, safe and adequately supervised at all times and immediately report potential supervision risks to other staff and / or the CELC Director;
  • Assist in ensuring the CELC Child protection policy is implemented and:
    - Inform the CELC Director of any allegation or conviction of a child protection nature
    against any other employee of which you are aware; and
    - Ensure compliance as a mandatory reporter, requiring reporting to Community Services,
    where there is reasonable grounds to suspect that a child is at risk of significant harm;
  • Implement the CELC behaviour management policy;
  • Maintain positive, productive and respectful relationships with children, adults, Parish Priest and staff in the Education Precinct and in the wider community.
  • Engage in professional learning in order to keep up to date with current and well-founded early childhood research, theory and practice;
  • Contribute to the planning of children’s programs and documentation of children’s progress so as to make learning visible;
  • Support the CELC’s Quality Improvement Plan development and implementation;
  • Respond appropriately to accidents or emergencies and administer First Aid as appropriate;
  • Maintain accurate records of incidents/injury/trauma/illness and medications in terms of policies and procedures. Ensure the safe custody and control of medications out of reach of children and to prevent any unauthorised access;
  • Maintain confidentiality and adhere to the Privacy Act and Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics;
  • Complete other duties as required by the CELC Director and the Executive Director of Schools.