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A is for Assembly:
Assembly is the polarity zenith in the angle where Development and Joining bridge the Change and the Total pole to the Group pole. It fills the Group pole section of the Yoke (synthesis) face of the Pattern octahedron. It is equivalent to Thesis in the Hegelian dialectic of Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis. Since every philosophic thesis is actual no more than a convention of the language community.
The polar opposite of Assembly is Special in the Ego pole angle of the Analysis face. This is why public philosophy can never prove the existence of the pure existentially inexistent Ego. Each Ego pole is isolated in its own unique infinitesimal interpretation of the eternal boundless.
The Assembly polarity is the statistically normal complement to the negative root peculiarness of the Ego. Each cosmos is the assembly, the parliament of all the participating Ego pole threads or Jiva monads.
These Jiva monads indwell every level of the world from atom to organism.
The cosmos emerges from the intertwine threads of the eternal timelines of billions and billions of Jivas that attach to various collections of events and call them out of alternative quantum world possibility into emergent experience. This cosmic evolution exists in a infinitely dimensional possibility that is pulled out into finite space-time by the assembly and grouping of a particular mixture of Jiva attachments.
B is for Barrier:
Barrier is the opposite of Force. Barrier is the agent of the Pattern aspect of the Dharma/Law as it enters the world. Together as Yin and Yang, the Pattern and the Force rule the world. Barrier is experienced by us as the effect of the physical order of the world, the solidness and heaviness of matter.
This inertness soaks up the forces that seek to move it according to the patterns described in Newton’s Laws of Motion. But, this inertness and its force opposite have an internal aspect as well as an external one. From the inside Barrier is stubbornness and Force is impulsiveness and ambition.
Our failure to attribute internal qualities to nature is a product of our anthropocentric point of view, our failure to understand that our human qualities are also natural qualities. That we are products of nature as much as a insect or a fish, that our qualities are nature’s qualities clothed in human language and human symbols. Our problems, the Barrier aspect of our lives is always an effect of our stubbornness, our failure to detach, to let go of what we want. This failure to detach is driven in turn by our impulses and desires. These were the “Noble Truths” taught by Buddha: that our lives are filled with problems that are caused by our desires.
The actions and thoughts generated by these desires attach us to these Barrier elements. They are the Karma that causes to be reborn in problem situations.
C is for Copy:
Copy is the opposite of Invention. It is in the angle of the Nature face of the Pattern octahedron closest to the Group pole and the Homogeneous and Zoology bridges from the Law and Part poles to the Group pole. If Invention represents the extension of the ultimate paradigm, the extension of the Pattern into new realms through the creative working of the Jiva monad subjectivity, then copy is the objective working out of that creativity. It is the effect, the result of the merging of that creativity into collective attachment and group belief and action.
Copy is the reproduction of the physical manifestations of the Pattern: the DNA codes of animals and plants. Copy is the process of natural selection generating the millions of reflections of the creative soul that appear in the plant and animal communities of the natural world.
Copy is the fall of the divine ideal so that its creative extension might have real form. Copy is the result of the attachment of creative mind to other minds so that life might be shared and experienced in community.
Copy is the polar aspect associated with the reproductive systems that maintain the genetic, linguistic, scholarly, electronic, and computer codes that allow communities to exist: biological, aboriginal, civilized, business and economic. Copy is the center of a series of polar gradients that join it to Group, to Homogenous, to Nature, etc.
D is for Derivative:
Derivative is the polar end of the Derivative to Essence polarity. Just as Essence is on the other side of the Ultimate pole bridge to Ego from Invention, so Derivative is on the other side of the Zoology bridge to Group from Copy. Just as Copy is in the angle of the Nature face closest to Group, so Derivative is the angle of the Wrong face of the Pattern octahedron closest to Group.
The Essence pole represents the eternal Pattern individually differentiated in endless billions of unique threads of subjective interpretation send out into the edges of existence in endless threads of immortal spinning that are woven into the cloth of existence. The Derivative pole represents the objective result of this spinning.
The Derivative pole represents the external expression that is generated by the attachment of the subjective essence to others in the process of objective developments. The Derivative pole is the probability and statistical accident that result from the coming together of many different finite interpretations of this Essence. If Essence is immortal, Derivative is mortal. If Essence is inner and personal, Derivative is outer and public.
If Essence represents infinitesimal variations on the Infinite drawn out into eternity in isolated strands of individuation, Derivative is the statistical norms that result from their finite communities of temporary measurable product.
