2015-2016Academic Year Work Plan
Click this link to go directly to the 2015-2016 Academic Work Plan Form
This page intentionally left blank.
The Table of Contents can be used as a checklist.
An Introduction to the Web Work plan Form
There are three sections
Base load is defined as:
Getting started
Follow the link:
Log into the web page
Navigating the form
Entering information
The White Section Describes You
Describe your position:
Save the form
The Yellow Section - Your Base Work Plan
The Teaching Domain
The Research, Scholarship and Inquiry Domain
The Service to the Institution Domain
The Professional Development and Engagement Domain
Reassigned Time
Save the form
The Blue Section Requests Overload
Special Stipend for Additional Work
Save the form
Print the form to a .pdf document to keep a copy of your submission for your records.
Your Work Plan Summarized
Review and Approval
Making changes to your form
During the review and approval process:
Preparing for your performance review
Error Messages
Missing Chair/Unit Email
Missing Dean’s Email
Missing Term Error Message(s)
Using the Excel Schedule Information
Open the schedule
How to copy and paste from an excel report into the web work plan form page
Trouble Shooting the Excel file …
I can’t see all the columns or tabs
I can’t copy the values
An Introduction to the Web Work plan Form
There are three sections
The WHITEsection describes you, your position, and your anticipated work for the year.
- Running summaries of the contents of the work plan form
- color coded to match the each section
- showing % by domain
- A running count of SH of work plan
The YELLOW section describes the work you intend to do.
- Teaching Domain
- Research, Scholarship and Inquiry Domain
- Service to the Institution Domain
- Professional Development and Engagement Domain
- Grants, sabbatical and other extended projects
The BLUE section describes your anticipated overload for the year.
- Requested Teaching overload
- Requested Non-Instruction overload
When you click the save button you share your form with your Chair/Unit and Dean. Clicking is sending the form to your leadership team.
Print the form to a .pdf document to keep a copy of your submission for your records.
Base load is defined as:
An academic year contract (10 month) for:
- Full Time Faculty equals 9 units; 27 SH should be described
- Professional Lecturer equals 7 units; 21 SH should be described
- Part Time Faculty should describe work equivalent to 27 SH multiplied by the % of full time;
For example, a half time faculty member would describe 27 * .5 = 13.5 SH of work;
Faculty working under a 12 month contract should describe the work to be done during the 10 months from September through June.
Please refer to the following policy documents located in the Faculty Guidebook:
Policy on Full-time Teaching Load - FP: 102
National Louis University Ranking System for Librarians and Media Specialists - FP: 105
National Louis University Policy on Faculty Workload - FP: 120
The deadlines for the planned and actual versions, your performance appraisal and the end of the year goal setting will be set by the Provost’s Office.
Getting started
Follow the link:
Log into the web page
You will see a blank work plan form.
Take a minute or two to scroll down the form to get a feel for the format and questions.
Navigating the form
There are five columns for information.
The first two columns of data are used for undergraduate work. First, you are asked for the number of courses or individuals. The next column asks for the QH associated with the work.
The next two columns of data are used for graduate work. First, you are asked for the number of courses or individuals. The next column asks for the SH associated with the work.
Notice that QH and SH are collected separately. Choose the appropriate columns for UG work (first 2) and GRAD work (next 2).
Many rows ask for both the number of courses or students and the total QH or SH of load assigned. # of students refers to internships, dissertations, supervisions, etc.
The fifth column asks for descriptive information.
Cells are grey when the information would be uninformative or the value is calculated from another part of the form. No entry is needed in grey cells.
Entering information
Each subsection follows the same process. If you are unclear about the row’s intended information please contact your Chair/Unit Leader.
Enter the count and total QH or SH for each activity planned for next year.
Please add explanatory comments as necessary.
It is ok to leave a row blank.
The tab key is your friend.
- TAB will move you forward in the form
- SHIFT + TAB will move you backward in the form
- Enter data by tabbing to the next cell
You can also click on a specific cell to move at random through the form.
You are able to highlight and copy information from one cell to another. This will save you time when entering course detail information; just copy course titles and course numbers from one line to another. Use the CTRL key + arrow keys to highlight text to be copied or slide your mouse right to left over cell contents to highlight.
You can type the first letter of the term name rather than relying totally on the drop down term list.
You cannot enter data into grey boxes.
The White SectionDescribes You
Describe your position:
Tab down the left side of the white sectionto fill in the required fields. Drop down menus are provided for your convenience.
Choose your college.
Choose your rank and tenure status.
If you are part time, click YES. Please enter the %. For example; half time =50%; Professional Lecturer = 78%.
Choose your chair/unit leader’s email address from the drop down menu.
