1968 Establishment of the Value Management Society of South Africa

by Keith van Heerden, an employee of Union Carbide.

1977 VEMSSA (Value Engineering & Management Society of South Africa) was constituted by Keith van Heerden, Dick Stringer at that time employed by Joy Manufacturing and others, replacing the Value Management Society established in 1968.

Keith is elected as first President of VEMSSA.

1978 1 Day Value Engineering Symposium, CSIR

1980 Dick Stringer, now a Value Management Consultant, is elected President of VEMSSA.

Modern Cost Technology: International Symposium, Taylors Travelodge

1981 Mini-Seminar on Value Engineering, CSIR

1983 Graham Bodman, working for CSIR is elected as President of VEMSSA

Mini-Seminar on Value Engineering, CSIR

1984 Graham Bodman is invited by the University of the Witwatersrand

to present Value Engineering & Value Analysis as a Post Graduate Course with Dick Stringer.

(This post graduate course is still presented today at WITS (by Kurt J Huber)

Mini-Seminar on Value Engineering, CSIR

1985 John Cluett, being with SA Breweries, is elected as


National Value Forum, 1 Day Mini Seminar, MINTEK

1986 Establishment of the Value Management Foundation:

With Gordon Dunningham as Chairman, Keith van Heerden as Executive Director, Dick Stringer, Professional Officer. The Value Management Foundation Board of Directors included John Gommersall, Tony Albertyn, John Houston, Dick Solms, John Cluett, Des Winship, and Dr. Herbert Scheffel.

1987 Quality's place in Value Management, CSIR

1988 Kurt J Huber, Value Engineering Manager with Joy Manufacturing, is elected as the new President and a Board Member of the Value Management Foundation.

1990 Value Management Seminar, with VMF, Sun City

1991 Phil Redhead, Procurement Manager, Nissan is elected as President.

The Value Management Foundation ceased to exist due to lack of corporate support and VM Services PTY Limited was established (with Dick Stringer as Managing Director) to continue providing Value Engineering and Value Management Services to the Industry and Commerce.

1994 Tieni van Staden, owner of a Manufacturing Company is elected as President.

1995 Tieni is resigning the Presidency due to personal priorities. An interim Caretaker is managing VEMSSA’s activities. (Gordon Cowie)

1996 New VEMSSA logo introduced

1997 VM Interact, Sun City, with VMS

1998 Philip Koenig, from Eskom is elected President.

Valuexperience Conference, 1Day Conference, Gold Reef City, Launch of the SAVE / VEMSSA Accreditation Programme.

Philip is resigning the Presidency due to personal priorities.

1999 Andrew Barker, a Consultant, is elected as President. During his presidency 7 people received VEMSSA qualification in Value Engineering (CVE-SA).

2000 Paul Whitehouse, Director of VM Services, is elected President. VEMSSA is reviewing its objectives and assumes the role of establishing the Value Engineering Standard Generating Group (VE-SGG), part of the Engineering Standard Generating Body (through ECSA – Engineering Council of South Africa).

The VE-SGG is approved mid 2000 with Kurt J Huber being elected Chairman; supported by Paul J Whitehouse, VEMSSA President; both from VM Services, Peter Roberts of the University of the Witwatersrand; John Cluett, SA Breweries; Jonathan Meintjes and Hans Kuilman; both Service Provider, Wayne Langford, Consultant; Ruth Coetzee, Telkom; Loraine Laubscher, Services Provider.

Endorsement and input was received by the following people:

Andrew Barker, Services Provider; Ray Andrews, Barloworld Logistics; Neil Oliver, CSIR; Herman Grobler, Denel NADS – LIW; Rob Matter, Hatch Africa; Horst Haase, Secretary VEMSSA; Terry Williams, Services Provider; Chris van Schoor, University of Pretoria; Dick Stringer, Services Provider;

Peter Cooke, SA Breweries.

2001 CEASA Presentation – Introduction to Value Engineering SAB Sandton by Kurt J Huber

2002 2 VE Core Unit Standards are written and approved by Engineering Standard generating Body and SAQA.

Stakeholder Meeting: VEMSSA is celebrating its 25th Anniversary and the approval of the two Unit Standards

Kwazulu-Natal Benchmarking & the DAC ( Durban Automotive Cluster ) Value Engineering Presentation

2003 CEASA Presentation – Value Engineering in Projects, SASOL, Rosebank

2004 ICEC Conference in Cape Town – Value Engineering in Projects, Cape Town Conference Centre

University of Pretoria, Introduction to Value Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering

2005 Establishment of a National Certificate (NC) in Value Engineering, replacing VEMSSA qualification in Value Engineering (CVE-SA).

SAIIE Vaal Triangle Branch. Value Engineering Presentation, Sasol Factory in Sasolburg

2006 Special Society meeting with the purpose to re-vitalise VEMSSA - new office bearers elected, strategic plan issued.

Chairman: Werner Maritz – De Beers;

Board: Kurt J Huber – VM Services (Chairman of the VE-SGG), John Cluett - SAB, Paul J Whitehouse – VM Services, Terry Williams - Discover, Tony Phillips – Sasol, Sean Thomas – SAB, Kgabo Mokgohloa – SAPO

2008 IIR Engineering Managers Conference (Johannesburg), Value Engineering

2009 SAIMechE Central Branch Dinner, Presentation on Value Engineering

IIR Engineering Managers Conference (Sandton), Value Engineering

2010 Wits University – Undergraduates: What is Value Engineering?

IIR Engineering Conference, Dubai, UAE – Value Engineering in Projects

2011 VEMSSA is invited by SAIMechE to join the Voluntary Association as a Professional Interest Group. Major VEMSSA stakeholders are approached and decision is made to accept the invitation.

VEMSSA old and new logo incorporated

Establishment of a VEMSSA specific web portal within the SAIMechE webpage.

To be continued…………..