E is for Essence:
Essence is the polar opposite of Derivative. Essence occupies the angle of the Ideal face between the Ultimate and Keep (conservation) pole bridges between Total and Law and Ego. As discussed above, Essence is the Ideal Pattern entering into individual immortal strands of interpretation and taking on the magic of subjective creativity as they do so. Essence is the most important, the primary aspect of all things. Essence is where it all begins.
If we wish to know who we are, if we wish to know Ego in its true inner aspect, we must look to Essence, to the Ideal, to the good, the true, and the beautiful at the deepest center of our inner subjective being from within.
To find this Essence, all attachments must be stripped away. The immortal thread within us must be stripped of everything that is finite to find the pure nothingness with which it begins.
Buddha was correct when he said that all desires must be stripped off. It is in our infinitesimalness, our non-being, that we obtain our immortal primariness. All finite things must die. Only the imaginary number, negative root, inner nothingness is eternal. We must go into our inner chamber alone and trace our objective attachments to their unattached inner root if we are to find our true Ego self, to know its true Essence.
The Essence pole is the Pneuma, the Son of the trinity of salvation. It alone can save us from the world.
F is for Force:
Force is next to the Change pole in the angle of the Magic face between the Variation and Background pole bridges to Ego and Total. As discussed above, it is the opposite of Barrier. Force represents the power of energy to include infinite amounts of information and expand the Pattern of all things endlessly. It represents the power to energize infinite information potential and give it concrete expression. Force is the magical power of the subjective, of the eternal and infinite, expanding the finite into the boundless.
There is no limit to what Force can do. However, Force can be use for good or for ill. Because Force is in the corner of the Magic face closest to the Wrong face, it is more often used for evil, its expression is more likely to be bad than good. There is evil in the world because evil is the probable result of experimentation with the Ideal Pattern.
Yet, without experimentation, the Pattern cannot be extended into the world, cannot be energized by the Force. Without the application of Force to the world it cannot have life or progress. Yet, most of the time, the application of force will bring destruction and misfortune.
The solution is to avoid attaching to these probable results. The Force from within is desire. If desire is allowed to rule us, it will pull us to destruction, it will attach us to the entropy, the waste that fills the world.
G is for General:
General is the opposite of Qualify. General is in the angle of the Yoke face closest to the Total pole where the Joining and Background poles bridge to the Group and Change poles. General is the pole that unites all things that ever were and ever will be. In Hegelian dialectic, General is the Synthesis stage of the Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis sequence.
The ancient religions and philosophies hoped for some kind of catholic General that would subject all beings to a kind of supercosmic imperialism. The truth is, however, that the true General pole transcends any one human conception of it and is not only that state described in Christian and Jewish Scripture, but that described in Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Shinto, Confucian, Taoist, and Humanist writings as well. In other words, the true General is greater than any single interpretation.
The General plays the role of the Three Spinners in the Greek myth of the Fates. However the General can only spin the threads given it by each participating soul monad. Hence, the General is an intermediary, not a primary element in the scheme of things.
The General is part of what Jung called the collective unconscious. It is the place where the union of different soul lines comes together and starts binding and attaching one soul’s dreams to another so that the Ego poles of billions of moments of being are bound as one.
H is for Hold:
Hold is the opposite of Revolution. It is the angle of the Order face of the Pattern octahedron where the Purpose and Homogenous poles bridge Total and Group to Law.
Other words for Hold are temperance, restraint, restriction, regulation, police, moderation, balance, government, and discipline. In an ideal situation Hold itself is restrained and only used in moderation.
Hold is associated at the Law pole with such notions as reason and justice, it is also associated with biological controls and systems that maintain homeostasis. Much of evolution is nothing more than the emergence of genetic codes for chemical and biological systems with the power to manifest the Hold pole.
For a good example, the skeleton serves to hold the muscles of the body, and some muscles function as holds, or restraints, to other muscles. The principle behind Hold is the ability to stop. Things that cannot be stopped have no monitor, have no restraint.
Restraints and monitors exist at many levels, unseen as well as seen. At an astrological level, a higher cosmic order governs the attachments of soul monads to bodies. Some souls are restrained from attaching to bodies that do not fit their inner dream patterns.
The mechanisms that control this Hold on reincarnation operate at a higher level of organization that transcends the evolving systems of this universe.