Choose the email address for your Dean’s Designee from the drop down list.
Save the form
For the Initial form, you may return at any time prior to the deadline to add information or make changes. After the deadline, your form will be under review for approval. During the review and approval process the form will be locked. You cannot change or edit a locked form.
The Yellow Section - Your Base Work Plan
The Yellow section is used to describe your tentative work plan for Base load hours. It is divided into subsections for Teaching, Research, Service, Professional Development and Reassigned Time.
Base load is defined as:
10 Month Contract:
- Full Time Faculty equals 9 units; 27 SH should be described
- Professional Lecturer equals 7 units; 21 SH should be described
- Part Time Faculty should describe work equivalent to 27 SH times the % of full time; For example, a half time faculty member would describe 27 * .5 = 13.5 SH of work
12 month contract:
- Describe the work to be done during the 10 months from September through June.
- Convert non-instruction work to SH equivalency. (speak with your Dean; see FP: 102, 105, 120 for guidelines)
The Teaching Domain
Percent of time per Domain – FP: 120Tenured; Non-Tenured Tenure Track / Non-Tenure Track
Domain / Minimum / Maximum / Minimum / Maximum
Teaching / 33% / 78% / 66% / 90%
SH Equivalent / 8.91 SH / 21.06 SH / 17.82 SH / 24.3 SH
In the Teaching Domain, the first row, Prepare for and teach course/s, asks you to enter the number of courses you anticipate teaching for the year. Type the number in the count cell(s) then tab.
The details section will automatically expand so you can enter the course name(s), course #, QH, CRN #, SH, and term. Use a separate row for each CRN.
There is a direct link to schedule information which is updated Monday – Friday at the end of the day.
Click the link to open the Teaching Options file.
When you click the link to open the file you will see a message. Click ‘Open’. The file will be updated often as courses are added to the schedule and instructor assignments are made. Do not choose ‘Save’. Any file you save today will be obsolete tomorrow.
The Teaching Options Schedule:
You can copy and paste course information into your work plan form. No typing needed!
When the excel file opens follow the directions shown in theUsing the Excel Schedule Informationsection (at the end of these directions)
Use the information when you complete the list of courses. Then add the # of QH or SH as shown below.
The course details section will sum the QH & SH as you enter the information. The form automatically carries the running total hours to the Prepare for and teach courses/srow. Simply type the actual base load hours you will receive for teaching the course. Don’t forget to choose the term from the drop down menu.
The Research, Scholarship and Inquiry Domain
Percent of time per Domain – FP: 120Tenured; Non-Tenured Tenure Track / Non-Tenure Track
Domain / Minimum / Maximum / Minimum / Maximum
Research/Scholarship / 10% / 25% / 0% / 10%
SH Equivalent / 2.7 SH / 6.75 SH / 0 SH / 2.7 SH
Enter the planned SH for this domain. Cells are grey when the information would be uninformative or the value is calculated from another part of the form. No entry is needed in grey cells.
List the publications, presentations, and other activities in the description column.
The Service to the Institution Domain
Percent of time per Domain – FP: 120Tenured; Non-Tenured Tenure Track / Non-Tenure Track
Domain / Minimum / Maximum / Minimum / Maximum
Service / 5% / 50% / 5% / 15%
SH Equivalent / 1.35 SH / 13.5 SH / 1.35 SH / 4.05 SH
Indicate the number of students, reports, reviews, etc. in the appropriate undergraduate or graduate count column.
Enter the planned QH/SH for each task in the appropriate hours column.
Cells are grey when the information would be uninformative or the value is calculated from another part of the form. No entry is needed in grey cells.
Finally, name the department, committee, report, etc. in the description column.
The Professional Development and EngagementDomain
Percent of time per Domain – FP: 120Tenured; Non-Tenured Tenure Track / Non-Tenure Track
Domain / Minimum / Maximum / Minimum / Maximum
Professional Development / 7% / 15% / 5% / 15%
SH Equivalent / 1.89 SH / 4.05 SH / 1.35 SH / 4.05 SH
Enter the planned QH/SH for each task.
Cells are grey when the information would be uninformative or the value is calculated from another part of the form. No entry is needed in grey cells.
Finally, name the department, committee, report, etc. in the description column.
Reassigned Time
Reassigned time for full time faculty is authorized by the Dean for a specific purpose. Reassigned time for full time faculty for purposes other than those related to defined faculty roles must be authorized by the Provost.
Please refer to National Louis University Policy on Faculty Workload - FP: 120located in the Faculty Guidebook.
The chart below is offered as an aid when converting a percent of load to a SH value. No entry is needed in grey cells. Descriptions must be included in the description column.
