The Prefect position in the school is of great importance and is highly valued by colleges and universities. Not only do the younger pupils in the school look to Prefects as role models and students who are there to help and support them in m any aspects of their school life, parents and visitors to the school do too.
Prefects will, therefore, be students who are a positive role model to all members of the school com m unity and who actively promote the Catholic life of the school. They will help build up a team spirit within Year 11, encouraging them also to contribute to the life of the school and become involved.
As such they are expected to:
1.Lead by example
2.Meet high standards of politeness, courtesy, dress, attendance and punctuality
3.Represent the school at important events throughout the year e.g. Open Days and Evenings, New Intake Day, Parents Evenings, Prize Giving etc
4.Attend School Council Meetings as appropriate – feeding back views of the student body
5.Lead promotional activities for the school, including charity events
6.Carry out regular duties as required:
As s is t staff in supervising the dining hall at break and lunch (including wet break duties)
Greet visitors for daytime meetings in the school
As s is t staff in supervising corridors and classrooms during lunchtimes
Assist the reception staff if required
Monitor and report unacceptable behaviour on school transport
7.Take responsibility for one additional duty examples of which are: Act as a buddy for students who have as ked for help or support
Help run school clubs
Help with s ports days
Help with the music/singing at weekly Masses
Help with the reading support offered to younger pupils
Work with a Head of Department in the following areas: organising and creating resources, - coordinating displays, running department clubs, running inter -house events, general duties be attached to a KS3 Tutor Group
Help to organise the Y11 prom /Leaver’s Books /Leaver’s Day
The role of the Senior Prefect will also involve:
1.Meeting with the relevant SLG member as required
2.Meeting with the Sixth Form Committee as required
3.Organising Prefect meetings
4.Monitoring duties
5.Evaluating the impact of additional duties
6.Attending Governing Body meetings
7.Attending School Council Meetings as appropriate – feeding back the views of the student body
Person Specification:
Educational Qualifications:
Cons is tent levels of attainment across subjects
A role model with regard to effort and commitment
Have a good knowledge of the school
A commitment to promoting the Catholic life of the school
Relevant Work/Other Experience & involvement in Extra-curricular activities:
It would be an advantage if candidates could demonstrate participation in employment, school, community, sports clubs/and any other positions of responsibility in and out of school
Particular skills/responsibilities:
Good organisational s kills
Good communication s kills
Good interpersonal s kills
Ability to take initiative
Personal Qualities:
Positive caring approach and a commitment to young people
Enthusiastic, supportive and relates well to others.
Excellent attendance and punctuality
Sm art appearance
The selection process:
Criteria for consideration as a Prefect is an attendance rate of 93% or above (unless there is a valid medical reason for a lower attendance rate which can be proven by medical evidence e.g operation etc. It will be the candidate’s responsibility to provide this evidence on application) & total behaviour points of 20 or fewer.
Students with an attendance rate of less than 93% may make an application to be a Prefect if they can demonstrate an improving attendance rate and commitment to achieving 93% and beyond either in Y10 but certainly in Y11. In addition, candidates must be able to demonstrate an outstanding commitment to school life in Year 10 which would need to be backed up by evidence and a statement to this effect from the Head of Year 10. Students with an attendance rate of less than 93% will also be interviewed before a decision is made.
Heads of Year, subject staff and Form Tutors will nominate those students who they feel are suitable candidates to become Prefects. Areas for consideration will be attitude and behaviour, effort, work ethic, contribution to school life, uniform , attendance, punctuality.
All Year 10 students will be invited to apply for the position of Prefect by completing and submitting a Prefect Application Formstating:
Why they want to be a Prefect and how they will balance the role with the demands of their GCSE studies and other extra-curricular responsibilities.
At least three personal qualities they have, with examples that will help them carry out the role of prefect.
Details of any positions (with dates) of responsibility they have held and/or extra-curricular activities they are/have been involved in (with dates) at Hagley and how these have prepared them for the role of Prefect.
Details of any positions (with dates) of responsibility they have held and extra-curricular activities they are/have been involved in (with dates) out of school and how these have prepared them for the role of Prefect.
In addition to the successful completion of the Prefect Application Form, Prefect appointments will be based on tutor and subject staff recommendation, reports, attitude, effort, work ethic, contribution to school life, uniform , attendance, punctuality and behaviour. In cases where the suitability of the candidate is in question, the student may be required to attend an interview.
Once the Prefect selection process has been completed, students from the new cohort of Prefects will be invited to apply for posts as Senior Prefects. This information will be made available separately.
Outline below why you want to be a Prefect and how will you balance this role with the demands of your GCSE studies and other extra-curricular responsibilities?
Outline, with examples, at least three of your personal qualities which will help you carry out the role of Prefect?
Give details of any positions (with dates) of responsibility you have held and extra-curricular activities you are/have been involved in (with dates) at Hagley and how these have prepared you for the role of Prefect.
Give details of any positions (with dates) of responsibility you have held and/or extra-curricular activities you are/have been involved in (with dates) out of school and how these have prepared you for the role of Prefect.
In addition to the regular duties you will be required to carry out, please tick below at least one of the additional duties you would be interested in being involved in:- Help with music/singing/reading at weekly Masseso Help run school clubs
- Help with Sports Days and other sporting eventso Act as a buddy for students who have asked for help or supportoHelp with the reading support offered to younger pupils
- Work with a Head of Department in the following areas: organising and creating resources, coordinating displays, running department clubs, running inter-house events
- Be attached to a KS3 Tutor Groupo Help to organise the Year 11 Prom/Leaver’s day/Leaver’s Mass
Student Signature: / _
Parent Signature: / _
Date: / _
All applications for the position of Prefect must be posted in the designated box in the foyer by the end of the school day on Wednesday 26th April 2017.Electronic applications, available from the school website, are acceptable and must be e mailed to by the end of the day on Wednesday 26th April 2017. Applications received after this date will not be considered.