I is for Invention:
Invention is the opposite of Copy. Invention is in the angle of the Magic face of the Pattern octahedron next to the Ego pole where the Variation and Ultimate poles bridge to Change and Total. Invention is the beginning of all things. The singular interpretations made by an infinity of infinitesimal eternal soul monads are the start of everything. The collective product of this eternal infinity of creative soul inventions is God as Brahman or Nirvana.
From the threads of the infinity of singular infinitesimal existentially inexistent eternal souls, souls in rocks and photons of light as well as animals and humans, comes the cloth of all being. The threads of the cloth of all being issue out of the Invention pole of the Magic face in its aspect as Brahma, the creator. They are gathered on the loom of all being and woven together at the Zero pole in its aspect as Vishnu. Finally the cloth is recycled at the Force pole in its aspect as Shiva, the destroyer.
In metaphysics this Invention pole is known as the Creative Spirit. It is the imaginative aspect of the subjective polarity that operates as the hidden source of the objective world of realities. The Inventive pole seeks new aspects of the alternative world possibilities that result from the extension of the Ideal Pattern from the known into the unknown, from the real to the magical.
Even though it is infinitesimal, the subjective monad endlessly reinterprets all being and reinvents it.
J is for Jewel:
Jewel is the polar opposite of Wreak. Jewel is in the angle of the Ideal face next to Law formed by the Keep and Purpose bridges to Ego and Total. Jewel is also principle and preciousness, it is refinement and righteousness. Jewel is virtue in its Law aspect of immutable innocence and purity.
Jewel is the Pattern in its formal purity, before its expansion into the magical infinity of the unknowable.
Jewel is the seed that generates Plato’s Form of the Good. Jewel is mathematics and information in their higher, more theoretical, more refined, more ideal aspect.
It is Jewel that Essence uses to create the boundless one. Jewel is also the logos as the primitive source of all the persons of God: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. In the Neoplatonic trinity, Essence is Pneuma, Jewel is Nous, and Value is Hen (Highest One). Value is the expansion of Jewel into the infinite and Essence is its penetration into the infinitesimal, into the ultimate Ego threads that invent existence out of their inexistent nothingness.
Wreak is the opposite of Jewel. It is the accidents that wear down principle, the experiences that rape and waste innocence. Wreak is entropy at work in the machinery of perfection. Wreak is evil at work in the soul. To live we must expose Jewel to Wreak. To live well we must save as much of Jewel as we can.
K is for Knob:
Knob is the opposite of Value. Knob is in the angle of the Wrong face where the Zoology and Run bridges connect Group and Change to Quantum. Knob is the surface of things just as Value is their depth, their meaning. Knob is the laws of thermodynamics in action at the level of quantum mechanics.
The laws of thermodynamics describe a process in which energy is always moving toward dispersal, toward entropy. Associated with this process is the change of the improbable toward the probable and thus the decay of order toward chaos. However, the movement of energy toward entropy drives the emergence of energy dispersing structures.
Natural selection among the codes controlling these structures generates Darwinian evolution. As part of this all finite things decay and die. However, the realm of Value is not a realm of the finite, but of the infinite. It is the infinite that winds of the spring that decays in the thermodynamics of the finite.
The realm of Essence is also not a realm of the finite, but of the infinitesimal and the negative number and imaginary number root of the finite and the positive. This realm also avoids decay to the extent that its infinitesimals are conserved endlessly in the infinite.
When the infinitesimal attaches to the finite, it can be overwhelmed by the death and decay at the Knob pole.
L is for Logic:
Logic is the polar opposite of Madness. It is next to the Law pole in the angle of the Analysis face formed by the Keep and Shape bridges from Ego and Quantum. The Logic pole grades into accuracy, reason, purity, etc.. Along with Special and Qualify, it forms the Spirit, Law, and Body trinity of metaphysics.
This trinity represents the individual mind merging into the collective unconscious as the logos, or logical reason, into the subjective as Creative Spirit and into the objective as physical form. Logic is the Pattern in the aspect of the rational principle operating in an individual mind. The individual mind is the separating out resulting from the attachment of an Essence Ego thread of eternal reinterpretation of the divine paradigm to particular combinations of atoms and chemicals in physical events and structures.
Every physical thing has its separate logic aspect and its mixing and combining, or passion aspect. Logic and Madness enter
into everything. Mind and passion are but the interior of form and motion. Logic separates and awakens us, while passion and madness attach us and bind us from within.
Through Logic, the personal becomes impersonal and through Madness and passion, the impersonal becomes personal. Logic detaches us and Madness attaches us.