% of Load / # SH / % of Load / # SH / % of Load / # SH4% / 1 / 37% / 10 / 70% / 19
7% / 2 / 41% / 11 / 74% / 20
11% / 3 / 44% / 12 / 78% / 21
15% / 4 / 48% / 13 / 81% / 22
19% / 5 / 52% / 14 / 85% / 23
22% / 6 / 56% / 15 / 89% / 24
26% / 7 / 59% / 16 / 93% / 25
30% / 8 / 63% / 17 / 96% / 26
33% / 9 / 67% / 18 / 100% / 27
Save the form
The Blue Section Requests Overload
Follow the same data entry process as shown in the yellow teaching section.
Special Stipend for Additional Work
The special stipend for additional section is used to list projects for which you will receive a separate contract. This is work that is done in addition to your full faculty contract work. It is not reassigned time. Reassigned time is work that shifts base load hours to other defined projects.
No entry is needed in grey cells.
Enter the QH or SH of time assigned for the additional work. Then describe the additional work in the last column.
Save the form
For the Initial form, you may return at any time prior to the deadline to add information or make changes. After the deadline, your form will be under review for approval. During the review and approval process the form will be locked. You cannot change or edit a locked form.
Keep a copy for your records
Print the form to a .pdf document to keep a copy of your submission for your records.
There is no mechanism on the web page that will allow you to return to the form you saved (submitted) for review. Once it is locked by your supervisor you will have limited editing capabilities. Any editing permanently changes the original. Should you wish a copy of the original information you will have to print the web page to .PDF.
Your Work Plan Summarized
There are three summary charts in the White Section at the top of the page:
- Base Load
- Requested Overload
- Summary of SH totals
Base Load Summary
This summary section converts the SH & QH hours ,described in the yellow section, to percent of total base load in each domain. This summary is intended as an aid for applying Faculty Workload Policy 120. The workload policy is charted below.
National Louis University Policy on Faculty Workload - FP: 120Percent of time per Domain
Tenured; Non-Tenured Tenure Track / Non-Tenure Track
Domain / Minimum / Maximum / Minimum / Maximum
Teaching / 33% / 79% / 66% / 90%
Research/Scholarship / 10% / 25% / 0% / 10%
Service / 5% / 50% / 5% / 15%
Professional Development / 7% / 15% / 5% / 15%
Reassigned Time*
* ‘FP: 120’ defines the activities that are included in reassigned time - the most frequent are grants and sabbatical.
The totals at the bottom of this summary show you the percent of your total base load (as defined above) described in the yellow section of the form. It is shown as % remaining to meet load and as a percent % of required total load met.
Percent remaining to meet load starts with 100% and decreases to 0% as you describe your planned activities for the year.
Percent of required load met starts at 0% and increases as you describe your planned activities for the year. . (Although the title shows % of required 27 SH load, the calculations for part time individuals will be based on actual total load.)
Requested Overload Summary
This summary section shows the running total of the requested SH of overload. QH will automatically be converted to SH.
White SH Summary Box
As you complete the detailed yellow and blue sections the white summary box displays your work planin QH & SH.
Review and Approval
Making changes to your form
For the Initial form, you may return at any time prior to the deadline to add information or make changes. After the deadline, your form will be under review for approval. During the review and approval process the form will be locked. You cannot change or edit a locked form.
During the review and approval process:
There are 4 states in which your work plan form can exist during the review and approval process:
- Unlocked – You may make changes at any time; as many times as you wish before the deadline.
- Locked – You will be unable to make changes. When you go to the web page you will see this message box. Click OK.
When you see this dialog box, simply click close the box and exit the web page without saving.
If you chose to start a new form now it will open with no values. You have created a completely new unlocked form. This is not recommended. Wait until you receive your approved work plan form then return to the web page to start making changes and corrections.
- Partially reviewed – You will receive email notification that your form is under review. As each reviewer completes an evaluation, the form is submitted to the next reviewer. Expect to receive1 (or more) of these Faculty Work plan Form Submission emails.
The email message is:
- Approved – When the Dean’s Designee approves your work plan form you will receive confirmation and a digital copy of thework plan form by email.
The email message is:
The email will contain the full work plan form showing course and hours as approved for each domain and the approved overload.
Keep the email it is your only permanent copy of your approved work plan form.
Your Initialwork plan form is now completed.
When you return to the web page after you have received approval, you will be offered the opportunity to start a new form. Choosing OK populatesthe new work plan form with existing values from your approved work plan form. The new form will be in an unlocked state.
If you have both an approved work plan form and another work plan form version under review you will see this message when you return to the web page. Close the form and wait until you receive the approved work plan form email then return to the web page and start a new version (different administration #).