FFA Chapter Name / FFA Chapter Town
Chapter Advisor / Advisor Phone
Address / City / State/Zip
E-mail Address

Please indicate below if your chapter will be weighing derby pigs. If yes, tags will be mailed to the address listed above. If no, tags will be available for pick up at the Leadership Conference at the Iowa State Fair booth. Any tags not picked up at the Leadership Conference will be mailed the following week.

Please indicate chapter requests below:

Weighing Derby Pigs (yes or no) Need Derby Tattoo Die (yes or no)

TOTAL Ear Tags - market pigs, derby pigs, commercial gilts, breeding gilts*, market/carcass lambs, commercial ewes and commercial yearling ewes

* Registered Breeding Gilts will need either an FFA issued tag or a USDA approved tag.

Registered Breeding Gilts DO NOT need hair samples.

DNA envelopes will be issued based on the number of ear tags requested.

DNA envelopes must be completely filled out - including all signatures.

The large DNA envelopes will not be used this year.

Please mail, fax or e-mail this form before April 1 to:

Iowa State Fair

FFA Department

P.O. Box 57130

Des Moines, IA 50317

Fax: 515/280-4841

If an e-mail address is listed, you will be sent a confirmation e-mail when the form is received.

Students must be listed on the chapter roster with the Department of Education BEFORE they will be included in the chapter’s online roster for State Fair nominations and entries. April 15 is the FINAL day to add members to the chapter roster with the Department of Education for State Fair nominations. Students not on the chapter roster by April 15 will NOT be eligible to nominate in FFA departments for the 2012 Iowa State Fair. Students entering Ag Mechanics & Technology, Floriculture, Horticulture, Photography, Poultry or Rabbits must be on the chapter roster by June 15 or will NOT be eligible to enter in FFA departments for the 2012 Iowa State Fair.