
Linguistics is a concept which can seem second-nature to native speakers of a language, with the study of language and its structure, including the study of grammar, syntax, and phonetics. There are also various different types of linguistic branches which can be applied and researched, including sociolinguistics, computational linguistics, and comparative linguistics. However, even though the concept of linguistics is theoretically covered within a native speaker’s education and their continual exposure to the regulations and structure of language there is still a valid propensity by which a linguistic mis-step can be made. Depending on the situation and circumstance in which this occurs it is apparent that the reaction and impact could range from not being serious and almost comical to significantly damaging or affecting a relationship.

This can easily be seen through the example of business meetings attended, and although these can commonly include both native and non-native speakers of English the particular mis-step under consideration was made by a native English speaker during the course of the meeting. As the topic of the meeting was based around the construction of a new facility and the accompanying issues which may be the result of such a project there was clearly a large amount of technical vocabulary and language being utilized. During a particular speech about the internal layout of the proposed site, a significant selection error was realized and instead of the following sentence being delivered:

‘Importantly, these areas have to remain as they are load-bearing walls’

This was replaced with:

‘Importantly, these areas have to remain as they are child-bearing walls

The impact of this required the speaker to choose the wrong word completely which has a more significant impact than assemblage errors for example. Whereas assemblage errors are unintentional rearrangements of the sounds, letters, syllables, or words, selection errors contrast with selection errors of this type where a wrong item has been chosen. While the response in this instance was initially one of humor amongst certain participants there were also others who were not aware as to what was meant at all as the expected meaning had been completely changed. The speaker was clearly aware of the issue which had occurred – although not the relevant exchange of words – due to the reaction and change of atmosphere within the meeting. Such a reaction would have been markedly different it had simply been a linguistic assemblage error that had been applied with the increased likelihood that such an issue would not have been noticed by the audience and therefore the speaker.

Consequently the flow of the meeting and the points of information were disrupted while it was explained to the speaker what had transpired and the difference in wordings to those participants who were unsure as to the characteristics and meanings of the two different phases. Amongst certain participants it appeared to be clear that there was a distinct feeling whereby the importance and professionalism of the speaker had been decreased as a result of this selection error. Although the long-term impact may have been minimal, this type of error that was experienced can outline the potential for disruption and issues which may be experienced as a result of such an issue. The clash of two specific words, both of which are commonly used with the suffix of bearing is shown to drastically alter the meaning of the term and one is clearly visible as being completely out of context with the rest of the information and topic which was being discussed.

Such examples can often be the cause of more serious issues which are exhibited through communication breakdowns for example. Although linguistic errors can often contribute to various communication breakdowns – even if they are not the designated cause of them –there are also several other factors which can provoke such an occurrence. A communication breakdown can occur not only due to the way in which something is said but also if something in particular isn’t said at all. Similar issues will cause communication breakdowns whether they are within a specific language community or that there are differing language communities. These can include the speed and frequency of communication, as well as the particular style which is being used for example. Additional problems and issues relate to the potential assumptions which are made either for, or on behalf of, the audience directly. This can cause significant issues relating to expectations and perceptions for example. Environments or language utilization which is one-sided can also contribute significantly to communication breakdowns whilst it is important to realize that the relevance of two-way communication can be demonstrated in a comprehensive fashion.

The solution to these potential issues and pitfalls may seem overly logical, yet it is surprising that their application is not always maintained. With one of the most fundamental issues relating to effective communication being the speed and frequency of delivery it is clear that this can be easily addressed. Speaking slowly and clearly not only improves the ability to communicate between native and non-native speakers of the language concerned but it also demonstrates the importance with which people feel like they are being addressed.

Similarly, any and all relevant supporting information for communications should be provided as a matter of course. This will prevent incorrect assumptions being formed through often explicit confirmations of what may be expected. Equally, if there is anything which is unclear for some reason it would be correct to bring this to the attention of relevant people so that the failure to communicate effectively does not then cause a more profound issue. Anyone involved in communicating should encourage questions as and when necessary so there needs to be an environment and atmosphere generated through which all types of question would be encouraged in a comfortable manner. Both a communicator and respondent must also ensure that they are listening in an active, rather than passive manner as this will ensure that there are no discrepancies or grey areas regarding the types of information and details which have been relayed, as well as the relevant questions which have been asked.

By adopting these practices, communication breakdowns – irrespective of the native language of those involved – can be minimized and mitigated significantly. However, as has been indicated there always remains the possibility of a linguistic mis-step or error from even the most seasoned and native communicators.

Works cited

Garner, B. A. (2012, December 1). What’s an Error in Language? Retrieved from ABA Journal: