The following guidelines will apply for county youth officer
1. Potential candidates must file for a County office by the deadline determined by the OSU Extension Agents. (Exact
date to be determined annually.) (4 days prior to the election)
2. Candidate must have been a 4-H member for three years.
3. Candidates are not limited to number of offices they may run for, however, they will be considered for only those offices filed for or lower offices on the Order of Election by nominations from the floor after being defeated in the election for the office in which they filed.
4. Order of Election: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Reporter and 2 Recreation Leaders.
5. Candidates must have: 1) Submitted a Woodward County Project Report Form or State Record Book for the previous years; 2) Be a senior 4-H member.
6. Candidates must present a short nomination speech giving qualifications for office, etc. Speech is not required of a
candidates who has been defeated in an initial election. Speech is to be limited to 2 minutes. Recreational Leaders speech will be limited to 1 minute and must lead a game or song. Candidates that are sick or not present due to some major conflict may have another 4-H member present their speech. No games or songs will be lead for absent Recreation Leader candidates. 4-H Leader Organization officers and Extension Agents will determine if candidates absence is justified.
7. Clubs may have a total of 5 delegates to vote in elections. Clubs that have elected a slate of Junior and Senior club officers and hold separate meetings are allowed 10 total votes: 5 Juniors and 5 Seniors. Voting delegates may be alternated by an adult leader after voting is completed for an office.
8. Officer candidates may be included in the club's voting delegation up to a maximum 5 voting delegates per club. Candidates can not vote if 5 voters from their club are available.
9. Club Organizational Leader will be responsible for determining voter delegation. In the absence of the Organizational Leader, another adult leader will determine the voting delegates, then the highest club officer will make the decision if no adults are present.
NAME ______
DATE ______(Office use: Date Received ______)
Did you submit a 4-H Record Book? Yes ____ No ____
You are a senior 4-H member of what club? ______
Have you been a 4-H member for three years? Yes ____ No ____
4-H Federation Office you are filing for: ______
4-H Member's Signature
Order of Election:
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Recreation Leader
Recreation Leader
Candidate that is unsuccessful in the office in which you have filed for may run for lower officer in the Order of Election if they are nominated from the floor.
Campaign speeches will be required unless you are sick. Campaign speeches may be presented by someone else on your behalf, if the reason for your absence is approved by the County 4-H Leaders Organization and OSU Extension Agents.
Speeches for President, Vice Presidents, Secretary-Treasurer and Reporter will be limited to 2 minutes. Speeches by Recreation Leader candidates will be limited to 1 minute. The Recreation Leader candidates will lead the voting delegation in either a song or game.
Federation Officer