NES Pharmacy Annual Programme 2012 – 2013

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Welcome to the NES programme of events which lists the CPD opportunities offered to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians for the 2012/2013 session.

Once again, you will find a wide selection of courseson offer – from those running in your local area on subjects of local interest, to bespoke courses run nationally, devised and tailored to meet the challenges of pharmacy practice today. Remember that you are also welcome to register for courses in other local areas.

National topic for pharmacists

This year we have included onenational topic for pharmacists that will be covered in every area. The topic which will be covered this year is - Reducing harm from medicines and improving patient safety (Pharmacy within the multidisciplinary team).

Guidance has been provided by NES Pharmacy in conjunction with NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland. An outline of how to cover this topic has been developed, which each local NES Pharmacy tutor will then tailor to the needs and initiatives within their own local area.

National topic for pharmacy technicians - NEW

This year we have introduced a national topic for pharmacy technicians that will be covered in every area. The topic which will be covered this year is - The prevention of falls and fragility fractures in older people.

Similar to the national topic for pharmacists, guidance has been provided by NES Pharmacy in conjunction with the National Falls Programme Team. An outline of how to cover this topic has been developed, which each local NES pharmacy technician facilitator will then tailor to the needs and initiatives within their own local area.

Local courses for pharmacy technicians

The provision of education and training for hospital and community pharmacy support staff by opening many of the local pharmacist courses to pharmacy technicians over the last few years has been met with a very positive response. NES built on this important development in 2011 by offering local courses specifically designed for pharmacy technicians by local pharmacy technician facilitators, in most areas. See pages 140 – 191for full details of the courses available for 2012/2013.

Pharmacists are welcome to apply for/attend these courses too, but should recognise that the aims and learning outcomes are developed specifically for pharmacy technicians. Similarly, pharmacy technicians are invited to attend local courses for pharmacists but take into account that the learning outcomes are set for pharmacists.

Inter-professional events - NEW

NES Pharmacy and The Partnership (an educational resource to support GP CPD in the west of Scotland) recently piloted a joint evening workshop for GPs and pharmacists to discuss the concept of Mindful Prescribing. Attendees found discussing clinical topics with other health professionals a very useful learning experience and suggested there was value in delivering more sessions in this format.

As a result, pharmacists are invited to attend a further six inter-professional events plannedfor the west of Scotland. Places are limited to five pharmacists per session and can be booked via the Portal on-line booking system. See page 192 – 197for full details of these exciting new events.

In addition, GPs are now being invited to attend specific local coursesin Ayrshire & Arran, ForthValley, Glasgow North, Glasgow South & Clyde and Lanarkshire. These sessions are highlighted as `inter-professional events` throughout the programme with places limited to five GPs per session.

NHS Pre-Registration Pharmacist Scheme (PRPS)

Core programme – Direct learning Events

Pre-registration trainees and tutors should refer to the PRPS e-portfolio or the NES website for information on pre-registration training events organised as part of the PRPS core programme.

Pre-registration trainee pharmacists in the PRPS should note that attendance at the events in the PRPS core programme is compulsory and, consequently, is assumed. It is not necessary for pre-registration trainee pharmacists to register via Portal for these events. It is important, however, that trainees notify NES if they are unable to attend any event.

As intimated in the PRPS programme, however, pre-registration trainee pharmacists should also attend the NES national topic for 2012/13 – Reducing harm from medicines and improving patient safety (Pharmacy within the multidisciplinary team) – from the NES programme of events for all pharmacists and pharmacy technicians across Scotland. Like everyone else, pre-registration trainee pharmacists will require to apply for a place on thisparticular course at their preferred venue/date as detailed in this NES programme. Trainees may attend any other local NES courses that take their interest, also booking places on these via Portal.

Pre–registration tutor training events

In addition NES Pharmacy will be running a series of training events for pre-registration tutors. For further information, please contact the PRPS Administrator, Marie McMillan at

Places at the tutor training events should be booked via Portal.


Have you seen the NES website?

The NES website ( is increasingly being used by pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to access the most up to date information on all aspects of educational support and development offered by NES. You will find the most up to date information on prescribing training, pharmacy technician education and training, the Pre-Registration Pharmacists Scheme (PRPS), significant event analysis (SEA), educational research and much more.

It also gives you access to an increasing number of educational resources, including

  • core course and keynote presentations to be viewed online
  • core course resources from previous years to refer to online or download
  • pdf versions of most of the distance learning programmes
  • a variety of web-based training resources including recorded webinars.

Many of the educational resources have been organised into sections which relate to the core services within the community pharmacy contract, so you can locate them quickly and easily.

