4th March 2008 - 10:00hours
WFP Eldoret Office, Elgon View Estate
Meeting Minutes
1. Paul D. Ouma – IOM
2. Alessandro Aliffi - IMC
3. Thorsteen Kiilerich - UNICEF
4. Gilbert Namwonja - CRS
5. Ruth Kitonga - UNHCR
6. Sune Kent – WFP
OCHA, Mercy Corps, ADRA Kenya, Oxfam, WHO, World Vision and KRC
· Introduction and welcome by Sune Kent, Logistics Officer, WFP Eldoret.
· It was agreed amongst the Logistics Cluster members to continue having the future meetings at 10.00 since many people are delayed due to the meeting at the DC’s office.
Activity and Pipeline Update by Organisation:
· CRS reported that they still have approx 100 rolls of plastic sheeting in the WFP warehouse, which will be used for the construction of bathrooms and latrines in Timboroa and Burnt Forest.
· CRS has furthermore released toilet slabs to MSF and water tanks have been despatched to the new site in Burnt Forest.
· CRS has requested more NFIs, but these will probably only arrive in two weeks time. For these items, CRS foresees to need assistance for transport and warehousing.
· Main focus for IOM has moved to Turbo and Noigam
· IOM has been distributing more than 3,500 polls in the last week, and needed WFP assistance for some of the transport.
· UNICEF is emptying out all NFIs currently in stock.
· UNICEF is expecting to receive 20,000 jerry cans, 20,000 buckets and 300 school desks.
· UNICEF raised the issue of payment for IDPs. It seems like there is a various policies and practices related to this matter. WFP doesn’t pay the IDPs off-loading food from the trucks in the camps. Other agencies (KRC, IOM, IMC) have used IDPs and paid them as casual labour.
· UNHCR received 1,200 light weight family tents in Eldoret, which are being stored with WFP. Additional 1,800 tents will be distributed in other areas.
· The tents will only be delivered to camps, where proper site planning has taken place.
· UNHCR has currently also 767 family kits and 6,554 sanitary packs in stock
International Medical Corps (IMC):
· IMC is not facilitating any distribution as such, but has set up mobile medical clinics in Kitale and Eldoret.
World Food Programme
· Food stocks are sufficient and pipeline is healthy.
Logistics Constraints/gaps:
Security / Police Escorts / Road Blocks:
· No major constraints or incidents affecting the operation were reported this week.
· Some security incidents were reported in Noigam, but these are rather related to the Mount Elgon issue that to the Post Election Crisis.
· The following webpage shows security incidents related to the post-election violence: http://www.ushahidi.com/index.asp
· Both UNICEF and UNHCR indicated that they would store all their incoming NFIs in the WFP’s warehouse.
· WFP confirmed that free storage is secured and funded up to beginning of May.
· WFP asked eventual users to provide release orders in order for WFP to plan transport and tracking of outgoing items. Release orders should be given at least a day in advance.
· UNICEF confirmed that they have contracted a 2 ½ tonner pick-up through DHL, which can carry out smaller despatches to locations near by.
· UNICEF reported that they still face some constraints in getting transported their supplies out of the KRC warehouse. IOM faced similar problems with to slow transportation from KRC.
· IOM doesn’t have a transport budget as such, while CRS has some funds available.
· WFP re-iterated that they are providing free transport support to all humanitarian actors upon request.
· General observations show that fuel prices are going up in Eldoret. An increase of up to 5 KSH per litre in 2 weeks has been noted.
· Prices in Eldoret varies with up to 5 KSH and it is furthermore noted that prices are higher in Eldoret town are higher than in other towns.
· It was asked whether a map including all camps/sites in North Rift Valley could be produced. It was unclear whether UNHCR already is creating such a map. Action: UNHCR to follow up.
· This web address contains maps using satellite imagery for the humanitarian community: http://unosat.web.cern.ch/unosat/asp/prod_free.asp?id=42
Update from OCHA:
· OCHA was not present in the meeting.
Wet season preparation:
· The wet season is expected to start mid-March and last until May with the peak in early April.
· There doesn’t seem to be any major logistical constraints in serving the current camps/sites with a few exceptions in Nandi Hills.
· KRC was asked to share list of potential camps/sites which would be inaccessible during the rai
Logistics Cluster Website
All cluster members please note the ‘new’ web address – www.logcluster.org/kenya
Next Meeting: Tuesday 11th March at 1000 hrs
Location: WFP Office at Mt Elgon View, Eldoret
Contact: Sune Kent --- Tel: 0735 702 169 – Email: