Process:Requesting a Disability Related Course Substitution for Program Requirements

Purpose:In accordance with the Rehabilitation Act, Section 504, of 1973 as amended and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, programmatic course substitutions are considered based on the following three conditions:

  1. The student is registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC).
  2. The student has a documented disability that significantly interferes with the student’s ability to complete a course due to the functional limitations imposed by his or her condition.
  3. An appropriate substitute course can be identified and substituted to meet programmatic requirements.

DRC staff will be knowledgeable of the student’s progress through his or her program of study to include issues limiting the student’s ability to be successful in required program courses. Upon Disability Resource Center’s (DRC) conclusion that an accommodation is required, the student may request a disability related course substitution by following this process.

Coordination:A request for a Disability Related Course Substitution should be made a minimum of two terms prior to the student’s anticipated completion of his or her program requirements. The request process is initiated by the student. The Disability Resource Center (DRC) representative coordinates with the student and the appropriate School representative to ensure that each step in the process is followed, communicated, and documented through CNM email.

Beginning of Process:

The student notifies the DRC representative, in writing, that he or she is requesting a course substitution be considered as a programmatic accommodation.

End of Process:

If the request is approved, the program’s School completes a course substitution form and submits it to Enrollment Services.


  1. Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504 -
  1. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 -


Documentation of Disability


Step 1:

The student notifies the DRC representative, in writing, that he or she is requesting a course substitution be considered as a programmatic accommodation. This course substitution should be pursued only after the student, the DRC, and the School have determined that other accommodations or scheduling choices would not be sufficient.

Step 2:

The DRC representative, to comply with the DRC guidelines for disability documentation, prepares the Documentation of Disability. The Documentation of Disability provides information, without diagnosis, needed by the Schools in the selection of an appropriate course substitution. Information is provided on a need-to-know basis and this document, along with all others, will remain confidential. The Documentation of Disability will include the following information:

  1. The identity of the qualified professional who prepared the documentation.
  2. The factors of the disability that require the programmatic substitution.
  3. A description of the clear and direct connection between the functional limitations experienced by the student and the activities required for successful completion of the course.

Step 3:

The student prepares a Letter of Self-Advocacy to include the following information:

  1. The student’s name, address, and contact information (CNM email address, phone number, etc.), and student I.D. number.
  2. A description of the student’s academic and vocational goals.
  3. The name of the course for which the substitution is requested.
  4. A rationale for the substitution request.
  5. A history of any previous attempts to complete the course in question or a statement explaining why no attempt has been made.

Step 4:

The DRC staff and the DRC Director conducts a review of the documents from Step 2 and 3 and notifies the student, in writing, of their decision about the student’s request. If the DRC approves, Step 5 occurs. If not, the DRC representative will meet with the student to determine the next appropriate step(s).

Step 5:

The DRC representative submits the student’s request for a course substitution along with the required documentation, without diagnosis, to the School Dean or designee housing the program in which the course will be substituted. The required documentation includes: the Documentation of Disability, the student’s Letter of Self-Advocacy, and verification of the DRC Peer Review and Director’s approval.

Step 6:

The School Dean or designee housing the program in which the course will be substituted leads the review of the substitution request in consultation with:

  • the Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee
  • the School Dean or designee of the School offering the course being substituted when different from the Program’s School.
  • faculty representatives from the program of study and the School’s curriculum committee
  • faculty who represent the substituting course.

Disability related course substitutions are not designed to give the student an advantage over other students, to alter the learning outcomes or objectives of the course, nor to weaken academic rigor. As with any course substitution, 75% of the learning outcomes must be met. The Substitution Request must meet the following criteria.

  1. The course substitution will not fundamentally alter the course of study in the program.
  2. The course(s) being proposed as a substitution must be relevant and consistent for the purposes of the degree/certificate requirements.
  3. The course(s) being proposed as a substitution must support the Program’s learning outcomes in a manner that is similar to those of the required course.
  4. The course(s) being proposed as a substitution must provide the student with an equitable opportunity to participate as fully as possible in their program of study.

If the School Dean or designee determines a substitution meeting these criteria is not possible, the School Dean or designee will document in writing the rationale behind this decision with a copy to the VPAA or designee and the Director of the DRC. A student may request in writing through the DRC Director a meeting with the School Dean and the VPAA or designee to review and clarify the rationale for not making the substitution. The decision of the School Dean or designee is final.

If there is a reasonable substitution meeting the criteria, the process moves to Step 7.

Step 7:

The School Dean or designee submits to the DRC representative in writing the course(s) selected as approved substitutions, as well as a rationale for why the course(s) were identified as appropriate substitutions. When the course being substituted is from a School other than the Program’s School, the Dean will include the substituted course’s School Dean in all written communication. The decision of the School Dean or designee is final.

Step 8:

The DRC representative communicates in writing the identified course(s) to the student.

Step 9:

If the request is approved, the program’s School completes a course substitution form and submits it to Enrollment Services.

Step 10:

The substitution documentation is saved by the DRC in the student’s confidential file on Accommodate.


DRC Representative

School Dean or designee

Faculty Representative

School’s Curriculum Committee

Signature Collection

1)DRC Director

2)School Dean or designee

End of Process