As always, we are indebted to our network of local postgraduate tutors and facilitators across Scotland for organising and delivering the wide range of courses you find offered in this programme. Our aim is always to offer NHS pharmacists and pharmacy technicians continuing education which is relevant, uptodate and high in quality to help enhance knowledge and skills for delivering pharmaceutical services today.

Registration process

Portal on-line course booking system

In 2010, NES Pharmacy introduced a new online booking system for CPD courses. Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians can apply online for courses from August 2012 onwards, and will receive an automated response, confirming that they have been allocated a place or have been placed on a waiting list.

Pharmacists, pre-registration trainees and pharmacy technicians working within the NHS in Scotland are eligible to apply for NES (Pharmacy) courses and distance learning packages free of charge (with the exception of `Return to Practice` courses).

Participants with any needs or special requirements should contact the NES Pharmacy office where the team will try to assist your learning. Alternatively you can speak to your local NES (Pharmacy) tutor – contact details can be found under the relevant local area in this programme.

Please note that in the current financial climate, and in line with all NHS efficiency savings plans, we are no longer able to provide a buffet at evening events or reimbursement of travelling expenses. Tea, coffee and biscuits will continue to be available at local events.

We hope you find bespoke courses of interest to you, local courses which meet your own particular learning needs, and e learning and distance learning packages which allow you to “learn in your own place at your own pace”.

As always, we welcome your comments and feedback on all aspects of what we do to support your CPD through our continuing education programmes.

With our very best wishes for the 2012/2013 session.

The NES (Pharmacy) Team

Bespoke courses

A selection of bespoke courses are offered in this year’s programme, to appeal to pharmacists who wish to meet specific learning needs, or have a particular interest in the following topic areas:

  • Core clinical assessment skills training for pharmacists
  • Patient-centred consultation skills for pharmacists

The three day “return to pharmacy practice” course is offered in September 2012 and January 2013, for those who wish to undertake a refresher course, or who are returning to practice after a career break. Please note that there will be a charge of £200 to attend the Return to Practice course which will require to be paid when booking via the Portal on-line booking system.

You will find full details on the following pages. Further information on any of these courses can be obtained by contacting or calling the NES (Pharmacy) office on 0141 223 1603.

Core clinical assessment skills training for pharmacists

Wednesday 3 October 2012

10.00 – 16.00

The Clinical Skills Centre, NinewellsHospital, Dundee


To allow pharmacists to gain confidence and competence in carrying out core clinical assessment skills.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Feel more confident in conducting a physical examination of the hands, chest, face, mouth, eyes and ears
  • Identify normal and common abnormal findings encountered while conducting a patient examination of the hands, chest, face, mouth, eyes and ears
  • Understand and record vital signs (temperature, pulse, respiratory rate and blood pressure)


This training will be delivered by specialist trainers at the Clinical Skills Centre, NinewellsHospital, Dundee, using computer controlled manikins and simulated patients. It has been specifically designed for pharmacists to gain confidence and competence in carrying out core clinical assessment skills including:

  • General examination skills
  • Examination of eyes/ears
  • Assessing blood pressure and pulse
  • Interpreting basic breath sounds


Experienced staff at the Clinical Skills Centre, NinewellsHospital, Dundee.

Book early as this course is capped at 10 participants!

Patient-centred consultation skills for pharmacists

Tuesday 13 November 2012

10.00 – 16.00

NES, 2 Central Quay, Glasgow


To develop and enhance pharmacist patient-centred consultation skills.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Recognise how to open and close a consultation and be aware of the tasks to be achieved during a patient-centred consultation
  • Identify verbal and non-verbal cues within a consultation
  • Effectively analyse a consultation and be comfortable receiving feedback about their consultations
  • Complete the NES pharmacy documentation and guidance for submitting a consultation for review


This bespoke training day will provide pharmacists with the necessary skills, knowledge and support required to ensure that they, and their patients, have a successful consultation experience.

The format of the day will be presentations exploring patient-centred consultations, feedback skills and consultation review, as well as some group work in the morning. The afternoon sessions provide the opportunity for delegates to put the knowledge and skills discussed in the morning session into practice by reviewing and discussing pharmacist/patient consultations in groups and carrying out a mock consultation.

The day will end with a discussion and guidance on how to submit a recording of your consultations for review if you think it would aid your practice.


Elizabeth Russell, experienced pharmacist prescriber and one of NES’ pharmacist peer reviewers for consultation skills

Book early as this course is capped at 15 participants!

Return to Practice

Tuesday 18 – Thursday 20 September 2012

Monday 14 – Wednesday 16 January 2013

10.00 – 17.00

University of Strathclyde


To provide an update on the basic principles of pharmacy practice for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians returning to practice following a career break or career change.


The yearly advances in new drug treatments, coupled with regular changes in legislation, may seem daunting, particularly if you have had a career break or career change for any length of time. However, this three-day course will either give you the information and support that you may feel necessary to participate once more in pharmacy practice, or just help you brush up on the finer points of recent introductions including the following:

  • The community pharmacy contract
  • POM to P medicines
  • Patient medication records
  • Counter prescribing
  • Emergency supplies, unscheduled care and NHS24
  • Complexities of the Drug Tariff
  • GPhC requirements for recording CPD

The sessions will take the format of presentations, workshops, small group discussions and interactive use of computers in the dispensary. The topics to be covered will include:

  • An update on legal and ethical issues, including CD regulations
  • Discussions on the deregulated medicines and black list regulations
  • Issues surrounding protocols, responding to symptoms in community practice, the Minor Ailments Service and Chronic Medication Service

Presenters/Tutors: Experienced staff at the School of Pharmacy, University of Strathclyde

Please note that there will be a charge of £200 to attend this course (payable in advance).

National topic for pharmacists

This year we have included one national topic that will be covered in every area. The topic which will be covered this year is Reducing harm from medicines and improving patient safety (Pharmacy within the multidisciplinary team).

Guidance has been provided by NES Pharmacy in conjunction with NHS Health Improvement Scotland. An outline of how to cover these topics has been developed, which each local NES Pharmacy tutor will then tailor to the needs and initiatives within their own local area.


To explore the pharmacist’s role in improving patient safety by the reduction of harm from medicines while continually improving the quality of pharmaceutical care, through both national and local NHS Board initiatives.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the key national initiatives in relation to patient safety which impinge on pharmacy practice
  • Discuss how the national initiatives and any additional local initiatives are being implemented within pharmacy practice in the local NHS Board
  • Describe ways in which you and your pharmacy team can contribute to develop these initiatives further at both local and national level


The Scottish Government is striving to support all healthcare providers to put the patient first every time -through person-centred care that is both safe and effective - in order to make the `Quality Strategy` a reality and not simply a theory. And so, patient safety and quality improvementis now everyone's business - and very much includes community and hospital pharmacists and their staff.

The Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP) was launched in 2008and was initially set to deliver a range of local improvements in hospital services involving a range of interventions in surgical, medical and critical care to achieve improved outcomes such as a reduction in healthcare associated infections. One of the other key initiatives was in relation to improved medication systems, which involves pharmacy as a core part of the multidisciplinary team to ensure safer care for patients.

The SPSP is being co-ordinated by NHS Health Improvement Scotland which will continue to support and develop this work in hospitals with plansto expand these patient safety initiatives within primary care services, mental health and paediatrics.

The intention is that this session will allow you to understand what is happening in the NHS in Scotland at national and local level and to understand the pivotal role the pharmacy team plays, as part of the multidisciplinary team, particularly as many of these initiatives involve the appropriate and safe use of medicines within the patient journey.

Check out the dates for your local area on the following pages. Remember you can apply to attend a course out with your own local area, if it is more suitable to your personal circumstances.

In your area

Ayrshire & Arran -Wednesday 27 February 2013

Borders - Wednesday 6 March 2013

Dumfries & Galloway - Thursday 7 March 2013

Fife - Wednesday 13 February 2013

ForthValley - Tuesday 12 March 2013

Glasgow North - Monday 18 February 2013

Glasgow South - Wednesday 6 March 2013

Grampian - Wednesday 6 February 2013

Highland - Tuesday 5 February 2013

Lanarkshire - Tuesday 12 March 2013

Lothian -Tuesday 19 February 2013

Orkney - Tuesday 5 March 2013

Tayside - Tuesday 12 March 2013

National topic for pharmacy technicians – NEW!!

The prevention of falls and fragility fractures in older people


To provide pharmacy technicians with an overview of how they can contribute to the prevention and management of falls and fragility fractures in older people in the pharmacy setting.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe risk factors for falls and osteoporosis
  • Understand the physical and psychological consequences of falls and fractures and the impact on the life of the older person and their family/carers
  • Discuss the pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for osteoporosis
  • Describe the role of the Falls Team and other healthcare professionals in reducing the risk of falls and fractures in older people.


With the population of older people set to rise, the prevalence of falls and fractures is expected to increase. It is widely recognised that many falls and fractures in this target population can be prevented by timely, targeted, individualised interventions.

This interactive training session will provide an overview of falls and osteoporosis, the link between falls and fractures and the pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments currently used. It will also help pharmacy technicians identify key areas where they can make a valuable contribution to falls and fractures prevention in their day to day work.